The Elder Scrolls Online


Bearded Ape
<Silver Donator>
Just ask yourself this: Is it fair to judge a game completely based off of an hour or two of play during a stress test.
Fair or not, people ARE going to judge that game based on this. Not everyone, probably not even the majority (since you tend to get hardcore gamers and pure fans at that stage) but quite a lot.

Me? I've judged the game BEFORE playing, and passing over it. No big deal.


It's funny because he asks people that didn't enjoy the game after playing for a few hours to give it some more time but he is more then happy to accept the opinions of people who also only played it for a few hours and liked it.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's funny because he asks people that didn't enjoy the game after playing for a few hours to give it some more time but he is more then happy to accept the opinions of people who also only played it for a few hours and liked it.
Haha yes.


<Silver Donator>
I checked out the stress test. I was shocked at how smooth it ran. My crappy 6970m ran it smooth at ultra settings at 2560x1440. I've never liked the cursor stuck in the middle of the screen style, tho.


It's funny because he asks people that didn't enjoy the game after playing for a few hours to give it some more time but he is more then happy to accept the opinions of people who also only played it for a few hours and liked it.
Do I really need to explain this to you? I argue about this stuff cause it's my hobby. I'm interested in it. From what I've seen, I'm going to be playing this game, so, of course, I want it to do well. If I can convince a few lurkers to listen to my point of view over yours and Utnayan's then I'm going to try. Clearly, you aren't interested in playing this game, and I don't think I'll convince you otherwise. Likewise someone who has decided after 30 minutes of playtime that it isn't their cup of tea. Let's face it, a lot of people who post in these forums really just aren't into MMO's anymore, or they're waiting for that magical game that will redefine the whole meaning of MMO. I agree, ESO is not that game. I think it will be fun as hell for quite a long time, though.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
or they're waiting for that magical game that will redefine the whole meaning of MMO. I agree, ESO is not that game.
At least we agree on that much. Problem is, it shouldn't be an mmorpg. It should be a box sale with zero sub. What really sucks? It could have been a hell of a lot better in the right hands with a lot of potential to be that game that could have been different. Instead, we get another swtor in the making with horrible communication from the team, a staple of the game not even shown six months out (rvr) and honestly, Blackwulf I want you to answer this honestly, what the fuck has been done in the last six years. Seriously. What a cluster fuck.


Is combat mostly running up to things and clicking LMB over and over?
Yes, with occasional skill usage for more effectiveness than basic attacks can give you. It's an Elder Scrolls game, for sure.

Edit: Granted, my understanding comes from the stress test so take this with a grain of salt. Like in any MMORPG I'd imagine combat is rather dull until they start throwing piles of skills at you and force you to use them. Not that it was even verydullper se. There's still something satisfying about basic attacks being a bit more than just an autoattack bar, even with a game such as Minecraft.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Is combat mostly running up to things and clicking LMB over and over?
Mostly, there's a few activated abilities on 1-5 + Q/R (I think? Didn't activated the letter ones, but they were visible in UI - thinking one is Racial Ability and other is.... something else) - there's a "stun" with both mouse buttons (I think? It was the tutorial that it worked in and had explanation on how - later I tried to do it and was doing it wrong or it doesn't work in all situations or something....) blocking with RMB like always, etc. etc.


Is combat mostly running up to things and clicking LMB over and over?
If you do that, you'll have a horrible time. You need to block, move, use power attacks. That's all basic - then you get skills for your hotbar from various weapon lines, class lines, guild lines, etc. It's actually quite engaging.


This may have been asked already. How is ranged combat handled? Do you "lock on" to targets or must you actually have your cross hairs on them to score a hit?


This may have been asked already. How is ranged combat handled? Do you "lock on" to targets or must you actually have your cross hairs on them to score a hit?
It's a soft lock, as are most other abilities/attacks. You have to be aiming at the creature but I believe that ranged attacks will hit if they're cast while the enemy is highlighted.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It seemed close to GW2. Some abilities were locks, some were targeted AEs, PBAEs and conal AES.

an accordion_sl

Do I really need to explain this to you? I argue about this stuff cause it's my hobby. I'm interested in it. From what I've seen, I'm going to be playing this game, so, of course, I want it to do well. If I can convince a few lurkers to listen to my point of view over yours and Utnayan's then I'm going to try. Clearly, you aren't interested in playing this game, and I don't think I'll convince you otherwise. Likewise someone who has decided after 30 minutes of playtime that it isn't their cup of tea. Let's face it, a lot of people who post in these forums really just aren't into MMO's anymore, or they're waiting for that magical game that will redefine the whole meaning of MMO. I agree, ESO is not that game. I think it will be fun as hell for quite a long time, though.
Honestly, if a game can't hook a player in the first 30 minutes to an hour, it's probably pretty shitty. Why should players give it more time and more chances?


