The Elder Scrolls Online


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
No. I am not full of shit.

What I now find fucking hilarious are some of the Feb 2014 registrations hitting their first post buttons out of no where and writing a thesis on what is great about the game, what they never had a problem with, with the certified "If I could change a few things but it really doesn't hamper my experience with the full title" bullshit being spewed on this forum. I love now how one of the latest topics (Rhino - you are actually a good poster so you do not count in this..) is "Well I was really fired up about Wildstar and had little interest in this title. Now I feel that the interests have shifted!" Holy fuck it's all over the God Damn internet in phrases like this. Do some of you fuckers have roll call meetings before you start invading forums with preset posts?


Let me say this about Ut, though and some of his fellow travelers who are critical of the game: Although we disagree about ESO now and he may be frothing over and out of bounds in a number of respects here, I wonder in 6 months or a year how many of us now praising the game will be more sympathetic to his overall point, if not his style. ZO still has miles to go to prove they can run a game, even if somewhat ironically they have been inoculated in part to some criticisms by the overall vehemence of their detractors. If they don't fix the things noted here, come out swinging the nerf bat, etc. all the relative goodwill they have will evaporate in short order.
You'll be more sympathetic to my point when you see that no one can log in to play the game at launch and beyond. You'll also see that the main stipulations completely destroy the game, contrary to the out of the wood work Feb 2014 posse that appeared magically after the NDA lifted.

* Itemization is so God Awful you will wonder how your character is progressing.
* 90-Day Campaigns will result in exactly what everyone has already said. PRX trounces a server, everyone leaves. PRX is left with their hand up their ass giving themselves prostate messages while everyone else already shifted into another campaign. If they are losing that one, they will shift again. If they make it too long of a period to shift in the next 6 weeks before launch, people will end up not playing RvR at all, go back to the PvE game where it will fucking bore them to tears.
* Art design for itemization is not there. One thing I like about putting on progressed equipment is looking cooler as a result. I have never seen so much copy paste artwork for differentiating items in my entire fucking life. And you know why that is? Sage was given all the art assets.
* Combat mechanics. It is a completely 100% falsehood that combat is good, or even passable in this game. None. It isn't true. In the fucking slightest. It has been broken as fuck since they layered the two systems together to form a complete fake hack job of trying to make the game seem like Skyrim for marketing purposes. The same way 1st person was a fucking shoe in to do the same thing. But this time not only is it unresponsive, if you want to use your left clicks you are going to wonder what the fuck you are hitting because the native support of the system still relies 100% on tab targeting. We have all given examples of that before, and if someone comes in here and says that never happened to them * THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT * or never tested it/knew what the fuck they are talking about.
* Megaserver Technology: What everyone is seeing, ironically enough, are targeted non weekend beta planted PvP videos based on invites to a specific PvP marketing campaign they have intended from day one. Even if it ended up playing like it does in those videos (which it won't because the server technology is going to fuck up under any amount of load as we have seen in the weekend betas) you still have the end result of what everyone has written about when it comes to the 90 day campaign and campaign switching. But I guarantee you it doesn't. And added insult to injury is you will have the XP Imbalances of (Non Existent) leveling in RvR, itemization issues, horrendous combat issues not only with range but with melee, and severe crippling megaserver technology which is the face plant running 20 Mph into a brick wall.
* Free to play conversion is already developed and being tested internally among ZO. Along side all the other shady shit that has been going on, by the summer of 2014 you will have everything converted over with one of the worst cash shops you have ever seen.
* The supposed rush to get that new paint smell is a fucking myth when you can't log in for weeks at a time, or cannot even get a solid RvR campaign off the ground because the entire server architecture is * FUCKED *. They know it, you saw it if you tested on the weekend, but it sure as fuck isn't going to stop them from trying to pitch that aspect. And with a 90 day campaign lock for RvR, what initial rush is there when you cannot even log in to play the damn game to begin with? Along side all the other issues, a lot of closed beta testers here never bothered with the weekend shit because we were contained in a little happy place where shit at least worked for the most part, but even when it worked, the underlying issues our latest Feb 2014 crowd is milling over completely 100% still exist and are a complete detriment to the game.

