The E-cig Thread


Tranny Chaser
Title changed, now get the fuck out.
I bring valid points and ask questions. You're the one flat out claiming this is wrong and keep crapping about it. Last time I checked this was a forum, not a blog. Send me a pm about specific post I'd be happy to take it from there. For now, this thread is in product reviews and the title is Thread: "E-cigarettes, vaping your way to quitting...".

Now, on topic, let's hear some more stories. Please? How much more on topic can one be than this?


<Prior Amod>
Izo isn't shit posting and he's attempting to stay on topic. I know people aren't a fan of him in here but until (if he even does) he starts causing problems, he's free to engage you all with questions. He's not causing problems with you at the moment so please don't try to do so with him.


<Gold Donor>
I did and I quit smoking. Feel tons better too. I can now have sex with the wife and not wheeze, cough, an lose my breath. I can play basketball with the kids for hours now. And while I have not yet quit e-cigs, Im doing it less and less, probably 2-3 times a day. When I was smoking it would be 3/4 to a full pack a day so that's 15 to 20 times a day (when drinking it would be 2 packs). All in all its like the greatest thing. So even if this shit is not as safe as fully quitting, its still miles ahead of smoking the real thing. Shit, I don't even miss them and I have not missed them since like week 2 of the e-cig. Last time when I quit cold turkey, a year later I would still have thoughts of having a smoke.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Can someone change the thread title so Izo has no reason to keep spamming his sanctimonious bs?

Anyway a few months on and I'm a huge fan. None of the bad smell/taste, the convenience is awesome, I feel much healthier and can breath much easier, even with how minimal my smoking was beforehand. It's cheap as balls too, I've bought 5 different 15ml tubes of liquid for $5 each and used up less than 2 of them. Flip side is that my overall nicotine intake has definitely increased, but without the bad smell/cost/(probably not most of) the health effects, I don't see that as much as a problem. A clear win, and I'm recommending them to all the smokers I know, though I've yet to convince anyone.

Only major complaint is the atomizers in my eCab. Didn't realize they'd need maintenance so quickly, my first one started smelling like burnt plastic one day, tried cleaning it but it's fucked and doesn't even work now. Second I managed to clean in time, but it still gives off bad smells occasionally and I'm having a hard time finding a site which sells the right ones.


Got something right about marriage
I need to read the rest of this thread and see what you guys recommend. I tried a blu original and it tasted (and felt) like I was inhaling coffee flavored dust straight into my lungs. It was strange and not at all enjoyable. I need that burn!


Tranny Chaser
Can someone change the thread title so Izo has no reason to keep spamming his sanctimonious bs?

Anyway a few months on and I'm a huge fan. None of the bad smell/taste, the convenience is awesome, I feel much healthier and can breath much easier, even with how minimal my smoking was beforehand. It's cheap as balls too, I've bought 5 different 15ml tubes of liquid for $5 each and used up less than 2 of them. Flip side is that my overall nicotine intake has definitely increased, but without the bad smell/cost/(probably not most of) the health effects, I don't see that as much as a problem. A clear win, and I'm recommending them to all the smokers I know, though I've yet to convince anyone.

Only major complaint is the atomizers in my eCab. Didn't realize they'd need maintenance so quickly, my first one started smelling like burnt plastic one day, tried cleaning it but it's fucked and doesn't even work now. Second I managed to clean in time, but it still gives off bad smells occasionally and I'm having a hard time finding a site which sells the right ones.
Interesting. How much would you say your nicotine uptake has increased? What is the concentration of the 15 ml tubs? What dosage do you think keeps you a non-smoker? Can you vape non-nicotine fluids and not feel the withdrawal symptoms for periods?
Besides all the obvious beneficial effects of not smoking, good for you btw, have you noticed an increase in tremor, mood swings, tinnitus or similar indication of nerve poisoning?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Can someone change the thread title so Izo has no reason to keep spamming his sanctimonious bs?

Anyway a few months on and I'm a huge fan. None of the bad smell/taste, the convenience is awesome, I feel much healthier and can breath much easier, even with how minimal my smoking was beforehand. It's cheap as balls too, I've bought 5 different 15ml tubes of liquid for $5 each and used up less than 2 of them. Flip side is that my overall nicotine intake has definitely increased, but without the bad smell/cost/(probably not most of) the health effects, I don't see that as much as a problem. A clear win, and I'm recommending them to all the smokers I know, though I've yet to convince anyone.

Only major complaint is the atomizers in my eCab. Didn't realize they'd need maintenance so quickly, my first one started smelling like burnt plastic one day, tried cleaning it but it's fucked and doesn't even work now. Second I managed to clean in time, but it still gives off bad smells occasionally and I'm having a hard time finding a site which sells the right ones.
Replace your crappy ecab with an iclear30. Trust me. Do it. And if you got the extra cash upgrade that ego bat with a provari.


