The Elder Scrolls Online


Well, I'm gonna keep my sub, because of the perks you get, so I'm going to have access to all the DLC anyway. I think console people are used to paying for DLC now and then, so I don't think that'll be too much an issue.
Yeah I suppose that's a pretty good alternate view on the topic. It's a bit different than other companies if it's sub-gated.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Why the hell is this taking so long to get onto consoles?
I assume because the PC version will need to have the new B2P pay model and cash shop in place and stable before the console version is released.

Another assumption is that version 1.7 will include Cyrodil city PVP content as well as the final conversion from veteran rank to champion point system. My guess is the console version won't release until the 1.7 patch goes live.
My guess would be that it's harder than they thought to port the game to consoles. They've been planning on switching to B2P/cash shop/whatever since the game came out.


My guess would be that it's harder than they thought to port the game to consoles. They've been planning on switching to B2P/cash shop/whatever since the game came out.
Yeah I was thinking it had to do with the hardware transition, not many games on xbox fit a couple hundred players on a screen like that. I wonder how it's going to work.

Tuco what's PRX's input on the new upcoming ESO stuff? Any whispers?


My guess would be that it's harder than they thought to port the game to consoles. They've been planning on switching to B2P/cash shop/whatever since the game came out.
Inventory management is still a big pain in the ass in this game. I can't imagine how annoying inventory management will be in the console version with the current UI in the PC version. The console UI will need to be completely redesigned IMO to make it more user friendly.

I think your last sentence is probably accurate.


Inventory management is still a big pain in the ass in this game. I can't imagine how annoying inventory management will be in the console version with the current UI in the PC version. The console UI will need to be completely redesigned IMO to make it more user friendly.

I think your last sentence is probably accurate.
Watch theTwitch- it shows the console UI.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Well, I'm gonna keep my sub, because of the perks you get, so I'm going to have access to all the DLC anyway. I think console people are used to paying for DLC now and then, so I don't think that'll be too much an issue.
How are 10% perks helping you as a player who has been invested so long? Without knowing what is exactly being sold on the market (1500 Crowns per month) Have they made that available yet? I am interested to see what the "convenience" items on the market look like. When would one find out about that market and what will be on it?


Inside information

Resco, do you think this game is worth coming back to after they make the switch? Some friends of mine are trying to hype me up.

Am I going to get pooped on by dk talon spam?
I believe in the past you have said something along the lines of having fun in a MMO is largely influenced by who you are playing with. PVP gameplay is still pretty much the same so if you liked or disliked the PVP in Cyrodil I imagine your opinion on PVP now will still be the same.

There are only a couple of changes in PVP I am aware of. In 1.6 the AOE cap is getting removed. Now if your group is stupid enough to clump together then everyone will get hit with AOE. Another change is that blocking will now help protect against magicka attacks. Right now it only protects against stamina attacks.

Don't know when you quit playing but now stamina builds have been buffed and compete better against magicka builds.

Since you like to play the auction house game my guess is you won't like the guild trader system.

Grinding for EXP in Craglorn has been heavily nerfed across the board so that takes away your preferred leveling method.

Based on what I know of your playstyle, for you I would say don't come back until you see how Cyrodil city PVP is going to work.


Tuco - can you +net resco for me for that well thought out post? Or atleast remove the neg I gave him earlier in the year? Is any of that possible? I'd even be willing to give him one of my nets.


How are 10% perks helping you as a player who has been invested so long? Without knowing what is exactly being sold on the market (1500 Crowns per month) Have they made that available yet? I am interested to see what the "convenience" items on the market look like. When would one find out about that market and what will be on it?
If you only play one main character whose skills are already maxed out, the 10% perk will allow you to accumulate Champion Points 10% faster.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
If you only play one main character whose skills are already maxed out, the 10% perk will allow you to accumulate Champion Points 10% faster.
Would that be worth $14.99 a month for a 10% boost? I don't know how fast/slow accumulating champion points is currently.


Would that be worth $14.99 a month for a 10% boost? I don't know how fast/slow accumulating champion points is currently.
Can't answer that question without completely speculating. The details of the CP system won't be known until next week and even then you still won't know if it's worth the $15 until the B2P client is released.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I was thinking it had to do with the hardware transition, not many games on xbox fit a couple hundred players on a screen like that. I wonder how it's going to work.

Tuco what's PRX's input on the new upcoming ESO stuff? Any whispers?
No. I've seen nothing and heard nothing positive about ESO from PRX or the PvP community. The last thing I heard about a month ago was, "Cyrodiil is basically the same.". IMO, ESO is fundementally broken and the team responsible for handling it now is incapable of fixing the massive problems it has.

Besides that, as a whole PRX only plays new games together. Very rarely will more than a few go back and play an old game. Even huge expansions for existing games don't garner much interest. We play games at release competitively and generally once we're done the core members and leadership move on and never come back.


What restrictions are being placed on the game and players now that subscriptions are no longer required to play?
None. The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited is the full version of the game, with all previous updates and content additions, including the new Champion and Justice systems.
This is good.

I think I'll pass on the PS4 version. Not really interested in paying $20 for something I already have.

As far as the "bonuses" go for subbing, /snore.
10% bonus to experience point gain
10% bonus to crafting research
10% bonus to crafting inspiration gain
10% bonus to gold acquisition
10% across the board isn't that much, and considering other than trying to catch people who've been playing since launch (not sure why anyone would want to do that now), there isn't really any reason to levelfasterthe way I see it, and it's not really that fast when you look at it. I guess the cash shop money is fine if you're into that kind of thing, but in a game like this I don't see the big deal between a speckled horse and a chocolate one; they can't really sell things too crazy or immersion bust. That leaves a lot of limited things in a world like Tamriel.

Access to all downloadable contentfor the duration of membership
Not feeling this one. TOR does it too.

It makes more sense tonotpay, start a brand new guy, level up normally and by the time you hit max (because you're not leveling 10%), the DLC they come out with will be on sale instead of buying it out of the gate. DCUO is a perfect example... if someone starts now, they get those DLC packages for cheap because they are older. If you've got a bunch of other Free/B2P folks running around you shouldn't have too much problem getting groups to do stuff. Besides, I'm sure they left that fucked-up guild system where you can join 100 guilds so I expect a lot of spamming"Doing old content shit, who wants to go?"all day long.

I think the biggest difference between paying in a game like this vs a game like TOR is that TOR is heavily raid-centric endgame and ESO is not. So it stands that if you like raiding (which is that games focus) you sub so you can do it without restrictions. ESO is (still?) PvP based/centric at it's heart so there isn't any cost to go to Cyrodil so if you want to mass PvP, don't sub and just level-up in the zerg or whatever.

Probably end up rerolling a new guy on different side, then when that maxed out, level another class in a different faction. Wait for the bargain DLC and get that.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
The perks seem kind of thin unless there are some interesting things on the market.
Yeah that's where I am wondering if they reduce XP needed for non subscribers. (Like SWTOR) But we will see soon enough I guess.

Props to Rescorla for being a good poster here lately


Would that be worth $14.99 a month for a 10% boost? I don't know how fast/slow accumulating champion points is currently.
Probably not if you just want the 10%. It will help with making money, and gaining champion points for me, but not a big deal. The main reason I am currently planning to keep my sub is so that I don't have to worry about what DLC I own. Now, if it turns out they just release a big DLC pack once every few months, it might be smarter to just buy the DLC packs as they come. If, however they are constantly dropping small DLC all the time, I'd rather just have the sub and have access to anything I feel like. I'll have to wait and see how they do things.