The Creator (2023)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I enjoyed it but was a bit too long and predictable. Visuals were great.
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Trakanon Raider
I was definitely underwhelmed - the movie starts off strong in terms of initial setting and effects, but falls apart more and more the further along it goes.

First its realizing that it's just androids - I get the budget limitations, but this isn't a non-human civilization like The Matrix hints at, it's just future brown people, acted by humans with green or blue screen wraps to be rotoscoped out later, all of whom live out standard human lives.

Second the movie frankly does nothing to establish why we should be rooting for the robots, given that the robots grenade a civilian (robot, but still one of their civilians) to get access to the apartment with the kid and immediately open up on a van full of human civilians at the checkpoint. We have no reason to believe their torture murder of Alison Janney's kid isn't legitimate either.

Third, the motivations of the Americans don't make sense - at some point, they suddenly don't care about the Creator, since if they get 'the child', they will know where the robots are to wipe them out? But I thought New Asia covered the entire Pacific Rim, including the fucking huge city in Thailand (?) with the robot factory? They don't have radar or maps in the future to know where they're at?

Fourth, the movie completely falls apart in the climax. Apparently all it took for the robots to win the war was have one single android make it past security at LAX to catch a regularly scheduled flight to The Disassemble Star since one grenade will blow up the entire base. Who knew. (Also one satchel charge on the outside of an apartment building sized tank will take those down too.)

I'd say it's worth a watch _once_ to admire what they were able to pull off with their budget, but nothing else holds up past the slightest of investigation.


Being Poor Sucks.
Just watched this with some buddies last night.

We couldn't even figure out what was going on.

Every 5 mins it was like.. ok so where are they now?

The whole space station scene.. you have 10 minutes. 10 MOVIE minutes. Little robot girl just casually strolling through sections of the station no locked doors no inconvenience of any kind. Dude doing a space walk and coming back in then going to some kind of escape pod with and getting ejected while the little girl goes back to her mom body / bio chip and then suddenly she's on Earth and he's dead? Um okay.

We graded this movie an F. What was the main plot of this movie. I honestly couldn't even tell you really.

It was so terrible.
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Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I enjoyed it but was a bit too long and predictable. Visuals were great.
Particularly since the budget was 80M. Shows you don't need a 300M Disney budget to make a visually appealing sci Fi flick.
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Log Wizard
Movie was alright. Some of the scenes looked pretty badass and had a cool feeling to it (big explosions, Murica Mammoth Tanks). Story was whatever, main character was too soft, I guess? I wouldn't say it was bad by any means. I'd say, 7/10 maybe? After reading reviews here I thought it would be worse than it was.
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Avatar of War Slayer
also i hate that scifi movies in general make robots have really shitty aim
Yep. Robots don't miss, except possibly against robots dodging them. Again why The Expanse destroys most other sci-fi.

Anyway this pretty average with a decent budget. Could have been something because the premise is good. But just kinda watchable.