The Elder Scrolls Online


Picture translation: putting points in anything but health is kinda pointless as hitting at least the soft caps is easily done with gear, enchants, passives and stuff.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
that provide that functionality for several weeks.
1) So I am level 25 in closed, and I do not trust you to give you a tell in game because I still think you work for ZO in some capacity or have a special interest in shilling this title. The reason I think that is because you said there was actual dungeon crawling in EQ. Your reply was so high level it reminded me of reading an interview with Paul Sage where no direct questions are answered and no specifics given because they are building the plane as it flies. I even asked you to give me one of your most loved experiences in EQ. You coulnd't even do that, while others pounded in at the chance. At any rate, those people haven't played an MMORPG in the last 10 fucking years, and probably never touched EQ1 anyway to speak to it's core game strength. That led me to both conclusions above. Anyway, dungeon crawling, wasn't possible with the way the community drove the emergent gameplay, and simply never happened. I have been in closed beta since May of 2013. The reason I didn't, and still won't, take the risk with you is because I am one of the only ones (Aside from Khalid and Pyksel) who have that access and can make sure to call out the bullshit. Something I have done here since 2002. And if you do not like that, tough. As droigan pointed out my tenture here has been a long one, and if people don't believe me by now then quite frankly, fuck 'em. I'm posting it anyway.

2) I hadn't played the closed beta since December. I never bothered to check the forums to see if any LUA functionality had been set in game yet. As of the last time I played seriously in the game, before basically halting and not being able to get passed the ridiculously broken combat system and stale/generic hip hop of what ZO considers quest content (Yeah there are no bear ass quests, but instead let's make all that a shit ton of activate this, deactivate that, kill trash on the way, watch a burning building, phase out of the burning building after pouring water and interacting on said building, or activating some fucking shrine or picking up a relic to place on a pedestal, I was bored to fucking tears.) When I logged in again in late January, just to see if animations had improved like some idiot here said, noticing they weren't, I logged back out. I had thought they still weren't in yet being they needed to work on so many other things. I should have checked first.

3) The NDA is still up for a lot of segments while they dropped it for PvP because they want to market something that isn't the PvE game because they know it cannot stand on it's own. So yes, you are still wrong on that. Did I even say anything? Nope. I figured I would just watch you continue to throw stones from your glass house while still thinking there was dungeon crawling in EQ while trying to use that as a way to prop up dungeons in TESO. Which was flat out bullshit, which brought you to my attention in the first place. Either way, you are wrong. The NDA is still up in regards to what you can "Prove".

As an aside, Grave maybe you will want to read this: I was thinking that the video showing an unpopulated Riften had to be a different build of the weekend beta, but then when Grave said he had no idea how that even happened as it spawned an alternate zone set (How this is even possible is fucking scary in it's own right... they must be wondering how the fuck that even happened.) With that said, if Grave wants my advice on that bug, my guess it would be Megaserver got confused with the player being under the world, is coded to launch multiple instances of Cyrodil which is also coded to populate correctly, and with Riften not having that specific code set, would instance the terrain set of Riften, but not populate it as there is no code for that. Basically throwing the player into an unpopulated copied Riften. Now THAT Tuco, is a dart - a hunch. But that is a strong hunch if the weekend beta build was the same as the closed.


Picture translation: putting points in anything but health is kinda pointless as hitting at least the soft caps is easily done with gear, enchants, passives and stuff.
Bondurant, you mentioned this before and I didn't quite follow. Is there any sort of reference for this? I read the FAQ and the reviews and there's very little information. Plus, endgame is different from leveling.

What are the hard/soft cap numbers for this game?

According to a few reviews, they suggest just the opposite while leveling:

Sorcerer Class Impressions

When it comes to attribute points, each character starts off the same no matter what race you choose (150 Health, 100 Magicka, and 100 Stamina). Each level, you gain 20 points in all three attributes for simply leveling up, and also are awarded 1 attribute point. This attribute point can be spent to gain +10 Magicka or Stamina, or +20 Health. While leveling up, my recommendation is that you skip Health in order to maximize your resource pools. This may sound odd, but while leveling you want to ensure that you minimize your downtime and waiting for your resources to regenerate constantly will slow down your rate of killing. Later on, you can respecialize your attribute points and spend them however you please, although survivability becomes much more important later on.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Picture translation: putting points in anything but health is kinda pointless as hitting at least the soft caps is easily done with gear, enchants, passives and stuff.
The problem is it isn't - because itemization per class is fucked.


