The Elder Scrolls Online


I'm pretty sure this game will be another SWTOR. Terrible at release and be obvious that it needed another year to cook. SWTOR, now, is a decent enough game.
So far its rock solid. Now end game might end up sucking balls who the fuck knows? The only thing in game right now regarding end game is a chart showing bonuses for keeps held and relics taken. Looks similar to DAOC from looking at the bonuses but obviously none of it is available.

If they fuck up end game this will be a play through or three game with a TON more exploration and more group friendly / old school like dungeons. Smaller, less trash but old school. Especially since people enjoy pharming them more than a few times.

If they nail the end game things might be really interesting. Time will tell. Like I've said a dozen times many of the big things are done well they need to hammer out a lot of little shit though. Plenty of time still.


I'd sure want to do a podcast with you if I were from the TESO team!

My whole initial point with Ut was simply that I enjoyed feedback from the various dev teams, and even the PR shills. It added a dimension to FOH that isn't here. I'd imagine if I ran a junkies type network I'd want to foster that sort of environment on my forums, not one in where developers are raked across the coals for games still being developed so we can keep it real.

The simple truth is the reason a few threads are so much more toxic than others isn't due to 'us', it's solely do to a couple people going absolutely apeshit on those threads I'm surprised Jacobs gave you a podcast, and I'd bet you didn't bring up your concurring with Denaut that all his 'design' ideas are absolute rubbish and his game will be terrible.

It's your board dude, but it's a shame that this is in no way the environment early FOH was for MMO people.

The thing is its easy to shit on everything and while its fun and I've done it from time to time its also not terribly constructive. Especially when most of the ranting and raving gets so out of control from UT on his tangents there is no reasoning. Watching him explode on Betacake, getting called out for it there and linking it to here was pretty funny. I really don't mind the guy he is just a fucking bi polar nut when he doesn't take his meds.

This site would be better with more discourse with developers. They really don't gain all that much though with how things are now. Its far to popular to just shit on people and be a dick, troll and general faggot with a side of nice guy once in awhile. Since that is how its mostly always been I don't see things changing. Not without another huge exodus.


Lol so rustled. Point is wildstar beta is actually playable while teso isn't. The end
So you test both? Shoot me a pm with your TESO character name so we can chat or are you just pulling shit out of our ass and making assumptions based on an old leaked video from an old build of the game just out of alpha?

Funny thing is there are plenty of people in Wildstar beta that simply aren't playing it anymore.


What are the first 10 levels like? Quest hub stuff??
beta cake has an impression post I'll summarize and add a bit more since I like most of the people here for the most part.

Noob island is 2-5 levels depending on how much you explore and find. Generally its one over arching quest that moves you around. You really don't have more than 2 or three quests including the side quests at a time. You pick those up in the world and they all work with the main story and change as the main story advances. None really feel like busy work its all advancing the solution to the problem.

If you decide to save people, they will come and help you on the final part. If you ignore or kill them off they won't be there. If they are all there you pretty much walk in and do what you have to do and leave. Story is ok but generic.

Next area is similar you stay there from 4ish to 6. Its an orc area with a pretty good story. Undead, necros, some historical events all in the lore leading up to a final battle here. They drop the name of the next protagonist you'll be dealing with. I enjoyed the story here even if the exploration part was a little lacking in the zone. You really aren't here long.

After that you end up in daggerfall. You do the traditional city quests although there are more weight to these. There is a mini dungeon on the map but there areno seed quests you are expected to go there on your own. Lots of that in game. If you miss ignore that stuff you will be under leveled and likely under geared.

Plenty of named mobs in the zones outside of Daggerfall. All contribute to achievements / drop loot or have chests near by. chests are valuable. You want to open them. GW2 I would hardly care.

Once you get to the mini dungeon you should be around 6 or so. Story quest and a regular mode for groups. Champs there for groups to kill for loot. Pretty standard. I did enjoy the story part there. group xp and rewards are really good across the board.

Leave exit dagger fall city and you will have mage and fighters guild quests that might be a little high for you. There are a few POI's nearby that have skyshards (give skill points) so you want to hit those. You won't get guided there. As you move out around level 7 you'll hit some witches which is a pretty standard quest. I didn't like that line as much as the others. Makes sense and its ok just kind of bland.