My beef isn't that people want to be excited for a game. Who hasn't been or wants to. My beef are with the people that 100% ignore the issues at hand. They either do it for one of 2 reasons. 1) They want people to play the game with them. 2) They have an alternate agenda for ZO. Either way, it's wrong.

Anyone that comes inhere and registers an account the day of an NDA drop and starts writing out why they love a game so much with the arbitrary 2-3 point negatives on things no one gives a flying fuck about, should be flat out fucking banned. Especially on this forum where the posters (Majority) remember that this forum originally wasn't founded to be a fucking shill site or for a way for Alex to make cash on it. It was to get shit accomplished and fixed in EQ. And as of this point, it shouldn't be about flip flop kissing ass based on which developers will give your writers some God Damn insight into writing an article so the admin plays nice in the sandbox to develop more hits for JunkiesNation, of which the writers get paid for their sub site hits on the back end. Take that shit fucking out of it, and rely on a business model that isn't about as ethical as the Zenimax Viral Marketing team.

If we want to collectively make changes in this industry so we quit seeing shitpile games launched, this isn't the way to go about it. We will never see games of quality in the MMORPG space like The Last of Us, or teams like Naughty Dog hit the MMORPG genre with the stagnant relics protecting their 125k a year jobs shitting out titles that amount to such a staggering amount of lost opportunity cost for the company behind it, but the gamer to play it, until all this shit changes. There are * SO MUCH * creative talent on some of these teams being stifled by some of those fucks it would make your head spin. I would venture to say 80% of the TESO development team under Sage could have really made this something cool to play. And it's sad when you have an arbitrary douche bag ego like Paul Sage thinking it is his way or the highway, and industry workers are scared of being blackballed in the industry to standing up and fighting for it, they can't say anything at all. Tell me how the genre is supposed to grow with that type of environment. HOW.

At some point, it has to start at least with the obvious and shout out the fucking people that day one post after an NDA drop. Then it can go to the people that deflect the fucking obvious objectively broken mechanics with a game. And easily done by seeing the same idiots post "That never happened to me!" while it happened to 90% of the other testers, watching them try to sweep it under the rug, and call out the bullshit.

Tuco and Draegen should be fucking ashamed of themselves for promoting this pile of shit. They should also be ashamed of themselves for going after the cash instead of going after the fucking truth. Because those sites are a dime a fucking dozen across the internet which is why we have this problem in the genre to begin with. What they should reconsider is making this a haven for calling out the bullshit on a collective basis, and then make Junkies based around telling the truth about the titles at hand, whether good or bad, but being fucking honest about it instead of their writers kissing developer ass for a one shot interview hoping if anyone googles it they will get their .06 cent cash check per hit.


So Ut basically was full of shit? How shocking.

Tuco, is PRX going all out in this game?
TESO is going to suffer the same fate as SWTOR. It's going to have a massive influx of fanbois at the start due to the IP. Then once the new car smell wears off people are going to leave the game in droves. My guess from playing it is that the game will be FTP in 6 months as they are going to struggle to keep subs.


If we want to collectively make changes in this industry so we quit seeing shitpile games launched, this isn't the way to go about it.
You are being unrealistic. We all know that this game will lose more than half of launch players within a month, but all mmorpgs do at this point.

Triple A mmos are expensive to make, so if someone invests into them then they want to maximize their chances of making a profit. Mmorpgs are only going to be funded if they are designed to make a lot of money fast, and at the moment that means selling a lot of boxes before switching to many microtransactions.

A company like Blizzard don't have to makes games like this because they can fund their own projects, but most developers cannot.


Avatar of War Slayer
So Ut basically was full of shit? How shocking.

Tuco, is PRX going all out in this game?
Im inclined to say hes right. but standard prerelease excitement has the usual suspects giddy. the same people that jump from mmo to mmo and cause the absurd 1 month sales, we keep seeing, then they get bored.
the mmo cycle continues.


Also Ut, you don;t need a crystal ball to predict that there will be login problems on launch day. Even WoW had them, as well as other big money games like D3. Apart from Google, does anyone have servers that can authenticate hundreds of thousands of users at the same time?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
You are being unrealistic. We all know that this game will lose more than half of launch players within a month,but all mmorpgs do at this point.
Exactly my point. It isn't unrealistic, but you and I and everyone else have been programmed to except shit in this genre knowing no one will play in 6 months or a game will go free to play like SWTOR and still make cash and ultimately, that's all that matters. And the same people making these bank on that so they continue to hop from company to company. It * doesn't * need to be like this. And it starts with cleaning out the top and letting the creative people down below have a shot.