Good answers to a lot of what I was looking for in regards to this guys feedback and the soft caps:

Sorcerers! Check it out - soft caps on magicka and stamina attributes makes health a primary stat : elderscrollsonline

[-]NyblingTamriel Foundry | Entropy Rising[score hidden]1 hour ago
Yes. 2->50 put points in your magicka/stamina. @50, respec into 49 health and have a crafter make you a full set of green/blue gear. Enchant that gear, grab an appropriate mundus stone, and then hit up Vet content.

My guess is the ZO guys in typical Mythic fashion will change this at or near release. It looks like they changed health already since it was very unappealing in beta.


Good answers to a lot of what I was looking for in regards to this guys feedback and the soft caps:

Sorcerers! Check it out - soft caps on magicka and stamina attributes makes health a primary stat : elderscrollsonline

[-]NyblingTamriel Foundry | Entropy Rising[score hidden]1 hour ago
Yes. 2->50 put points in your magicka/stamina. @50, respec into 49 health and have a crafter make you a full set of green/blue gear. Enchant that gear, grab an appropriate mundus stone, and then hit up Vet content.

My guess is the ZO guys in typical Mythic fashion will change this at or near release. It looks like they changed health already since it was very unappealing in beta.
Let's hope so, kinda squashes character customization as is.

Thanks for the link Gecko.

Domo Arigato,


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I feel like Ive read the whole "stack stamina" part before, for casters. Just cant recall which Game it was.


So is the general gist atm still that ranged is king for PVP as usual ?

Even I couldn't do a lot of damage , if I was able to walk around with board and sword as a tank in PVP and just survive a really long time compared to others I'd go for it.


Oh and since I also like to piss off TESO fanboys, I'm just gonna leave this here :

That looks familiar.

Maybe Utnayan can tell us more about what is posted at that link.


So is the general gist atm still that ranged is king for PVP as usual ?

Even I couldn't do a lot of damage , if I was able to walk around with board and sword as a tank in PVP and just survive a really long time compared to others I'd go for it.
I was so hoping for this in GW2 after getting totally wrecked in SWTOR world pvp as a melee based class. I couldn't do anything but sit back and watch for a straggler or two and even then I would just get pulled back in and promptly defeated. In GW2, the same thing happened and someone told me just to use my bow. I mean I had to resort to using a bow just to be some semblance of effective. As a melee class.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So is the general gist atm still that ranged is king for PVP as usual ?

Even I couldn't do a lot of damage , if I was able to walk around with board and sword as a tank in PVP and just survive a really long time compared to others I'd go for it.
It is. Two problems:

Melee have a lot of stuns
Ranged combat gets whacked with tab targeting. So one on one ranged will dominate. If you get against a group, or need to switch targets and forget to tab it, you will still be on the wrong target. If you tab it, you still have a high percentage of "Wtf is happening" until they fix the issue surrounding the layered combat system.

So I guess it's balanced

That looks familiar.

Maybe Utnayan can tell us more about what is posted at that link.
For magicka, I would hope to god they itemize the mobs correctly to increase the cap. As a caster, you put points into magicka obviously. Stamina/Health is supposed to raise with gear, but itemization is fucking that up so it off sets the stats, as we see in that pic. That's the one thing they do not discuss in that thread because they are too busy kissing developer ass to say the right things. The problem is inherent in poor itemization per class.


1) So I am level 25 in closed, and I do not trust you to give you a tell in game because I still think you work for ZO in some capacity or have a special interest in shilling this title. The reason I think that is because you said there was actual dungeon crawling in EQ. Your reply was so high level it reminded me of reading an interview with Paul Sage where no direct questions are answered and no specifics given because they are building the plane as it flies. I even asked you to give me one of your most loved experiences in EQ. You coulnd't even do that, while others pounded in at the chance. At any rate, those people haven't played an MMORPG in the last 10 fucking years, and probably never touched EQ1 anyway to speak to it's core game strength. That led me to both conclusions above. Anyway, dungeon crawling, wasn't possible with the way the community drove the emergent gameplay, and simply never happened. I have been in closed beta since May of 2013. The reason I didn't, and still won't, take the risk with you is because I am one of the only ones (Aside from Khalid and Pyksel) who have that access and can make sure to call out the bullshit. Something I have done here since 2002. And if you do not like that, tough. As droigan pointed out my tenture here has been a long one, and if people don't believe me by now then quite frankly, fuck 'em. I'm posting it anyway.

2) I hadn't played the closed beta since December. I never bothered to check the forums to see if any LUA functionality had been set in game yet. As of the last time I played seriously in the game, before basically halting and not being able to get passed the ridiculously broken combat system and stale/generic hip hop of what ZO considers quest content (Yeah there are no bear ass quests, but instead let's make all that a shit ton of activate this, deactivate that, kill trash on the way, watch a burning building, phase out of the burning building after pouring water and interacting on said building, or activating some fucking shrine or picking up a relic to place on a pedestal, I was bored to fucking tears.) When I logged in again in late January, just to see if animations had improved like some idiot here said, noticing they weren't, I logged back out. I had thought they still weren't in yet being they needed to work on so many other things. I should have checked first.

