The Elder Scrolls Online


Trump's Staff
I bet you a custom sig of each others choosing it won't break 500K.
Already have an avatar bet with Tuco that I'm gonna lose... My original prediction was 2 million boxes in week 1... Then they announced console release is months after PC release...

I'm fucked.

Also, 500,000k is an extremely low guess. That's less than 50% of how many people bought Skyrim on PC alone in the first month. Less than FF14... SWTOR... SimCity etc. all games with terrible launches. Let alone the huge number of MMORPG players that are just aching to spend some money this year. Hell, I think even RIFT sold a million in month 1... But I might be way off there and the numbers are eluding me.

You're in Vanguard territory with that guess... And TESO just isn't that bad. Sure, us gamers of discerning tastes are shitting on it (rightfully so) but Timmy is gonna be lined up at Gamestop for this shit alllllll night.


<Gold Donor>
I say 800K-1 mill. And thats only because there is fuck all to play right now. And sadly im probably going to be one of the suckers here. Probably an impulse buy at the last minute.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
I say 800K-1 mill.And thats only because there is fuck all to play right now. And sadly im probably going to be one of the suckers here. Probably an impulse buy at the last minute.
Yep, one of their best selling points at this time sadly.
I say 800K-1 mill. And thats only because there is fuck all to play right now. And sadly im probably going to be one of the suckers here. Probably an impulse buy at the last minute.
I just gave up that sort of thing and just know I am gonna buy it so I preorder to be able to get the extra cat god necklace horse mount thing.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
SWTOR sold well because it was labeled as "Star Wars".
Elders Scrolls will sell just as well based on brand name alone.

If the game was even decent, people would not have left in droves like they did with SWTOR. How well do you think SWTOR would have done had it not been attached to one of the most recognizable movie franchises of all time? With a rabid fan base.
If I could lay out a plethora of poorly performing Star Wars games would you change your opinion?

SWTOR was a huge budget, highly marketed game that had a ton of great features and well done systems. It was fun, well thought out and very attractive to a large number of people on its own. To say that it rode the coattails of star wars is a little presumptive.


<Silver Donator>
It had a lot of good reviews iirc, "journalists" or whatever liked the whole story, voice acting and shit like that, and it wasn't bad at that even though it was all drowned in hundreds of bear asses quests.

But I don't think TESO is gonna do much worse. They spent so much money on that CGI intro thing and you have to admit shit looks cool as hell, if you were to see that and The Elder Scrolls... ONLINE, you'd buy it in a heartbeat if you had no clue. Even if you look for previews and shit a lot of them are fairly neutral to positive, other than the whole selling boxes for a lot of money and having content bla bla bla but it didn't do that much noise either. So yeah I'd say 1million boxes seems about right. I'll probably try it again if they have a beta closer to release and see if I'm bored enough to buy it at that point, no point in buying it now though game's fairly shit. Also don't know what I'll be playing then.


FPS noob
i'd like to say teso will sell badly but its already #2 on amazon's video game list (the $99 imperial edition, no less) so ... yeah. and maybe some of them are just pre-ordering as a backup since amazon doesn't charge until shipment, but I have a feeling its mostly real Elder Scrolls fans who just assume the game is gonna be good and haven't read anything about it.

on the plus side the darth malgus statue sells on ebay for like $35-50 so maybe in a few years it'll be worth more than what I paid for it! YA!


Lord Nagafen Raider
I say 800K-1 mill. And thats only because there is fuck all to play right now. And sadly im probably going to be one of the suckers here. Probably an impulse buy at the last minute.
I don't know about you, but I have more games to play than time to play them, Steam be blessed for their sales.
MMO wise I waste some time concurrently on several titles, Swtor, NWO, GW2, WoW.

In all honesty, full priced games with monthly subs gotta be shitting gold bricks to attract me and this one sure isn't.
I'd bet it's going F2P before September, I'll try it later.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I say 800K-1 mill. And thats only because there is fuck all to play right now. And sadly im probably going to be one of the suckers here. Probably an impulse buy at the last minute.
This is the reason why I have done some impulse buys in the past: however I have come to the conclusion that when I am in a phase that no game can keep my attention anymore, the impulse-buy will just be shelved like the rest.