To your other point, I am not talking about authentication issues, or a game like WoW seeing so much massive success even the people behind the game couldn't fathom the amount of people playing while they frantically tried to keep up. I am talking about a BROKEN TECHNOLOGY. Megaserver simply doesn't work. And aside from the normal launch day issues, people are going to see this hook line and sinker when the same problems plague the game until the population simply drops off 3-4 weeks later so it doesn't have to deal with the load - but I guarantee you when that day comes, rather rapidly after launch, it won't be because they fixed the server tech. It will be because the population dropped down to closed beta levels so they don't have to deal with it.


Trump's Staff
Exactly my point. It isn't unrealistic, but you and I and everyone else have been programmed to except shit in this genre knowing no one will play in 6 months or a game will go free to play like SWTOR and still make cash and ultimately, that's all that matters. And the same people making these bank on that so they continue to hop from company to company. It * doesn't * need to be like this. And it starts with cleaning out the top and letting the creative people down below have a shot.

To your other point, I am not talking about authentication issues, or a game like WoW seeing so much massive success even the people behind the game couldn't fathom the amount of people playing while they frantically tried to keep up. I am talking about a BROKEN TECHNOLOGY. Megaserver simply doesn't work. And aside from the normal launch day issues, people are going to see this hook line and sinker when the same problems plague the game until the population simply drops off 3-4 weeks later so it doesn't have to deal with the load - but I guarantee you when that day comes, rather rapidly after launch, it won't be because they fixed the server tech. It will be because the population dropped down to closed beta levels so they don't have to deal with it.


No. I am not full of shit.
Utnayan translated: All of the positive reviews of TESO are driving me even more batshit crazy.

I'm no psychiatrist but I think to avoid going fullscale postal on people you may want to consider giving up the MMO genre and just sticking to single player games. It sounds like the only thing that will satisfy you in a MMO is a Matrix-quality world where you can spend every waking moment of your life living in a fantasy world where people actually like you and you are important.

BTW since you are calling for posters who recently joined this website and like the game to get banned, what do you think should be done to the posters who hate the game and have been caught red handed blatantly lying about it?


TESO is going to suffer the same fate as SWTOR. It's going to have a massive influx of fanbois at the start due to the IP. Then once the new car smell wears off people are going to leave the game in droves. My guess from playing it is that the game will be FTP in 6 months as they are going to struggle to keep subs.
I was one of those fanboys that abandoned SWTOR after a few months. I'm pretty sure that ESO won't have the same problem as SWTOR for me because of 1 simple thing:

Cyrodiil >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Ilum

We were promised DAOC-like world pvp on Ilum. LOL.

Some other ways this game is doing better than SWTOR already:

1. High res textures. Do you remember that fiasco?
2. Every conversation isn't a long cut scene.
3. The engine is smooth with hundreds of players present.
4. No ghost town servers.
5. Dungeon and raid mechanics aren't a carbon copy of WOW. (res limits, enrage timers, etc.)
6. You don't have to manage hotbars with 40 button whack a mole.

Well, those are some of the reasons my guild and I stopped playing SWTOR, and I will freely admit I was a pretty big fanboy at launch.

So far, the only deal breaker for me with this game is what happened in the last stress test: 15 minute long load screens. If this doesn't get ironed out, I'm not sure I'll be able to play long-term. I can't imagine they won't improve that, though.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
Exactly. I might have been tempted to give it a try, but by the time it's going to go F2P, it's going to be empty as well, which means I'm not going to check it then, which means a pass.
One thing to be thankful for, at least, is they aren't selling Lifetimes for this knowing they are going f2p.

After gorging myself on head start for probably 5 days straight, if there are issues with retail launch it might even be a relief

Let's see where everyone stands after the next beta weekend but I am really optimistic and excited for the Utpocalypse.
I love now how one of the latest topics (Rhino - you are actually a good poster so you do not count in this..) is Well I was really fired up about Wildstar and had little interest in this title. Now I feel that the interests have shifted!" Holy fuck it's all over the God Damn internet in phrases like this. Do some of you fuckers have roll call meetings before you start invading forums with preset posts?

