The Elder Scrolls Online


Sorry if this stuff has been covered, but I got a few Q's:

1. What mobs give XP? It seems like 9 out of 10 give nothing at all, then I'll get a measly amount (what one would expect from spending 4 seconds killing a mob). Does this ever change? I asked in game and people were saying mobs don't give XP to prevent power leveling, and all I could think is it's not power's leveling.

2. Is the Aldmeri Dominion especially 'run'y in the early game? I got up near lvl 6 and the quests were just running and running and running, clicking, kill maybe 2 mobs to get a quest drop, then more running.

3. What's up with Armor? First, I tried the -40% armor skill and it didn't change my damage on the target. Then, I let some mobs wail on me with and without my 42 armor plate mail BP, and both times they hit for 28 damage.
1 and 3 seem like...really significant concerns. Can anyone explain these?


I gotta say for all the hate the hero engine received it runs extremely nicely. My machines two years old everything on Ultra. Smooth as anything.

Quick question for people who played the Beta.. Obviously it's subjective but Dragon Knight or Templar? Which would you say is the more enjoyable class? I like my Character to look like a boss in mad armor but I also like flashy spells and big swords.


I gotta say for all the hate the hero engine received it runs extremely nicely. My machines two years old everything on Ultra. Smooth as anything.

Quick question for people who played the Beta.. Obviously it's subjective but Dragon Knight or Templar? Which would you say is the more enjoyable class? I like my Character to look like a boss in mad armor but I also like flashy spells and big swords.
I don't think it is running on the Hero Engine. I believe that they only used the Hero Engine for early development and switched away from it after.

I loved the Dragon Knight. Running around with a fiery sword is a lot of fun in PvP and in PvE, especially in PvP if you have a healer backing you up. It reminded me a lot of the Herald of Xotli class from Age of Conan, which was an amazingly fun class.

I am really impressed with the stability of the launch thus far. I have only played for a few minutes, because of work, but it went really well while I was on. Frame rates were great, I saw very little lag and I had no problems with the few quests I ran. I am really ready for Wednesday to arrive so I can actually get some play time in.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Very smooth launch here on the EU megaserver also. Performance is really amazing, especially with a lot of players on screen at the same time. The only "problem" i have, i cant decide which faction to play... so ill probably play all three and take like forever to cap (yes i know about the 50+ game, it just doesnt "feel right" to do it that way, if that makes any sense
Yep, I had no problems getting straight in on the EU megaserver. I was wondering how they were going to deal with the fact that there were going to be at least 4 main languages spoken over 1 server, but I see they have foreign language channels in the chat tab.

Sadly it didn't stop the main English channel being spammed with French, German & Russian :/


So what is this I hear about warlegend "exploit" leveling to 50?
Apparently, a closed beta tester used a bugged quest to exploit to 50. I have heard, though I can not verify, that he found it in beta but never reported it. I will bet that Zenimax will fix the exploit and ban or de-level the player.


Trakanon Raider

Tried to order the game from GMG, considering they use USD, and with the exchange rate the way it is, the imperial edition with a voucher there is cheaper than the normal edition from the official store.

Anyways, entered card details, get the message "oops, there was a problem with the card, please use another one", but took a look on my phone at my bank account and the charge was reserved instantly.

Anyone else have this issue? I sent them a support claim, but no idea how long that will take.

I have used GMG before, so not worried about scamming, just annoyed this happened right now. I wanna play!


So.. Played the longest I've played an MMO in years. I'm pleasantly surprised. Few quick impressions

Combat-Melee feels great. I enjoy each encounter and it feels really responsive. It doesn't have the floaty feel of GW 2.
Sound/music- HUGE surprise. The sound track to this game is actually really good. IMO has a Lord of the rings feel. At stages I found myself listening to the music getting emotional reactions to it.
Graphics- Runs like a dream. Constantly silky smooth. Animations are not great. It won't age well but for now it looks nice.

Servers- No issues whatsoever. I think I lagged once for 3 seconds and that is honestly it. From Australia the ping is great compared to other games. I'm getting around 180-200.

Quests- I think you will either enjoy them or hate them. There's not much goto an area and plow through it. There's a lot of running around and not much hand holding when it comes to actually finding quests. You have to run off yourself and explore the map to actually find quests. Most people won't read the text but I've read every bit of text and it's actually not to bad. A few different things going on throughout the whole zone which is enjoyable as it is a fleshed out story.

Negatives - Some parts of the zones feel empty. That includes NPCs and Players. In saying that you still run into players fairly often.
- A lot of running. I'm ok with this but I can see it annoying some.

At the moment loving it. I can't quiet put my finger on it but I simply enjoy the game at the moment. I've had to pull myself away from the computer both nights to goto bed for work. Pleasant surprise


I finally got access to the official forums. I assumed my username would be the same as what I used to log into the game. Nope. Had to use my email instead. I assumed the password would be the same as the one I used to log into the game. Nope. Its the one I used on PTS closed beta. No idea how that got setup. The organization of the official forums is lacking IMO. The Euros need their own separate webpages instead of having their pages and subjects mixed in with the English forums. Still haven't found a General Disucssion forum yet.
I don't think it is running on the Hero Engine. I believe that they only used the Hero Engine for early development and switched away from it after.

I loved the Dragon Knight. Running around with a fiery sword is a lot of fun in PvP and in PvE, especially in PvP if you have a healer backing you up. It reminded me a lot of the Herald of Xotli class from Age of Conan, which was an amazingly fun class.

I am really impressed with the stability of the launch thus far. I have only played for a few minutes, because of work, but it went really well while I was on. Frame rates were great, I saw very little lag and I had no problems with the few quests I ran. I am really ready for Wednesday to arrive so I can actually get some play time in.
I cant sit and game long due to my medical issues, so I have been gaming on my desktops.
Yesturday I downloaded the newest version on my laptop and installed TESO and while it was installing near the beginning I got a POP up saying powered by Havoc and Powered by Hero engine with the a graphic for the hero engine.
So its confirmed that it is running on the hero engine.

Do a fresh install on another pc at your home and near the beginning you will see the powered by hero engine graphic and message.
I was as shocked as everyone else for all the time they spent saying it would not use the hero engine, to have it in credits for the software near the start of the install was downright comical.
Shrugs but the 5 day headstart was mighty smooth yesterday.



Server stability isn't that bad. I won $1500 in pull tabs at the bar last night so figured screw it. I want to do some PvP with PRX. First experience in coordinated PvP. No broken progression quests yet either, so I hope it keeps up.
This feels worse than Facebook buying Oculus.


They aren't using Hero Engine for the 500th time. The fact they got a deal to license it for early alpha by putting its emblem on their game means nothing.

Leveling is slow as fuck. Maybe I've just been spoiled by other games. My bar crawls and kills seem to give little or nothing.