The Elder Scrolls Online


Potato del Grande
Track the IP. There is your evidence. Creepy personal attacks my ass. Last I checked, calling a spade a spade is what this forum was founded on. Lets get back to that before it loses credibility. Capiche?
Damn, Tuco just got fucking told.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So lets get back to talking about blackwulfs game. Considering 35 minutes isn't enough to judge a generic piece of shit, which is pretty much been lauded across the Internet as "I would never pay a sub fee for this", he does have a point in that it is hard to judge a game in 35 minutes of playing it. I completely misjudged the secret world that way. Not that I play it anymore but I loved the haunted houses and haunted amusement park. But yet at the same time, they aren't going to do anything innovative. Blackwulf already said that there is nothing new to bring to the genre in an interview eight months ago. So looking forward to something surprising like tsw would be fairly retarded. Rvr still isn't in. And folks who logged in for three hours were given a good glimpse of the generic uninspired garbage Firor is known for. I heard the word beige a lot. Is that the new brown?


Track the IP. There is your evidence. Creepy personal attacks my ass. Last I checked, calling a spade a spade is what this forum was founded on. Lets get back to that before it loses credibility. Capiche?
the forum was founded on personal attacking others to dismiss valid points of discussion? even if blackwulf were Matt Firor, what difference would that actually make? at the end of the day, you're just trying to pass off personal attacks as valid counterarguments.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
the forum was founded on personal attacking others to dismiss valid points of discussion? even if blackwulf were Matt Firor, what difference would that actually make? at the end of the day, you're just trying to pass off personal attacks as valid counterarguments.
Not really. Personal attacks would be saying Blackwulf is a horrible person. He isn't a bad guy from a human point of view. He is a terrible director who is horrible for the genre we play in. He lacks business ethics, drives top down development to a level in par with Rich Vogel, and he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to doing anything but watching others and selling it. The pseudo viral posting is ridiculous though. As we all have seen. At least we knew Curt Schilling was posting as Curt Schilling when he was properly fucking his employees and rhode island up the ass while selling a bill of goods on these very forums. Later to say his game wasn't even fun after all the dust settled. Oh, the joy of watching the Internet tears roll.

Meanwhile, ff14 players had more fun fighting 1017 errors than playing this pile of trash. (Those are fixed. Duty finder still sucks though) but I will say this much... People were at least able to log in to see how terrible and generically boring this game was. And those that played for the entire three hours, like vaclav, I can at least see their viewpoint of a purchase because they will play it for what it is. And that's basically a standby single player game with chat until black marsh hits the streets. But once they realize they won't be able to do set with it, they will go back less sixty bucks to skyrim and wonder how they were sold the same bill of goods they were sold the last six mmorpg launches.
I managed to play it for a couple hours (barring forced login server tests) and I have to say that I enjoyed what I saw. It feels very much like I would expect an ES game to feel like and looks good as well. I tend to play in 3rd person view and the over the right shoulder thing drove me absolutely nuts - but beyond that it wasn't bad. Do I think it will be worth a subscription? Probably not. They should just figure out what everyone else in the industry is figuring out and start with F2P. Apparently that is where the long term money is anyway if current studies are to be believed.

To Utnayan: All the doom and gloom you have been spouting about how horrible this thing is simply hasn't panned out for a lot of us. Yes, the MMO honeymoon phase is is full swing but given your description of the horror that is ESO even a shiny new MMO wouldn't have been able to please anyone. I'm not entirely sure why you have such a massive bug up your ass about this title and why you think posting random shit people say from SA somehow gives any credence to your view but you can stop any time.

You don't like the title - we ALL get it. You would be better served finding something you do like and spending your time talking that up than trying to convince people to sway their opinion on this title based solely on your word. Your word isn't holding water for a lot of us after playing it ourselves.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I have read one comment saying they would buy it because it could be a fun single player game, and in the same post questioning why they would ever sub for it. About eight comments on the SA forums saying its a generic pile of garbage. A few here and there saying they were impressed with how it ran on their rigs, given it was hero engine and really, al that shows is that Bioware Austin had no clue to how to reengineer the basic building blocks. I wouldn't hold your argument up to a dull candle flame when you say, "a lot of us".

We will all have fun playing wildstar and firewall for three hours as well. It doesn't make the fat chick in the bar any less attractive because she's the only lady within a 16 mile radius in Dubuque Iowa.
I wouldn't hold your argument up to a dull candle flame when you say, "a lot of us".
There were quite a few people on this thread alone posting that they felt it was worth purchasing after trying it. You had to bring in outside SA accounts to combat those as the majority here aren't seeing it the way you do. Go back and count them up if you feel I'm wrong. Also the old adage holds true (thus the reason it is an old adage) - people are more likely to post something bitching than positive. You are living proof of that. Even with that being the case some people are posting positive reviews of their experience in a STRESS TEST. This wasn't even a full beta run - it was to beat on things and see what broke. That alone should indicate that your doomsaying might be a little skewed.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
There were quite a few people on this thread alone posting that they felt it was worth purchasing after trying it. You had to bring in outside SA accounts to combat those as the majority here aren't seeing it the way you do. Go back and count them up if you feel I'm wrong. Also the old adage holds true (thus the reason it is an old adage) - people are more likely to post something bitching than positive. You are living proof of that. Even with that being the case some people are posting positive reviews of their experience in a STRESS TEST. This wasn't even a full beta run - it was to beat on things and see what broke. That alone should indicate that your doomsaying might be a little skewed.
I went back four pages and saw two positive posts from vaclav and lady vex. And then when lord blanco chimed in, vaclav added more to his opinion to settle him down back to reality. i ssaw another post saying "meh", and I saw another one where they say they will hold out for rvr. I then saw eight negative posts in the SA thread. So unless you want to define most of us as three fucking people including yourself, I suggest an IQ test.