At some point, it has to start at least with the obvious and shout out the fucking people that day one post after an NDA drop. Then it can go to the people that deflect the fucking obvious objectively broken mechanics with a game. And easily done by seeing the same idiots post "That never happened to me!" while it happened to 90% of the other testers, watching them try to sweep it under the rug, and call out the bullshit.
I know you excluded me and I also believe you mean well in what you are doing; I was the only one, however, who said that about Wildstar here. While there were a number of little things where it was obviously unfinished or beta-level, I DIDN'T experience most of that. I listed out the serious errors I had. Fri and Sat were shit and Sun and Mon were great. And after all of the riff raff that the Pantheon KS thread attracted, maybe this thread is having the mirror effect: White knights and fanboys are welcome all the same as the shit-posters and trolls, I guess. FFS, though, we need squawk the s-word. It's counter-productive and grating, especially for people who have been posting here forever. We won't know until after the game passes us by if they are, indeed, you-know-whats.

Tuco and Draegen should be fucking ashamed of themselves for promoting this pile of shit.
This is out of line and you should stop. As long as they aren't doing it in the forums, Draegan can run his business any way he wants and gets an eternal pass for saving FOH after the Titantic sank twice and the rescue boat was also a iceberg.


So far, the only deal breaker for me with this game is what happened in the last stress test: 15 minute long load screens. If this doesn't get ironed out, I'm not sure I'll be able to play long-term. I can't imagine they won't improve that, though.
Utnayan claims the megaserver technology will fail so based on his recent track record (wrong about the NDA, wrong about addons, etc), I wouldn't be surprised if the next few weekend betas run relatively smooth. With only a few exceptions, the large majority of people actually playing the game are having fun so IMO the main thing that will cause negative attitudes at launch would be if the megaserver fails to handle the massive load of players trying to play the game. Zenimax obviously knows this which is why I expect pretty much all of their development resources are being focused on that one problem.

AFAIK from a PVE content perspective there are no longer any major game breaking bugs to quash. If there are I haven't encountered any of them yet. There were some problems with the main story line and some of the guild questlines but based on feedback from other players those have been fixed. For the most part, it is my opinion that the PVE content is as finished as you can get for a MMO launch and it is polished with only minor bug fixes remaining.

If you like how PVE gameplay is in the first 20 levels or so, you will like the rest of the game. If you are one of those offended by how the PVE content is designed, you won't like the rest of the game. Probably time for you to go to a different MMO thread and start hating on that game.


FPS noob
can someone explain to me why cyrodil is better than gw2 (current), it felt like a shittier version of gw2 WvW but I'm no pvp guy so maybe I am missing something. I actually enjoyed the sPVP in gw2 more than wvw (basically battlegrounds) and afaik cyro has none of that.

I can't see big pvp guilds like PRX lasting very long in teso, the PVE leveling is boring as fuck and you NEED to do that in order to earn skill points from big quest lines, plus with the way PVP campaigns work (split by devs, lasting 90 days) and not being able to group queue into cyrodil afaik (can you?), I am pretty sure most are going to be super frustrated by not getting in together and just give up.

plus noobs are constantly going to q into cyrodil after level 10, because you can get better gear and XP from basically questing/grinding PVE mobs in the PVP zone, which seems like a really bizarre and dumb design decision.


Vyemm Raider
I only played the open beta weekends since the first one took place. Every time I played it, ESO made me either want to play Skyrim or re-sub to another MMO again. The game felt stuck between two worlds for me, and I couldn't embrace it as its own game.

I also noticed that there is a rift between TES lore experts. Some TES lore fanbois will love the game because it's TES. Others will not play the game because they love the TES lore and feel this game is shitting all over it. I'm closer to the latter:

- An Argonian warrior on Bleak Falls isle has dialogue and says "Praise Sithis, this poisonous bite is getting to me." 1. Bleak Falls isle is named after an ancient nord tomb...that hasn't been built yet(has it? I don't remember)? 2. Argonians are immune to poison (except they took that out in Skyrim for some reason), and 3. Sithis is only the patron of the Dark Brotherhood and the Shadow, this guy is an assassin or something? Sure doesn't look like it.