3) The NDA is still up for a lot of segments while they dropped it for PvP because they want to market something that isn't the PvE game because they know it cannot stand on it's own. So yes, you are still wrong on that. Did I even say anything? Nope. I figured I would just watch you continue to throw stones from your glass house while still thinking there was dungeon crawling in EQ while trying to use that as a way to prop up dungeons in TESO. Which was flat out bullshit, which brought you to my attention in the first place. Either way, you are wrong. The NDA is still up in regards to what you can "Prove".

As an aside, Grave maybe you will want to read this: I was thinking that the video showing an unpopulated Riften had to be a different build of the weekend beta, but then when Grave said he had no idea how that even happened as it spawned an alternate zone set (How this is even possible is fucking scary in it's own right... they must be wondering how the fuck that even happened.) With that said, if Grave wants my advice on that bug, my guess it would be Megaserver got confused with the player being under the world, is coded to launch multiple instances of Cyrodil which is also coded to populate correctly, and with Riften not having that specific code set, would instance the terrain set of Riften, but not populate it as there is no code for that. Basically throwing the player into an unpopulated copied Riften. Now THAT Tuco, is a dart - a hunch. But that is a strong hunch if the weekend beta build was the same as the closed.

Your #1 problem, which I assume causes you major problems in real life like it does here on the forums, is that you have such a high opinion of yourself that you have convinced yourself that your shit doesn't stink. You consider your opinion fact and anyone else with a different opinion is automatically wrong. Take the EQ1 analogy I made. It is impossible for you to conceive that dungeon crawling in ESO is comparable to gameplay in EQ1. I used that term because that is what I always call running dungeons. In EQ1 when dungeons were crowded, of course you had to camp at a specific spot and pull mobs to there. What you fail to comprehend is that not everyone who played EQ1 played it like you did or the hardcore raiders who were always at the leading edge of content.

I myself was married with kids and a full time job (US Army) when EQ1 came out. When I played the game, I played it in 1-3 hour chunks. When Kunark came out, I hadn't even made it to level 50 yet. After taking long breaks for DAOC, Anarchy Online and Asheron's Call, when I finally came back to EQ1 Luclin was out and the Firiona Vie server had opened up. I switched to that server since my college roommate was on that server. The hardcore raiding guilds were already raiding Vex Thal. Guess what that meant for a casual player like me having to level all the way back up to 50? I got to dungeon crawl thru all the content most everyone else sat on their asses and camped. BTW you said you quit playing EQ1 in PoP. That means you never played LDoN, Gates of Discord and Omens of War. LDON (my favorite expansion since it catered to casual players) was 100% dungeon crawling and GoD and OoW had dungeon instances in them as well. WoW came out while OoW was the active expansion so I fled EQ1 and never looked back. I imagine every expansion since OoW also had instanced dungeons. I came back to EQ1 for a short time when Seeds of Destruction came out but it still sucked in comparison to WoW. The only reason I played EQ1 for 6+ years was the friends I made that I met while playing. The game design was outright horrible unless you could devote 4+ hours a night to playing.

That is all rather immaterial to the point I actually made which you could never let stand because it was a positive comment about ESO and you can not tolerate those. For the first time since EQ1 and vanilla WoW, IMO dungeon groups in ESO have to play smart and work together as a team. FYI IMO stands for "in my opinion" and when I use it, unlike you I am not stating it as a fact. You can't AOE tank or AOE DPS in ESO like you can in pretty much every single WoW clone.

In regards to the ESO addons, I notice you admitted you should have checked first before making an ass of yourself. Too hard for you to admit you were flat out wrong and I was correct? Imagine the ridicule you could have avoided had you had the honesty to admit that up front?

BTW your first sentence in #3 is you once again stating your opinion as fact. At some point perhaps you will comprehend that is what gets you in trouble. You always jump to conclusions and the logic (if you can actually call it logic) path you always take is some conspiratorial rant that the executives in charge of developing MMOs are purposely out to deprive you of having fun in a MMO. You should stop playing MMOs because people like you are never happy unless you can whine and complain about everything. You will never allow yourself to enjoy any MMO even if its a good one. You have to much fun ranting and hating on everything.

