The Elder Scrolls Online


2 Minutes Hate
Based on what? Somebody always brings up this bullshit based on dumb shit like cartoon graphics.
You can't be this ignorant of these games can you? Wildstar is an upgraded WOW with a different combat system. It is an uber treadmill quest game with Raids, Heroic Dungeons and battlegrounds for PVP. Outside of the limited hotbar and telegraph, the game is a very high quality clone with housing. That's not even getting close to the fact the graphical style is nearly identical.

If TESO is going to be known for something, it's going to be known for it's PVP - just look at who is running the show. Combat, Class Systems and PVE content don't really match up with WOW as much as Wildstar.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You can't be this ignorant of these games can you? Wildstar is an upgraded WOW with a different combat system. It is an uber treadmill quest game with Raids, Heroic Dungeons and battlegrounds for PVP. Outside of the limited hotbar and telegraph, the game is a very high quality clone with housing. That's not even getting close to the fact the graphical style is nearly identical.

If TESO is going to be known for something, it's going to be known for it's PVP - just look at who is running the show. Combat, Class Systems and PVE content don't really match up with WOW as much as Wildstar.
What in the flying fuck are you rambling about? We are talking about the maturity of player bases. Fucking pay attention.


2 Minutes Hate
I saw demo's and though you were discussing the different types of games these people attract. Everyone online game has the same types of dipshits of all ages. Nothing will ever change that.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
MMO populations among different games are not homogeneous at all. A cursory look at populations in EQ, DFO, WoW and now TESO would demonstrate that easily.


What in the flying fuck are you rambling about? We are talking about the maturity of player bases. Fucking pay attention.
Here's where I'd say you were dead wrong and WOW and subsequently Wildstar's target demo is a much younger crowd and it's toony graphics are more aimed for younger players... Except almost everyone I know who still plays WOW is 35+ and most of the under 30s aren't into it.

I do think TESO is more of a Western MMO, and it certainly is targeted a bit more at the DAOC crowd.

I despise stylized graphics personally, as it kills any since of immersion. WOW did it right for 2004 and PCs, but I never liked it much despite it being pretty for gaming, and I'm hoping we get more MMOs like this in the future:



2 Minutes Hate
MMO populations among different games are not homogeneous at all. A cursory look at populations in EQ, DFO, WoW and now TESO would demonstrate that easily.
Not really. Each game is comprised of assholes, kiddies, casuals and hardcore players with all different temperaments. Each game offers a different playstyle that you can carve out separate niches of players, however each game doesn't specifically attract the same traits of mature vs. non-mature.


Here's where I'd say you were dead wrong and WOW and subsequently Wildstar's target demo is a much younger crowd and it's toony graphics are more aimed for younger players... Except almost everyone I know who still plays WOW is 35+ and most of the under 30s aren't into it.

I do think TESO is more of a Western MMO, and it certainly is targeted a bit more at the DAOC crowd.

I despise stylized graphics personally, as it kills any since of immersion. WOW did it right for 2004 and PCs, but I never liked it much despite it being pretty for gaming, and I'm hoping we get more MMOs like this in the future:
Yeah, that game is definitely something I'm interested in. No telling how good it will actually be though because all I've seen to date is one promo video and one video explaining the tech of the engine. Still haven't heard too much about it overall so...

As far as graphical styles and art, highly interested in that and this, although I'm not a big shooter fan:


this game is probably a "must buy" for me. The weapon mockups are probably the most well done I've ever seen of any game. I mean, who doesn't want the chance to be Kerrigan pre-Swarm?
I guess this is personal preference, but I think both have their play. Ever play Beyond Good And Evil? I would hate to see you missing out on games like this because they were too "kiddy cartoonish". The graphics of Skyrim and Fallout compared to Wildstar and WoW/Beyond Good and Evil all have their place. I hope you play the actual games first before deciding.
I was an early closed beta guy in Wildstar and I liked it. I actually did a ton of feedback on the game because I thought they were making a good solid game. At some point (about November last year) I just couldn't take the cartoony graphics any more. The telegraph action combat system is good in Widstar and anyone who likes playing that kind of game and does not mind cartoon graphics should give it a roll.