- In the original lore, Alinor featured buildings made of glass and insect wings. Instead, in aQ&Athey said this:

The buildings of Alinor are said to look like they are "made from glass or insect wings." If the Summurset Isles are traversable at release will we see a design reminiscent of this? And will we see the Crystal Tower for that matter?! - By Callum Parker

When The Elder Scrolls Online launches, the playable part of the Summerset Isles will be Auridon, the big island between Summerset and the continent that includes the cities of Firsthold and Skywatch. The architecture of the High Elves is fanciful, certainly, but it?s also practical, constructed of real-world materials. Architects can?t make buildings out of poetry!
Why would you make buildings out of practical materials in a fantasy game where magic is rampant? (It's fantasy, youcouldmake buildings out of poetry if you wanted). Granted, I didn't play the Dominion, and I'll give it a shot if there's another chance before release to check things out...

The game is really just "meh" for me; I'm not going to say it's a good game or a bad game, just that it isn't scratching any itch I have.


Unelected Mod
No. I am not full of shit.

What I now find fucking hilarious are some of the Feb 2014 registrations hitting their first post buttons out of no where and writing a thesis on what is great about the game, what they never had a problem with, with the certified "If I could change a few things but it really doesn't hamper my experience with the full title" bullshit being spewed on this forum. I love now how one of the latest topics (Rhino - you are actually a good poster so you do not count in this..) is "Well I was really fired up about Wildstar and had little interest in this title. Now I feel that the interests have shifted!" Holy fuck it's all over the God Damn internet in phrases like this. Do some of you fuckers have roll call meetings before you start invading forums with preset posts?


You'll be more sympathetic to my point when you see that no one can log in to play the game at launch and beyond. You'll also see that the main stipulations completely destroy the game, contrary to the out of the wood work Feb 2014 posse that appeared magically after the NDA lifted.

* Itemization is so God Awful you will wonder how your character is progressing.
* 90-Day Campaigns will result in exactly what everyone has already said. PRX trounces a server, everyone leaves. PRX is left with their hand up their ass giving themselves prostate messages while everyone else already shifted into another campaign. If they are losing that one, they will shift again. If they make it too long of a period to shift in the next 6 weeks before launch, people will end up not playing RvR at all, go back to the PvE game where it will fucking bore them to tears.
* Art design for itemization is not there. One thing I like about putting on progressed equipment is looking cooler as a result. I have never seen so much copy paste artwork for differentiating items in my entire fucking life. And you know why that is? Sage was given all the art assets.
* Combat mechanics. It is a completely 100% falsehood that combat is good, or even passable in this game. None. It isn't true. In the fucking slightest. It has been broken as fuck since they layered the two systems together to form a complete fake hack job of trying to make the game seem like Skyrim for marketing purposes. The same way 1st person was a fucking shoe in to do the same thing. But this time not only is it unresponsive, if you want to use your left clicks you are going to wonder what the fuck you are hitting because the native support of the system still relies 100% on tab targeting. We have all given examples of that before, and if someone comes in here and says that never happened to them * THEY ARE FULL OF SHIT * or never tested it/knew what the fuck they are talking about.
* Megaserver Technology: What everyone is seeing, ironically enough, are targeted non weekend beta planted PvP videos based on invites to a specific PvP marketing campaign they have intended from day one. Even if it ended up playing like it does in those videos (which it won't because the server technology is going to fuck up under any amount of load as we have seen in the weekend betas) you still have the end result of what everyone has written about when it comes to the 90 day campaign and campaign switching. But I guarantee you it doesn't. And added insult to injury is you will have the XP Imbalances of (Non Existent) leveling in RvR, itemization issues, horrendous combat issues not only with range but with melee, and severe crippling megaserver technology which is the face plant running 20 Mph into a brick wall.
* Free to play conversion is already developed and being tested internally among ZO. Along side all the other shady shit that has been going on, by the summer of 2014 you will have everything converted over with one of the worst cash shops you have ever seen.
* The supposed rush to get that new paint smell is a fucking myth when you can't log in for weeks at a time, or cannot even get a solid RvR campaign off the ground because the entire server architecture is * FUCKED *. They know it, you saw it if you tested on the weekend, but it sure as fuck isn't going to stop them from trying to pitch that aspect. And with a 90 day campaign lock for RvR, what initial rush is there when you cannot even log in to play the damn game to begin with? Along side all the other issues, a lot of closed beta testers here never bothered with the weekend shit because we were contained in a little happy place where shit at least worked for the most part, but even when it worked, the underlying issues our latest Feb 2014 crowd is milling over completely 100% still exist and are a complete detriment to the game.