Trump's Staff
Of the two recent MMORPG betas I have participated in, TESO and FF14, I have to say I enjoyed my time in TESO quite a bit more... The game world felt more 'real' to me, and everything just felt higher quality. The game is stunning, and I really like the compass rather than a mini map. Ran like a dream on my 2010 rig too (at Ultra settings). I didn't want to log off....

Pleasantly surprised, and cautiously optimistic. Can't really judge an MMO on anything before end game content.
I went back four pages and saw two positive posts from vaclav and lady vex. And then when lord blanco chimed in, vaclav added more to his opinion to settle him down back to reality. i ssaw another post saying "meh", and I saw another one where they say they will hold out for rvr. I then saw eight negative posts in the SA thread. So unless you want to define most of us as three fucking people including yourself, I suggest an IQ test.
There are others that posted the they liked the game but didn't qualify it with the 'OMG I must purchase it!' portion. There are a dearth of posts on THIS forum that are mirroring your opinion at all. The fact that you found negative things on a forum that lives on posting negative things and moving them here is quite an accomplishment. Realistically - not a lot of people have posted here yet, it may end up skewing towards your opinion but you can't wait for that because things aren't going your way and you might lose credibility - so off you go to import BS from SA to make your point.

Simply put - in the limited time I had to personally play the product (thus far) I established my opinion that it doesn't suck as you have been trying to convince everyone it does since this thread started. I suppose I could scour the Internet for other forums to back up my opinion but that is more your need for validation than mine.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Yet at the same time, SA posters call it as they see it, and most talk up a good game when it hits. This isn't it. Or do you need me to link examples to "most of you".


Trakanon Raider
so after what, 7 years or so we finally get a stress test? when can we actually expect the game to release, when halley's comet comes back around?


Vyemm Raider
I played for about an hour. Definitely exceeded my low expectations by a large margin. I'd put the animations and game quality right up there with WoW. I enjoyed the change in combat from regular auto attack to having to click even if it's relatively the same in the long rung. I also thought the ability to *gasp* actually make a decision when leveling up was quite nice.

Quick side note. I was doing a quest and noticed the NPC's voice sounded electronic. Not sure if my audio was fucking up, or if they managed to create a system to automate creation of quest voice overs and hadn't gotten to that NPC yet. Would be brilliant instead of hiring a bunch of fucking people for their voice...


Unelected Mod
Yet at the same time, SA posters call it as they see it
Then go to the SA forums and post there. In the meantime, stop acting like the SA spokesman and crossposting. If I wanted to read the opinions of SA posters I would fucking go there.

I went into the stresstest with low expectations but I had fun. As I mentioned before, the fact add-ons will be supported is a huge plus for me. It drives me crazy that so many games disallow ui mods.


Track the IP. There is your evidence. Creepy personal attacks my ass. Last I checked, calling a spade a spade is what this forum was founded on. Lets get back to that before it loses credibility. Capiche?
By all means...

Not really. Personal attacks would be saying Blackwulf is a horrible person. He isn't a bad guy from a human point of view. He is a terrible director who is horrible for the genre we play in. He lacks business ethics, drives top down development to a level in par with Rich Vogel, and he doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to doing anything but watching others and selling it.
Draegan knows exactly who I am. You are just making yourself sound dumb. Keep up the grasping for straws, though, as your little house of cards falls apart. I notice you're trying to distance yourself from the "this game is a total pile of shit" comments earlier in the thread. Now you just want to fantasize that I'm Matt Firor, your big bad demon of the internet. Sorry, my boy. Fact of the matter is, as more and more people get their own hands actually on this game, they'll see that my opinion early on was the correct one: It's a decent MMO that is elevated to a much higher standard than the more recent releases by a few things: It has actual meaningful character progression. The graphics are fantastic. The engine is smooth as shit with 100's of players on the screen. When we start seeing reports of end game content and RVR, I predict you won't really have a leg to stand on anymore.

I played for about an hour. Definitely exceeded my low expectations by a large margin. I'd put the animations and game quality right up there with WoW. I enjoyed the change in combat from regular auto attack to having to click even if it's relatively the same in the long rung. I also thought the ability to *gasp* actually make a decision when leveling up was quite nice.

Quick side note. I was doing a quest and noticed the NPC's voice sounded electronic. Not sure if my audio was fucking up, or if they managed to create a system to automate creation of quest voice overs and hadn't gotten to that NPC yet. Would be brilliant instead of hiring a bunch of fucking people for their voice...
The robot voice is a filler for when their voice acting hasn't been uploaded for a particular npc's lines.

Edit: Off topic - I just saw the new Riddick Movie. If you liked Pitch Black, you should check it out