And then at some point I get my gaming-vibes back online or something and I get another 6-month spurt in EQ, or 8 months of Guild Wars that I initially had shelved a week after release, or a second bout in LoTRO. Or a replay of Baldurs Gate. Then I get fed up again and no matter how many old or new games I install, I just log out of them in 5 minutes. I am in such a phase right now after a serious bout of EQ so not a good time to buy TESO.

Probably very personal.


Avatar of War Slayer
I can't get a good barometer.

TOR had an amazing marketing campaign. Those FMV commercials sold a TON of boxes. Casual console games eat that shit up.
The Starwars brand on top of that.
The word of mouth on Starwars, was "its fairly run of the mill, mediocre". A big ole bag of "meh". Not nearly negative enough to kill the sales, or make that word of mouth spread past the hardcore base that was in beta. Starwars game history is a similar issue. Casual gamers that accounted for that large sales at launch, are not THAT well informed on the spotty history of starwars games.

THIS, has the TESO brand.
But not the TOR marketing blitz. And it has a much stronger negative word of mouth. but is that word of mouth getting past the PC gamer "elite" and making it into the casual marketplace? I don't know.
I have heard it mentioned by a number of more casual gamers. Who seem to have not heard any of the bad press. (same people that think the xbone is the system to get)

I would guess, 200k PC tops, 500-800k Xbox purchases. and of course, massive drop off in a month-3months.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They'll most likely sell a lot of boxes during the first months because it's a known brand (another ES game for PC players and "LOL SKYRIM ONLINE" for console gamers) and go poof once people will figure there is objectively nothing interesting to do on the long run after leveling besides instanced RvR. I think they'll manage their shit like SWTOR did, sell lots of boxes then start to fire people, reduce exploitation costs and probably shape the game around F2P. I'd say maybe around 1-3 million box sales during first months for both PC and consoles.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I'm curious to know if Utnayan was in one of the elite raiding guilds back in EQ1 days.

I started lurking on the old FoH site back when FoH took down Lady Vox for the first time. I was never in a raiding guild myself in EQ1 but enjoyed reading about all the drama and server politics that guilds like FoH, Afterlife, Legacy of Steel, etc were involved with. For the most part, each server had a dominant raiding guild, perhaps even two guilds, and the members of those guilds typically had the best gear possible. Being in a successful raiding guild sometimes had a social status associated with it and could affect your character's serverreputation, etc. In a nutshell, if you were in a successful raiding guild you were among the Top 1%ers of EQ1 players.

Instanced raiding in WoW pretty much killed a lot of the raiding guild dynamic that EQ1 had and AFAIK pretty much every MMO since WoW has copied WoW's design of instanced raiding. This also means no MMO has come close to replicating the server drama and server politics that EQ1 had. No MMO has provided the the ability for someone to acquire elite raid gear that only members of their guild could get.

The fact that Utnayan seems to crap on pretty much every MMO since WoW leads to me wonder if the innovation of instanced raiding has permanently damaged his ability to have fun in a MMO.
Ut has said good things about an MMO; I know after playing some TSW after launch he wrote good things about it. He definitely does have some folks in the industry he doesn't like, for seemingly good reasons, and he will hate on them early and often. Some of those folks are making ESO. That plus lackluster reviews by a number of folks and you can expect Ut to be speaking his version of truth to the powers that be.
I have the same problem with Ut that I do with fanbois. You get married to a position and then advocate for it. All of these big releases have positives and negatives. I have enjoyed something about even the worst games and there have been problems with even my favorite games. It's also much easier to take complaints or excitement seriously from a person with a balanced perspective. OK Georgeson has finally finished talking... off to EQNL....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider


I say 800K-1 mill. And thats only because there is fuck all to play right now.
There's nothingnewto play right now. On the other hand, why piss away money on yet another WoW-clone that'll be F2P within six months when you can play any one from a number of WoW-clones that arealreadyF2P?


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
I bought the Imperial digital version just to help guarantee Matt Firor will get another job after this one so UT can bitch more and more and more.


<Gold Donor>
There's nothingnewto play right now. On the other hand, why piss away money on yet another WoW-clone that'll be F2P within six months when you can play any one from a number of WoW-clones that arealreadyF2P?
I played most of them and I like the beginning stages of new games. There is something that attracts me to new mmorpgs that just start up. How the game and community develops. Its well worth the cost of entry to me, even for a month or two to get to cap.