The Elder Scrolls Online


I found this interesting:

In the video she talks about completely redoing a lot of stuff blah blah. But especially how 'casual' the comments are after I watched the video. So many people out there who have still never played an MMO because they don't like the idea of them (because they require too much time) or because of the subscription. It's worth remind yourselves just how these topics are seen from the casual noob perspective.


As usual, this thread is filled with hyperbole, "facts," and stories from "friends" and sekret sources. Interesting to see who is the most full of shit when it all comes to light.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
True Story, this was my first computer. Not all of us could afford a higher end processer.

I am the 99%
No worries. I had a 386SX-16 Packard Bell
4 Mb Ram - 40 Meg HD. 2400 Baud modem.

It ran Wing Commander horribly

I have a handful of friends that played in TESO beta in the last weekend test. Every single one of them said that the game was unpolished, buggy, and generally felt like ass. They mentioned a lot of what UT just brought up above, but also the fact that the game feels clunky and unresponsive - like worse than SWTOR pre-fixes tier. Basically, there's not a single part that the game is actually doing right in its current form.

Given that I respect the opinions of the friends involved in the beta, I'm going to guess that the people who are trying to praise the game on the forums right now are either:

A.) Super deluded fanboys, of which every new game has.

B.) Paid schills.

Either way, this game is going to be a gigantic turd. Steer clear.
This is all anyone needs to know, and Zprotoss knows his shit. Along with my post of course which also spells it out in a bit more detail.

Blackwulf, you are playing it. So you already know who is full of shit or not. I am confused. But I do like your wording. "Who is most full of shit". Insinuating that everyone, positive and negative, are full of shit just a matter of who is more a liar?


2 Minutes Hate
I would never use beta boards being "positive" as a good sign. Most of the time, players will just never log in again. Unless a beta tester is emotionally involved in the game, they won't really comment. That's why developing a game based on beta tester feedback is a terrible idea. All you do is churn a tester base that becomes more and more fanboy over time until it's distilled into pure cock sucking.

The only way beta testing works is constantly invite new players so you get unbiased feedback. Because a new tester will most likely supply negative feedback if you make it easy for him (email survery, in game survey on exit).

Beta forums are the same for every single game I've tested. You have the same group of people who want games to be as old school and nut crunching as possible. Then you have the people who say games suck because you can't sit in a chair.


Golden Squire
I would never use beta boards being "positive" as a good sign. Most of the time, players will just never log in again. Unless a beta tester is emotionally involved in the game, they won't really comment. That's why developing a game based on beta tester feedback is a terrible idea. All you do is churn a tester base that becomes more and more fanboy over time until it's distilled into pure cock sucking.
This. Best example of it in recent memory would be the forums for Firefall. Even when the game started showing massive signs of catastrophic, systemic failure, people still commended the company on everything they were doing. Case in point:

Straight up removing a feature in game (then firing most of their PvP staff afterwards), something that took up thousands of manhours of dev time. A clear sign that the game is likely going to be shutdown within the next 6 months to the year. And what reaction did a bunch of people have? Praise.

The MMO company is Mr. Burns. The average beta poster is Smithers. Beta forums for most games summed up in one video really.

Lord Blanco_sl

unpolished? buggy? clunky? SWTOR copy? Zproto and UT have you even played 1 second of this game, personally? Every post you make is my friends say this, my beta test friends say that.

Ut, your gigantic post in return to mine is seriously eloquent, but non-factual. I want to know how you're pulling apart the musty rag that's sitting on your computer desk and compiling the dried crusty bits to form sentences. I feel like i'm in billy madison and UT just did adam sandlar's topic at the debate. I caught my mouth open and drooling at the stupidity.

There isn't anyone else in this forum that has played and hasn't just heard second hand super duper best friend beta tester feedback? I've done a stress test and this pvp weekend and I was absolutely delighted both times by how beautiful the game was, how smooth the characters moved and overall quality of such minor details.

No one else here to confirm the server ability? It's a shame. It was sturdy.

Of course I had issues, the UI pissed me off, the targeting system made me crazy, the lack of basic names on enemy/friendly characters - But stuff i hope they can fix. Yes i left negative feedback with the positive.