BTW I get a laugh every time you assert I work for Zenimax. I'm just a regular joe who works in the defense industry who enjoys playing MMOs. I would have to take a $70K+ paycut to go work for a game developer. It sounds like fun but I have mouths to feed. Since you believe your opinion is always "The Truth" and you are never wrong when it comes to MMOs, you are incapable of understanding how someone else could like a MMO you hate. In your eyes, they have to be either a paid shill or work for the developer. That just makes you come across even more crazy than you do when you are ranting and hating on MMOs. Lighten up Francis.


That looks familiar.

Maybe Utnayan can tell us more about what is posted at that link.
For magicka, I would hope to god they itemize the mobs correctly to increase the cap. As a caster, you put points into magicka obviously. Stamina/Health is supposed to raise with gear, but itemization is fucking that up so it off sets the stats, as we see in that pic. That's the one thing they do not discuss in that thread because they are too busy kissing developer ass to say the right things. The problem is inherent in poor itemization per class.
Perhaps Kedwyn, Pyksel or Grave would like to do the honors?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Take the EQ1 analogy I made. It is impossible for you to conceive that dungeon crawling in ESO is comparable to gameplay in EQ1. I used that term because that is what I always call running dungeons. In EQ1 when dungeons were crowded, of course you had to camp at a specific spot and pull mobs to there. What you fail to comprehend is that not everyone who played EQ1 played it like you did or the hardcore raiders who were always at the leading edge of content.
That is what I fail to comprehend. There was no dungeon crawling in Everquest unless you joined in at the tail end of mudflation and went to zones with one or two buddies that were severely under-populated, which meant a lack of rewards or XP. The TESO dungeons are nothing like EQ1 dungeons in that regard. They are instance runs. EQ1 dungeons were not. Camping was the only way to do it in vanilla. Kunark, and Velious. Now unless you are talking about taking an alt group of 5 other friends of yours, and heading to Droga at the tail end of PoP, you weren't going to dungeon crawl, and if you did it that way, that's fine. But the majority of EQ was played differently. And in vanilla, there was literally NO CHANCE of dungeon crawling due to population and community emergent gameplay (Camping) and I would say the same went all the way through Kunark and into Velious until things lightened up on the dungeon populations.

That is all rather immaterial to the point I actually made which you could never let stand because it was a positive comment about ESO and you can not tolerate those.
I have no problem with positive comments. But let's not shroud it in one off bullshit that the majority of us never experienced here in EQ. I wasn't a hardcore raider. I raided, I was tier 2 in a guild called Excelsior, then Athreule, then Deadly Virtues, and some other guilds I cannot recall the names of. We raided content a step below. Not sure that should be considered hardcore.

BTW your first sentence in #3 is you once again stating your opinion as fact.
Dude, you went nuts saying the NDA was lifted and I should go jump off an internet cliff. It isn't lifted. You are still bound to it where it matters, and isn't a ZO marketing push for PvP because that is going to be their main draw. Those PvP videos were also focus tested and in controlled environments. Since we are being somewhat cordial, did you ever play any of the weekend betas? Outside of our little controlled environment?


It is. Two problems:

Melee have a lot of stuns
Ranged combat gets whacked with tab targeting. So one on one ranged will dominate. .
Negative. One on one melee facerolls stuns while strafing in a circle. Granted, you can hit them with tabbed targeting, but you can't see what they're doing and therefore lose the edge of reacting before abilities fire, using visual cues. Meanwhile they keep that advantage. The gap closers seal the deal, in addition to the only (useless) two second invisibility ability only available to one class. The problem with ranged is that it's impossible to stay at range. Once they close the gap, you better switch to melee because you will not put distance between yourself and your opponent, period.

Balance comes from late weapon abilities, which make it possible for ranged to dominate (can you guess?) *at range*. 1v1, gap closers will always be used.

Think of actual combat from the steel and arrow era. Were archers on the front lines going toe to toe with swordsmen, axemen, pikemen, etc? Hell no! The archers stood back and fired into the enemy as they closed distance. Once the enemy was close, the archers were useless if they couldn't drop a bow and pick up a sword. It doesn't make sense to talk about ranged attacks in 1v1 except where somebody sneaky gets the drop on some melee. It makes even less sense to say that melee and ranged are balanced going toe-to-toe. That's where melee has the advantage.

Have you actually played a ranged character in this game? Have you played ranged in *any* Elder Scrolls game since TES III? Your assessment is ass backwards for almost the entire franchise since it hit consoles.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Perhaps Kedwyn, Pyksel or Grave would like to do the honors?
Please do. Is there any reason to put points into magicka or stamina? I thought I answered the question fairly well. It's an itemization issue.


I've got to poke my head in here and mention that you did NOT have to play 4 hours a night every night to enjoy EQ , and LDON was anything but the best of EQ expansions.

Carry on.