I never played beyond good and evil. I don't really have the same graphics standards for non MMO games. I like MMOs to feel like a place. Immersion is important to me and I find it hard to be immersed when the graphics are cartoony. I really don't mind "stylized" but somewhere in there "stylized" goes a little too far and becomes "cartoony" for me.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Here's where I'd say you were dead wrong and WOW and subsequently Wildstar's target demo is a much younger crowd and it's toony graphics are more aimed for younger players... Except almost everyone I know who still plays WOW is 35+ and most of the under 30s aren't into it.

I do think TESO is more of a Western MMO, and it certainly is targeted a bit more at the DAOC crowd.

I despise stylized graphics personally, as it kills any since of immersion. WOW did it right for 2004 and PCs, but I never liked it much despite it being pretty for gaming, and I'm hoping we get more MMOs like this in the future:

The only thing I have seen affect playerbase maturity and behavior are game mechanics. Does the game give you a reason to act like an asshole and create conflict.
Assuming the age of a playerbase based on cartoony graphics seems to be based on your hatred of that art style.


Molten Core Raider
Can someone comment on 2 things here.

1. Classes - are there interesting fun classes or whatever in this game, preferably with a group focus ( i.e. good in a group, thinking CC heals etc )

2. How much group content is there ?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Can someone comment on 2 things here.

1. Classes - are there interesting fun classes or whatever in this game, preferably with a group focus ( i.e. good in a group, thinking CC heals etc )

2. How much group content is there ?
The class system is one of the best out there imo. You can create a class with skills to mold around your specific needs. I don't know about the group content.


Trump's Staff
Can someone comment on 2 things here.

1. Classes - are there interesting fun classes or whatever in this game, preferably with a group focus ( i.e. good in a group, thinking CC heals etc )

2. How much group content is there ?
The class system in this game is the best to come along in quite a while. You can make a class to be almost anything you want. Stealth healer? Yup. Wizard with blink, 2hs, and a bow? Sure. The possibilities are very interesting and satisfying.

6 veteran dungeons + a max level adventure zone with multiple group trials within it. Honestly though... Don't pick up this game for the PVE experience. It's only average. PVP is where it's at in TESO.


Can someone comment on 2 things here.

1. Classes - are there interesting fun classes or whatever in this game, preferably with a group focus ( i.e. good in a group, thinking CC heals etc )

2. How much group content is there ?
1. There are only four base classes but you can fully customize how you play based on what weapon and armor you choose to use.
2. Each zone has a public group dungeon and a private group dungeon. Once you do the private group dungeon in your alliance's zone, it unlocks the other two private group dungeons in the other two alliance's zones. In other words there are always three level appropriate group dungeons you can run appropriate for your level. Dark anchors are spread about each zone that require two or more people to complete. There are also bosses (skull icon on the map) spread about each zone that pretty much require a full group to defeat now.

EDIT: The private group dungeons are well designed, provide a good challenge if you run them at the appropriate level, and are a lot of fun. If you like running PVE dungeons in MMOs, then you will like the private group dungeons in TESO.


Molten Core Raider
1. There are only four base classes but you can fully customize how you play based on what weapon and armor you choose to use.
2. Each zone has a public group dungeon and a private group dungeon. Once you do the private group dungeon in your alliance's zone, it unlocks the other two private group dungeons in the other two alliance's zones. In other words there are always three level appropriate group dungeons you can run appropriate for your level. Dark anchors are spread about each zone that require two or more people to complete. There are also bosses (skull icon on the map) spread about each zone that pretty much require a full group to defeat now.

EDIT: The private group dungeons are well designed, provide a good challenge if you run them at the appropriate level, and are a lot of fun. If you like running PVE dungeons in MMOs, then you will like the private group dungeons in TESO.
We talking linear dungeons or complex shit ?


Urinal Cake Consumption King
<Gold Donor>
We talking linear dungeons or complex shit ?
Now THAT is a good question. I just started paying attention to this a few days ago so I'm still catching up to all the infos :p

But I would like to know what the dungeons are like as well.