The Crew


FPS noob
been playing The Crew 2 on xbox one for two days, got the gold edition for $55 on a amazon glitch last year and kept the pre order.

wouldn't really recommend anyone pay money for it. it feels very unfinished and unpolished.

driving is better than crew 1, still not nearly as good as forza or gran turismo though.
visuals are pretty good, some cool stuff in LA, Miami, Vegas, Utah, etc while driving around.
the main campaign is pretty short, i'm about a quarter in after a few hours and people say you can be pretty much done with all the main stuff after 20 hours
they added boats and airplanes and you can seamlessly switch, which is fun/cool like you can be flying in an airplane and instantly switch to a boat and plummet from the sky and switch to a car while in the air and land and drive off. it all works towards combos which gives you XP

so much unfinished. There is NO pvp in the game, you can coop with friends but no multiplayer online racing. da fuq? Its promised it in a future patch.
"season pass" is a joke. it gives you 12 extra cars and 1 week early access to some car packs in the future. thats cool they won't split the player base, but it really makes me wonder why would anyone pay $40 for it?
AI sucks. cars pretty much rubberband behind you for the entire race, don't fuck up the last 10% or you will lose is basically the game every race
so bland
menus suck
cars cost insane in game money, they are modeled after real $ i think so a bugatti is like 1.2m and you earn maybe 5k in a race. its not the worst but it clearly is designed to get you to pay real $$ for cars
there is some real bad cringe level product placement, like a "Papa Johns" street race

It feels very much like a Destiny 2 kinda thing where they stripped out a lot of stuff from the first game, have lots of stuff unfinished, and i get bored after 90 mins and wanna go do something else.

i'm gonna trade mine into gamestop for $35-45 next week so a fairly cheap rental and i "keep" the (now i find out) useless season pass, but its gonna be better just to check the game out in 6-9 months when they finish it. At least Ubisoft is good about continuing to grind on their game.

I hope Forza Horizon 4 isn't changing too much, I love FH3


Lord Nagafen Raider
Crew 2 is free to play starting tomorrow through the weekend plus on sale, going to see if the game is up to snuff yet or if it's another wait till it's $20 again.