The D&D thread


Trakanon Raider
Hope you guys enjoy this. First two pictures are of a DM screen I am making right now and the second one with extra is a finished one that I made a few months ago. Be gentle as I have never done any wood working before this. It was a lot of fun to learn though. I also made a two way toggle dice tower, dice trays, dice box, and initiation tracker + magnets on the screen to put either a small white board or paper clips for paper.

Are you taking orders?


A nice asshole.
Onoes Onoes I use three monitors with FG, they have a user mod that will fix the issue you are experiencing when putting the map on the TV. Currently no LoS stuff but you can manually control the fog of war.


Trakanon Raider
Hatorade Hatorade Do you happen to know where you got that user mod? When I look for it I find plenty of posts about how the only way to get FG on multiple monitors is to stretch it, which doesn't work if they aren't all the same resolution, or about how to get a grid to equal 1 inch through a mod for a tv. But every thread I read that involves FG on a tv is through a second computer hooked to the tv operating as a player client.

I'll keep looking, but if you have any info on what its called or anything, that would be great.

On a side note... I did notice that has a section called "Fantasy Grounds" full of zip files for all of the core content... I'm guessing if I purchased Fantasy grounds I could import all of that and basically have a complete collection from the get go? (Sure would love it if the Unity client ever came to fruition with this god damned software, that's just a side note.)


Molten Core Raider
Thanks for the kind words. I wish I could make orders! But I am about to leave on a rotation out of state for three months and who knows from there sadly. Onoes Onoes - nope, I wish I had one it would have been so much better, it's just laser printer ink heat transfer to the wood.


A nice asshole.
Hatorade Hatorade Do you happen to know where you got that user mod? When I look for it I find plenty of posts about how the only way to get FG on multiple monitors is to stretch it, which doesn't work if they aren't all the same resolution, or about how to get a grid to equal 1 inch through a mod for a tv. But every thread I read that involves FG on a tv is through a second computer hooked to the tv operating as a player client.

I'll keep looking, but if you have any info on what its called or anything, that would be great.

On a side note... I did notice that has a section called "Fantasy Grounds" full of zip files for all of the core content... I'm guessing if I purchased Fantasy grounds I could import all of that and basically have a complete collection from the get go? (Sure would love it if the Unity client ever came to fruition with this god damned software, that's just a side note.)

No I think you found it, never messed with it myself. Map resize to TV resolution - for Face-To-Face games

Not sure about the zip files but looks right, I bought all that stuff already and it geta very expensive.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
No I think you found it, never messed with it myself. Map resize to TV resolution - for Face-To-Face games

Not sure about the zip files but looks right, I bought all that stuff already and it geta very expensive.

Yeah they used to host PDFs of all the WotC manuals there. Having the FG zips is just as "piratey," yet hits a smaller company that needs all the revenue it can get, and I've never batted an eyelash at supporting them through buying their stuff over the manuals from WotC. I never had a moral issue with downloading PDFs of all the manuals I already owned through FG, because I was simply doing it to have it in a more easily readable format. I gained no content.

Not sure what my point was, if I had one at all. I'm bored at work.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah Hatorade Hatorade , I did look at that, but it seems to require a second PC hooked to the TV if I'm reading this correctly "The GM should share the map to the player instance that is connected to the TV and then on the player (TV) instance the controlling user (probably the GM if the player instance is connected by localhost)". Everything I've looked up seems to be that you can't run a GM and Player instance simultaneously on the same PC, as they both use the same install directory and share DLL's, so running them together just ends up with everything crashing or files becoming corrupt.

As far as pirating from FG, I WANT them to release the Unity client they have been working on for years and years and years, and I will gladly throw a few hundred dollars at them when they do. That being said, no, I'm not investing hundreds into the companies product that probably should have been retired a few years ago, and that is pretty comparable to existing free options. I do think the only reason they have managed to remain profitable is that there really isn't anything hands down better at this point.

So, I'm looking at it like "I'll throw them $50 to use their old product for the simple fact that I can hack in current content now, and when they release the new version, I will purchase everything. The alternative being that they get no money and I use something else."


Trakanon Raider
Yeahs, that would be the way I'm using it. I'm going to watch a few video's, and then maybe pick it up and try it out this weekend. Thanks for the input!


Trakanon Raider
Ohh Jesus... I just found this Kickstarter with 5 days on it that would be near perfect for what I'd like the players to see. I just full screened the youtube "Living Battlemap" on my 70' game tv and it's god damned glorious. Check this shit out. The guy has a tutorial video on making the video maps as well, seems simple enough....

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Vyemm Raider
So I know this isn't the place for this. But you guys would be the ones to ask. I'm gunna finish my basement and there are a few things I'd like for my little corner.

So I was wondering if any of you guys have d&d art prints and where you got them? I was thinking of getting one of the 1983 dungeon master guide by Jeff Easley


Blackwing Lair Raider
So I know this isn't the place for this. But you guys would be the ones to ask. I'm gunna finish my basement and there are a few things I'd like for my little corner.

So I was wondering if any of you guys have d&d art prints and where you got them? I was thinking of getting one of the 1983 dungeon master guide by Jeff Easley

I don't know where to find it, but that would be a great print. I'd personally either go with that one, the 1st ed. Players or the art on the original DM screen:


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Vyemm Raider
I've actually got a print of the players handbook cover too, but it's the new art they redid a few years back.

The 83 dm guide I would love to get in somthing like a 24x36 and have it on the wall behind me at the head of the table while I dm. And then I'd flank it by the 30 or so metal albums I have from the 70s 80s and 90s I framed.

I was also thinking of maybe The Magister by Jeff Easley also. I have the original of that as the cover to my dnd binder I use.
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Trakanon Raider
Holy shit it makes such a difference finally settling into a group that WANTS to play every week and is engaged. We're just getting into chapter 3 of Storm Kings Thunder, and without spoilers it basically throws them out into the world with no direct guidance for the first time. Two of the three characters were "sheltered" in their backstory, and two were pretty reclusive. It's basically become the four of them awestruck by everything they see, because they'd previously never left their homelands. It's a bit nerve wracking for me but the sense of excitement is great.


Doer of Things
I've been DM-ing a Horde of the Dragon Queen campaign in Fantasty Grounds for going on a year and a half at this point, mixed in some home brew stuff to make things a bit more "epic" in nature. The end is finally in sight though...
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