Trump's Staff
Honestly, if a game can't hook a player in the first 30 minutes to an hour, it's probably pretty shitty. Why should players give it more time and more chances?
I'm not sure an MMO has ever 'hooked' me in 30 minutes... Maybe GW2... And that turned out to be garbage. Even EQ took multiple play sessions for me to care. The only reason WoW 'hooked' me is because I was already familiar with the MMO raid meta and I knew I wanted to be bleeding edge right from the start.


Honestly, if a game can't hook a player in the first 30 minutes to an hour, it's probably pretty shitty. Why should players give it more time and more chances?
I thought that was the new thing about games. Having to dredge through hours of boring shit to finally get to the fun part. Attaining fun 30 minute into of playing is for hipsters and their 90s games. Fuck you Megaman for starting me on the intro stage without long boring cutscenes, not having to talk with random NPC's that have no bearing to the story, not forcing me to wonder around aimlessly to find that special spot I'm suppose to be standing at to start the next story, and for not making me collect 10 bear asses. I want to collect those bear asses that don't always drop! Assless bears Megaman... assless bears.


Is combat mostly running up to things and clicking LMB over and over?
Could not completely tell you; I played with a bow, and it was very similar to Skyrim - press and hold to fully draw back, press and let go for a quick shot. You did have to aim, but unlike skyrim, it seemed relatively forgiving if you weren't exactly on point.

What I would LIKE to see is almost an amalgam of games - it'll sound weird but a mixture of Kingdoms of Amalur, Skyrim, FFXIV and GW2 would blend together really well, and still keep to the "fully customizable" spirit of TES. The skyrim part would be classless at the beginning, then leveling specific things. KoA would come in with, as you leveled, you would gain access to abilities. Depending upon how you spent those abilities would "class" you. Buy some stealth/dmg abilities, AND some ice magic abilities? Rogue/Mage type class - call whatever you want, Mage/Archer? (Arcane Archer, obvs). The FFXIV aspect would allow you to level up all things, but only "equip" certain things. You can still choose abilities that aren't PRECISELY your aligned spec, (ie, you can use cross class abilities you have already leveled, but only if they share an affinity and make sense - like a dps warrior type might have a threat dump that you could use on the rogue/age) but mostly you would aim for specific things, and you would be able to level everything on one character, then change it up. Go from a healer/heavy plate guy (cleric) to a healer/cloth guy (sage) for specific abilities, etc.

The GW2 part would come from the armor/weapons etc you equipped. You wear plate and a shield + longsword? That plate gives you dmg absorb, shield gives you some amount of crit immunity, longsword gives you parry ability. Plate + Shield + Mace? Same, Same and threat, no parry. Healer aspected? Plate + Shield + Scepter? Cleric.

Same class as above, but chainmail + Greatsword? Chainmail would give movement speed, maybe haste, and greatsword would give things equivalent to great cleave. Rogue/mage type? Dirk + focus crystal gives +poison dmg (From dirk) and force magic (from crystal). Rogue/mage with a dirk and stiletto? + poison from dirk, +parry from stiletto. (So you end up more of a duelist class rogue, who would use mage abilities to say, gain shadows or some crap.)

That might be too much work, but considering how many things you level in ESO anyways, something that you could customize down to the VERY SMALL ASPECTS would be phenomenal. Also I am a fucking whore for leveling shit up endlessly like a jrpg so come at me bro.

And also because I want a fucking plate wear rogue with two daggers like those god damn inkies in Nektulos that used to rape my human enchanter while doing the epic quest. Cleric guild, wtf r u doing.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This may have been asked already. How is ranged combat handled? Do you "lock on" to targets or must you actually have your cross hairs on them to score a hit?
You lock on to targets. Once you lock on you don't need to aim anything.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Could not completely tell you; I played with a bow, and it was very similar to Skyrim - press and hold to fully draw back, press and let go for a quick shot. You did have to aim, but unlike skyrim, it seemed relatively forgiving if you weren't exactly on point.
This is wrong, you don't have to aim once you have your target.