My beef isn't that people want to be excited for a game. Who hasn't been or wants to. My beef are with the people that 100% ignore the issues at hand. They either do it for one of 2 reasons. 1) They want people to play the game with them. 2) They have an alternate agenda for ZO. Either way, it's wrong.

Anyone that comes inhere and registers an account the day of an NDA drop and starts writing out why they love a game so much with the arbitrary 2-3 point negatives on things no one gives a flying fuck about, should be flat out fucking banned. Especially on this forum where the posters (Majority) remember that this forum originally wasn't founded to be a fucking shill site or for a way for Alex to make cash on it. It was to get shit accomplished and fixed in EQ. And as of this point, it shouldn't be about flip flop kissing ass based on which developers will give your writers some God Damn insight into writing an article so the admin plays nice in the sandbox to develop more hits for JunkiesNation, of which the writers get paid for their sub site hits on the back end. Take that shit fucking out of it, and rely on a business model that isn't about as ethical as the Zenimax Viral Marketing team.

If we want to collectively make changes in this industry so we quit seeing shitpile games launched, this isn't the way to go about it. We will never see games of quality in the MMORPG space like The Last of Us, or teams like Naughty Dog hit the MMORPG genre with the stagnant relics protecting their 125k a year jobs shitting out titles that amount to such a staggering amount of lost opportunity cost for the company behind it, but the gamer to play it, until all this shit changes. There are * SO MUCH * creative talent on some of these teams being stifled by some of those fucks it would make your head spin. I would venture to say 80% of the TESO development team under Sage could have really made this something cool to play. And it's sad when you have an arbitrary douche bag ego like Paul Sage thinking it is his way or the highway, and industry workers are scared of being blackballed in the industry to standing up and fighting for it, they can't say anything at all. Tell me how the genre is supposed to grow with that type of environment. HOW.

At some point, it has to start at least with the obvious and shout out the fucking people that day one post after an NDA drop. Then it can go to the people that deflect the fucking obvious objectively broken mechanics with a game. And easily done by seeing the same idiots post "That never happened to me!" while it happened to 90% of the other testers, watching them try to sweep it under the rug, and call out the bullshit.

Tuco and Draegen should be fucking ashamed of themselves for promoting this pile of shit. They should also be ashamed of themselves for going after the cash instead of going after the fucking truth. Because those sites are a dime a fucking dozen across the internet which is why we have this problem in the genre to begin with. What they should reconsider is making this a haven for calling out the bullshit on a collective basis, and then make Junkies based around telling the truth about the titles at hand, whether good or bad, but being fucking honest about it instead of their writers kissing developer ass for a one shot interview hoping if anyone googles it they will get their .06 cent cash check per hit.
Quoting your entire post so hopefully you realize how over the top and crazy mad you sound.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I only played the open beta weekends since the first one took place. Every time I played it, ESO made me either want to play Skyrim or re-sub to another MMO again. The game felt stuck between two worlds for me, and I couldn't embrace it as its own game.

I also noticed that there is a rift between TES lore experts. Some TES lore fanbois will love the game because it's TES. Others will not play the game because they love the TES lore and feel this game is shitting all over it. I'm closer to the latter:

- An Argonian warrior on Bleak Falls isle has dialogue and says "Praise Sithis, this poisonous bite is getting to me." 1. Bleak Falls isle is named after an ancient nord tomb...that hasn't been built yet(has it? I don't remember)? 2. Argonians are immune to poison (except they took that out in Skyrim for some reason), and 3. Sithis is only the patron of the Dark Brotherhood and the Shadow, this guy is an assassin or something? Sure doesn't look like it.