I prefer Bottom Coil devices cause wicking is a non issue but its a trade off for a cooler vape. Iclear are much like Phoenix style and are top coil which means the coils being on top gives a nice warm vape. Wicking can be an issue when fluid in the tank gets low and you will start to get whats called dry hits which are not tasty.

Here are the Bottom Coil style tanks :

Kanger Protank 2





Which you can see the wicks hang down so the fluid has to travel up to give a proper wicking. The coil is on top which gives a nice warm vape to it.


Most of these you can buy replacement coils when you cant get any more life out them. However I found that if you rinse the coil and wick under some hot water and let dry. You can attach it to your battery and pulse fire it and it will self clean the coils. You will notice the gunk to start to burn away and you can get more life out of them as well. Its just a matter of preference of course and there are a ton of other options out there as well. You can get into as far as rebuildable atomizers which you can make your own coil and wick out of countless of materials out there.


<Gold Donor>
Yeah, I have been using the Kanger protank exclusively since I got it a few months back. I love it. Its easy to use, easy to fill and had not one leak yet. Definitely recommend it. Didn't know they had a protank II, Im definitely going to check it out.

Also I got the Kamry K200 mod and I like that as well. Its fully adjustable voltage and watt wise, displays the impedance of the coil if you are into building your own. The kit came with a charger and 2 18650 batteries for $50. Its well made with all aluminum parts.


It definitely beats out the ego twists I had. The battery lasts me for 1-2 days depending how much I vape so I don't have to have spare egos charging all the time. Its said to be the poor mans provari, but honestly, I don't see whats so poor about it.

Here is my original Kanger Protank...


Excuse the shitty S3 picture.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Interesting. How much would you say your nicotine uptake has increased?
Hard to say, it's hard to monitor how much I'm puffing on the ecig during the day, and it varies a lot depending on what I'm doing. But before the swap it was rare that I'd have more than 6 - 8 cigs a day unless I was drinking, so 'more' isn't really saying much.

What is the concentration of the 15 ml tubs?

Can you vape non-nicotine fluids and not feel the withdrawal symptoms for periods?
Never tried, this is so easy and cheap I don't see the point in ordering non-nicotine fluids.

Besides all the obvious beneficial effects of not smoking, good for you btw, have you noticed an increase in tremor, mood swings, tinnitus or similar indication of nerve poisoning?
Can't say I have, no.

Replace your crappy ecab with an iclear30. Trust me. Do it. And if you got the extra cash upgrade that ego bat with a provari.
Cheers, I'll look into it.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
People using the nicotine e-cigarettes quit at a slightly better rate compared with those using the patch, though. Some 7.3% using the e-cigarettes abstained from smoking traditional cigarettes compared with the 5.8% who stopped with the patch. About 4.1% stopped with just the placebo e-cigarettes.
I'm kind of bothered by this language here. Does someone only count as 'abstaining' if they smoke absolutely no cigarettes at all? The way it's worded makes absolutely no mention of the actual level of tobacco intake, for all we could know they're tossing the people who smoked a cigarette when out drinking with friends and then went back to the other option in with the people who tried the patch/e-cig, hated it, then went back to a pack a day.

That's the problem with this issue, I'm getting the vibe of a lot of manipulative spin on the science to push agendas. I'd be very skeptical of any study which finds e-cigs dangerous or ineffective until it can be conclusively proven to lack any kind of bias or influence from the tobacco or pharmaceutical industries. You'd have to be extremely naive to think they'd take the rise of such a strong competition lying down.

On another note, has anyone here found that they get dehydrated much faster while vaping with e-cigs? I've been paying careful attention and it definitely seems to be the vaping, not a coincidence, but I can't figure out what would be causing it? Google seems to suggest I'm not the only one.


On another note, has anyone here found that they get dehydrated much faster while vaping with e-cigs? I've been paying careful attention and it definitely seems to be the vaping, not a coincidence, but I can't figure out what would be causing it? Google seems to suggest I'm not the only one.
PG & VG both draw water from your body to the surface (i.e. mouth, tongue etc) as you inhale and push it out when you exhale (water vapor), so as you vape, you're technically losing water, thus you need to stay hydrated.

PG seems to have a drier hit, while VG has a more humid feeling in the throat. if you're using just PG e liquid try a 50/50 mix, or 100% VG.


Golden Squire
After 18 years, finally Cig/Dip free and have been for over 5 months. Had a close friend of mine turn me onto E-Cigs and haven't looked back once.

I stalk this forums more often than not and wanted to post up and offer my advice on anything from batteries, juices, vendors, mods or even setting things up / getting started.

Pm me or toss and post up !


Grats on kicking this traditional cig habbit !