But UT, seriously, you need to just leave this thread if you hate the game so much. You've never had any thing interesting or positive to say and the non factual information is just filling the reader's minds with falsity. Why do you even waste your time here when you just shit the bed? At least do us a favor and when you talk about these extreme game details ( that only you have ) that magically appear , source and cite where you got the info.


Golden Squire
unpolished? buggy? clunky? SWTOR copy? Zproto and UT have you even played 1 second of this game, personally? Every post you make is my friends say this, my beta test friends say that.

Ut, your gigantic post in return to mine is seriously eloquent, but non-factual. I want to know how you're pulling apart the musty rag that's sitting on your computer desk and compiling the dried crusty bits to form sentences. I feel like i'm in billy madison and UT just did adam sandlar's topic at the debate. I caught my mouth open and drooling at the stupidity.

There isn't anyone else in this forum that has played and hasn't just heard second hand super duper best friend beta tester feedback? I've done a stress test and this pvp weekend and I was absolutely delighted both times by how beautiful the game was, how smooth the characters moved and overall quality of such minor details.

No one else here to confirm the server ability? It's a shame. It was sturdy.

Of course I had issues, the UI pissed me off, the targeting system made me crazy, the lack of basic names on enemy/friendly characters - But stuff i hope they can fix. Yes i left negative feedback with the positive.

But UT, seriously, you need to just leave this thread if you hate the game so much. You've never had any thing interesting or positive to say and the non factual information is just filling the reader's minds with falsity. Why do you even waste your time here when you just shit the bed? At least do us a favor and when you talk about these extreme game details ( that only you have ) that magically appear , source and cite where you got the info.
Believe it or not, when you play MMOs for a long time you end up with a rather long list of people who have similar opinions to yourself. You're not even fucking refuting anything I mentioned about the feedback I'm relaying. You're simply bashing it because it wasn't me individually who played it.

You said:

Of course I had issues, the UI pissed me off, the targeting system made me crazy, the lack of basic names on enemy/friendly characters - But stuff i hope they can fix. Yes i left negative feedback with the positive.
I said:

but also the fact that the game feels clunky and unresponsive - like worse than SWTOR pre-fixes tier.
This might be hard for you to comprehend, but people don't usually shit on games without reason. If the people i talked had told me, "TESO looks awesome, I had a lot of fun", I would have posted that instead. Except people didn't have fun - they thought the game fucking sucked.


Golden Squire
Also when it comes to word phrasing that reeks of being a schill -

" I was absolutely delighted both times by how beautiful the game was, how smooth the characters moved and overall quality of such minor details."

Who the fuck says "absolutely delighted" as a phrase? That reads like a stock 5 star amazon review (the ones that obviously come the manufacturer of said product). You know, the type of review you run into where there's 3 reviews and two of them read like a marketing person put them together. Seriously.


The amount of shills sent here is hilarious. Your shit stinks and no one believes you. You have failed at your miserable jobs, move on.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My question is.. who sent them here? How could they even think that shit would fly around here? That person needs to be fired.


Got something right about marriage
So you're insinuating that the females are smarter and read more than this community? that's not hard to believe
No he's saying that "Absolutely Delighted" is a feminine turn of phrase. I bet you also say "Love love love". As in "I love love love the character models in TESO"


I'm Amod too!
My question is.. who sent them here?
The Junky empire has grown too large and it's now attracting the attention of Marketers (and massive banners). Obviously the only answer is to let a_skeleton_03 buy Draegen out and let the forums crash and burn. A little bit of scorched earth will quickly have these shills running for the hills.


You guys are too experienced to think that every fanboy is a shill.
I can't believe that something so terrible that isn't even in any real public beta yet has this many rabid fanboys already. That's just highly unlikely. Plus, some of these accounts (Lord Blanco) seem pretty clearly created for the express purpose of posting in this thread.

Lord Blanco_sl

You guys are too experienced to think that every fanboy is a shill.
you'd think ^^ i'm beginning to wonder about these kids.

No he's saying that "Absolutely Delighted" is a feminine turn of phrase. I bet you also say "Love love love". As in "I love love love the character models in TESO"
The character models are decent, love might be a bit far-fetched. I am quite the dapper lothario, i think my social speech might be rubbing off in here. But hey, if i'm a paid shill - i'll take it! I likes that money and i'll be getting a lot from the billion in box sales soon


More likely you're some intern that's not getting paid shit and are just hoping to get hired into some shitty entry level position.