The Elder Scrolls Online


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to see how thing shape up, but I gotta tell you guys - these last few months have left a really bad taste in my mouth. It's become quite clear that MMO PC gamers are of very little concern to the suits at ZOS. I'm pretty sure that from day one, Paul Sage has been planning to use this last year as a test bed to flesh out and polish the console release. I think that Matt Firor had great plans and hopes for this MMO, but I think that the console love-fest that Bethesda has become over the last decade corrupted the fuck outta him. I think they marginalized him and basically said, look, if PC sales aren't stellar, you better have plan B ready. Plan B, being a complete refocus of the company on a PVEconsoleexperience overhaul. Us PC suckers just paid them to create a better console game. There's been no real end game content added since October, and that content was a vet dungeon and a fucking boring ass raid (excuse me, TRIAL) that takes 20 minutes once your guild has it down. The previous two raids (er TRIALS) can be done in 10 minutes. The loot is boring and the experience was old 7 months ago.

Vet dungeons and monster helmet sets are cool, but man, you can't fucking live off that shit for a year! Champion system is neat - it adds a lot of life to character development, but how are us vets supposed to gain 3600 champion points without slitting our wrists? We've already done all the content 300 times. The PVP could be an answer, but they stuck Brian Wheeler in a closet 8 months ago and nothing's been done for PVP. Matt Firor might be marginalized, but at least he spoke bluntly on a recent reddit AMA: He said that there will be NO NEW CONTENT until console release has "settled down." So.... fucking August maybe? A tiny bit of new content in October, and nothing new until MAYBE August? That's a long time to expect people to grind out 400k xp per champion point on very old, limited end game content.

The point of my previous paragraph was basically to point out that they don't give a fuck about us people that are bored to tears with the current content. There's PLENTY of fucking content for the console kids to keep busy until the first DLC pack drops around August or September.

Put it this way - I'll be dropping my sub and just checking in rather infrequently until some content drops. I'm probably going to be disappointed, because they're going to cater to fucking console baddies.

My only ray of sunshine is that I imagine B2P will bring a lot of noobs in to the various PVP campaigns and me and my gank squad can farm the shit outta them, until even that becomes boring.

Here's hoping that Wing Commander MMO pans out. Or the Shadowbane sequel, thingy, Crowfall.

For the record: I don't really blame Matt Firor - I think his vision was cool, but the ES fan base wouldn't support a DAOC two in ES skin. Utnayan... Utnayan... Utnayan, I think you were right about Paul Sage. Mother fucker.
Vitality, our work here is finished my friend.

Blackwulf, you are hereby invited to play drunken games with us, any time, any place, and I hope you like beer or alcohol. This post has brought a tear to my eye, and I am happy you have finally seen the light.

Rescorla, you could learn a lot from your comrade here.


Vitality, our work here is finished my friend.

Blackwulf, you are hereby invited to play drunken games with us, any time, any place, and I hope you like beer or alcohol. This post has brought a tear to my eye, and I am happy you have finally seen the light.

Rescorla, you could learn a lot from your comrade here.
Yeah, I'll enjoy that! Of course I will bring a delightful cabernet and some sharp cheese.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Where did everyone go? This thread sure got quiet after Blackwulf finally saw the light on this piece of shit title.


What would you like to talk about? We could talk about the upcoming 1.6 patch but to have an informed opinion on the paych you would have actually have to have experience playing the game.

If you want to ruin Draegan's day, you could fabricate some more stuff out of thin air and I could point out where you are wrong and then Vitality can swoop in and try to bail you out.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
What would you like to talk about? We could talk about the upcoming 1.6 patch but to have an informed opinion on the paych you would have actually have to have experience playing the game.

If you want to ruin Draegan's day, you could fabricate some more stuff out of thin air and I could point out where you are wrong and then Vitality can swoop in and try to bail you out.
What are you going to do now that blackwulf even caved in and saw the light on this huge waste of resources and IP? Do you believe as a lot of us do that the console release is a weak attempt at cashing in on the IP for console gamers who think this is the new Skyrim? Sure seems like it.


Playing minecraft tonight boyz, building a cactus pit to trap forum noobs probably. Check out the thread in other games and get white listed.


What are you going to do now that blackwulf even caved in and saw the light on this huge waste of resources and IP? Do you believe as a lot of us do that the console release is a weak attempt at cashing in on the IP for console gamers who think this is the new Skyrim? Sure seems like it.
I will do the same thing I have been doing for the past 16 years. As long as I am having fun with my guildmates I will continue to play. Having fun with your friends is kinda the point of playing MMOs.

BTW who is this "lot of us" who you think share the same opinion as you about the console release. You are the only person here I've seen trying to promote that narrative. The vibe I'm getting from you lately is that you are scared the console version is going to be a huge commercial success.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It's very unlikely ESO will be a commercial success on consoles. I doubt they'll even break even.


Eh, I think console will sell a lot. By the time they start getting bored, Sage will release some of the content that us PC players paid for with our subs as DLC.

What's got me really turned off on the game is the promise of nothing new for PC players even with regard to PvP for the next 6+ months. Why? Cause they want to sell it all as DLC to consoles. It makes perfect sense money-wise, it just sucks to get used so hard.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
If the 20+ million Skyrim players believe everything they read on the Rerolled forums you are probably correct.
How much skyrim hype was there in console communities before the release of skyrim? How much ESO hype is there in console communities now?


Silver Squire
Skyrim had a ton of hype, was an excellent game and got awesome word of mouth.

TESO is a piece of shit that doesn't even play like an Elder Scrolls game, has received negative word of mouth and is the text book example of how not to take a AAA single player game and turn it into a MMO.

They are going to sell some copies no doubt but I'd wager it will see nothing even close to Skyrim's level of success. The only thing that will keep this turkey on life support is going F2P after the B2P console launch runs its course. Expect to see this on PSN / Games for Gold in 6 months for free. Not that it matters as they won't disclose sales numbers regardless.


Eh, I think console will sell a lot. By the time they start getting bored, Sage will release some of the content that us PC players paid for with our subs as DLC.

What's got me really turned off on the game is the promise of nothing new for PC players even with regard to PvP for the next 6+ months. Why? Cause they want to sell it all as DLC to consoles. It makes perfect sense money-wise, it just sucks to get used so hard.
I know what Firor said about a delay in content release but I am wondering if he misspoke or was quibbling over semantics. If the PC players were indeed paying to beta test for the console release (no argument from me on that topic) then it stands to reason that the PC players will continue to beta test new content before it is released to the console gamers. I wouldn't be surprised if the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood updates are almost ready to deploy for testing and have just been waiting for the game to convert to B2P. After TG and DB are available via DLC, my guess is new content will get released to the PC version several weeks before it becomes available to the console gamers as DLC.


How much skyrim hype was there in console communities before the release of skyrim? How much ESO hype is there in console communities now?
I don't play consoles nor interact with the console community so you tell me.

I do know my 14 year old is wanting to play it on his Xbox and he says a lot of his friends at school are all going to play it as well.

Perhaps the console community demographics are not very similar to the demographic of the Rerolled forums?