The Elder Scrolls Online


2 Minutes Hate
Live is like a $50 yearly sub or something like that? I haven't looked at it in like a decade. FFXIV is a normal monthly sub.


Well, believe it or not, I'm still playing this. My guild is small (only 6 originally came over to ESO) and we've still got 4 playing regularly. It seems quite populated still, but with the mega server, who knows how it really is. Anyway, wanted to put a heads up about update 5. I'll link to it, because it was something like 18 pages of patch notes. Some good shit in there. If you ever had some interest in this game, it's pretty solid now. No game breaking bugs that I know of. Farmers and bots have been largely dealt with. Stamina builds are viable now. Lots more to do at end game. Too much to list really. Here's some notes:

Patch Notes v1.5.2 - Elder Scrolls Online


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
When the hell is this due for Ps4? It might actually be a pretty good console game and be succesful. Too bad they couldn't take a year before the PC release.


When the hell is this due for Ps4? It might actually be a pretty good console game and be succesful. Too bad they couldn't take a year before the PC release.
They are on stage 2/3 of a revamp of the veteran system. The champion system will be a lot better and allow for full almost open ended customization of your character past max level. My bet is that they are waiting for that to get done (hopefully next update or 2) and then release consoles. I wouldn't be shocked if consoles hit in Jan/Feb. Of course who knows. Maybe they'll push that shit to June.


When the hell is this due for Ps4? It might actually be a pretty good console game and be succesful. Too bad they couldn't take a year before the PC release.
Strategically, it'd be smart if they bundled the console releases with a discount for PC players and a small expansion with new content. I'd buy this for the PS4, especially if they lower the sub costs to a reasonable rate or do a 'season pass' type of format.


Blackwulf, what does endgame itemization look like now?
Things are a lot better now. All the sets got a pass that made many more viable at end game. Crafted and dropped (including pvp sets.) They added some nice items and sets in update 4 and some rare, random, legendary and epic rewards for campaign rewards.

Update 5 took it another level with more sets and some pretty cool monster helm/shoulders two piece sets from the undaunted pledges (daily dungeon quests.)

Is it perfect? No, but they're definitely moving in the right direction.

Elder Scrolls Online - New Undaunted Gear - YouTube


Lord Nagafen Raider
Does this game have any sort of trial or buddy key yet? Want to try it but not wanting to drop $60 to be disappointed.


Trump's Staff
I will definitely play this on PS4 if they fix all the garbage that kept me from playing with my friends (playing at all).


I will definitely play this on PS4 if they fix all the garbage that kept me from playing with my friends (playing at all).
Phasing was redesigned a couple of patches back. If group members are in different phases of a quest, there is now a mechanism for them to be able to see each other and have the person who has already completed the quests go back and help those who haven't.


Trump's Staff
Phasing was redesigned a couple of patches back. If group members are in different phases of a quest, there is now a mechanism for them to be able to see each other and have the person who has already completed the quests go back and help those who haven't.
Oh thank god. I actually really really liked ESO. The skill system was awesome, and the world felt great. If the balance and grouping issues are fixed, I'm gonna get a ton of play out of this when (if?) it hits consoles.

Have they added a raiding component or no?


Oh thank god. I actually really really liked ESO. The skill system was awesome, and the world felt great. If the balance and grouping issues are fixed, I'm gonna get a ton of play out of this when (if?) it hits consoles.

Have they added a raiding component or no?
There are 3 "raids" now. The trials in Craglorn. I've pugged through a couple and they were decently fun. Just painful with a pug and raid guilds feel too much like a job to me, so...meh.