- In the original lore, Alinor featured buildings made of glass and insect wings. Instead, in aQ&Athey said this:

Why would you make buildings out of practical materials in a fantasy game where magic is rampant? (It's fantasy, youcouldmake buildings out of poetry if you wanted). Granted, I didn't play the Dominion, and I'll give it a shot if there's another chance before release to check things out...

The game is really just "meh" for me; I'm not going to say it's a good game or a bad game, just that it isn't scratching any itch I have.
This is a fair criticism overall, although I think in the example you mention, the guy says that the only reason he didn't succumb to the spider bites like his companions was that he was Argonian, and you run through the tomb the isle is named for in the quest finale.

I thought ZO had someone who has acting as the "script coordinator" for lore? If not, we can hope that they correct the errors over time, and that they don't prequel this up by allowing the stand-alone TES games ignore the compromises made for the MMO.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
So Ut basically was full of shit? How shocking.

Tuco, is PRX going all out in this game?
Utnayan_sl said:
* 90-Day Campaigns will result in exactly what everyone has already said. PRX trounces a server, everyone leaves. PRX is left with their hand up their ass giving themselves prostate messages while everyone else already shifted into another campaign. If they are losing that one, they will shift again. If they make it too long of a period to shift in the next 6 weeks before launch, people will end up not playing RvR at all, go back to the PvE game where it will fucking bore them to tears.
This is my biggest concern with the game. I've been playing so many war-type MMOs(Ex shadowbane, aoc, warhammer, GW2 etc) that the specifics and quality of the game aren't that relevant. What is important is that there's a way for the best forces to fight the best forces in interesting ways. TESO has created a way for three forces to fight in compelling ways, but I don't see how they've created a way for the best forces to fight each other.

My prediction for how it's going to go down:
All the organized PVP guilds will talk to each other to get on the same campaign (on different sides. The warfare PVP community is pretty well connected and we all know each other for better or worse). In two weeks one side will have pretty much trounced the other. The fact that most people would rather queue up for an open world fight where they are camping the enemy spawn instead of being camped will guarantee this.

In the next few weeks. If winning matters at all (and by god I hope it does) the winning side will get mass transfers to it and the losing sides will get mass transfers away from it. This will happen across virtually all campaigns and will remain for the entirety of the campaign.

After 90 days, the following will happen: who gives a shit.

My preference would be to copy GW2, but have 5 days of fighting between factions (no transfers allowed) followed by 3 days of rest where only the winning faction can access cyrodill and enjoy moderately improved leveling/money gain (no unique items) there (I'm thinking one big party). The three days rest is important because coming from GW2 where we fought hardcore almost everyday to maintain an undefeated title it was a pain. Looking back it was funny how our opponents told us to wait until the one/two week long fights, because winning 7 single day long fights in a row is much, much harder than winning a single 7 day long fight). After the 3 days rest the different servers will get reranked exactly like GW2 and fight again (Though I'd make it mandatory for third place servers to drop one level).

I've expressed my thoughts on this to the people who need to hear them, and the response is that the map is so large that it won't be a concern and one side won't overpower and spawn camp the other. I think this is totally wrong but only one way to find out. My expectation is that two weeks into the first campaign there will be a rule change and campaigns will be cut down. The PVP is the shining beacon of this game and if it fails because of such a small reason I think they'll change it.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
My preference would be to copy GW2, but have 5 days of fighting between factions (no transfers allowed) followed by 3 days of rest where only the winning faction can access cyrodill and enjoy moderately improved leveling/money gain (no unique items) there (I'm thinking one big party). The three days rest is important because coming from GW2 where we fought hardcore almost everyday to maintain an undefeated title it was a pain. Looking back it was funny how our opponents told us to wait until the one/two week long fights, because winning 7 single day long fights in a row is much, much harder than winning a single 7 day long fight). After the 3 days rest the different servers will get reranked exactly like GW2 and fight again (Though I'd make it mandatory for third place servers to drop one level).

I've expressed my thoughts on this to the people who need to hear them, and the response is that the map is so large that it won't be a concern and one side won't overpower and spawn camp the other. I think this is totally wrong but only one way to find out. My expectation is that two weeks into the first campaign there will be a rule change and campaigns will be cut down.
That is a really great idea. Hopefully ESO or someone else picks that up. It seems like it would really increase the intensity of the 5-day fights as well.