You'll have the choice to move west or east. West you meet a struggling guild trying to get started and rival the fighters guild. I thought it was pretty interesting. East is a town under siege by Lycans. Lots of that in there and quests that deal with it. You get introduced briefly to the main protaingaist of the area while on the orc Bentink area. This ties him in really well and the quest here aside from one run around to find werewolves in town is really well done.

Once you finish that you will have another one of those POI's or three to hit, with bandits, tombs whatever for you to loot and get gear / xp / shards. You move north west some and finish off the lycan story part.

From here you can be smart and notice that the entire western section of your map has shit for you to do. There are no seeds, no one will guide you there. If you miss it you'll be a level or so short and a skill point. There are two pretty nice hubs out there around the 10 or 11 level that MANY people miss because they are stupid and just follow the main story.

When you complete an area. Lets say the town that the furries have taken over and their leader is in. You go through the series to get them out of there. When you do the town is now free of furries. This holds true for you now forever. You do change the world some as you go through. There are other examples of this in the same zone.

I do wish in that particular case some merchants open up or something else besides just the troops cheering you on at first then milling about doing their thing after. Its nice that the werewolves just don't repop though.

So there is a general guide of the first 10 levels or so. Leveling is slower and more meaningful. Around now you would move back near Daggerfall and consider doing some of the mage / fighter quests.


2 Minutes Hate
Its not a magic patch.

Textures and animations got updated. Graphics got sharper.

Still plenty of other issues, most of the bigger stuff is really good though.

They can ban this account I really don't care and frankly its the sites loss if they do if only slightly. I imagine they are letting it go to see if they can figure anything more about who it really is. Since Draegen isn't getting any blow jobs from TESO like from Scott he really doesn't care. Since he is in Wildstar beta he cares. He isn't consistent.
For the record, I'm not in any betas right now. Last alpha/beta I was in was Defiance. And I'm not banning you, why would I do that? This isn't betacake.

Edit: It's been a while since we've had a super fanboy that isn't retarded like Blackwulf.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This 11gb patch doesn't sound like a patch but a complete re-download of the client like swtor used to do.


If you miss ignore that stuff you will be under leveled and likely under geared...

If you miss it you'll be a level or so short and a skill point..

There are two pretty nice hubs out there around the 10 or 11 level that MANY people miss becausethey are stupid and just follow the main story.
Anyone else get bothered by this?


Anyone else get bothered by this?

Sounds a bit off to me, but considering the lens we're seeing it through, who knows.

I think a lot of theses games, for me, come down to how it plays (the UI and animations) and how the classes work. The first doesn't look promising and I know nothing of the second.



Sounds a bit off to me, but considering the lens we're seeing it through, who knows.

I think a lot of theses games, for me, come down to how it plays (the UI and animations) and how the classes work. The first doesn't look promising and I know nothing of the second.
I wrote that quickly. There aren't that many people in beta and i'd guesstimate 15% or so have issues with this. My words were poorly chosen.

If you only follow the main quest path, and do NOT explore you'll end up under leveled.

This happens to people and they are like "Dude why is this shit a level or two above me?"

They are so trained like a horse by previous games to NOT explore to NOT go off the train tracks that they don't bother looking at the decent map provided which shows shit tons of content they bypassed by walking in the world with horse blinders on.

The map clearly shows just about everything. You shouldn't miss it. You just can't play the game like Rift of Tor and expect to hit all the attractions as you go by. You will miss significant portions of it. Otherwise it wouldn't be very Elder Scrolls now would it? It would just be another shitty WoW clone.

You are heavily encouraged to look at your map, look for POI's and explore your surroundings. Especially post level 6 or so. Fail to do so and you will be at a disadvantage to those that do. You can either start exploring or spend a little more time in the dugeons, grind some mobs (which is also pretty rewarding since they give a good amount of xp) or get off your ass and go see what those marks on your map are all about.


So basically you're saying that people don't really have options and that they *have* to do everything. Sounds shitty and not very TES like.


So basically you're saying that people don't really have options and that they *have* to do everything. Sounds shitty and not very TES like.
Actually I said that if you skip all the content you won't do very well and will be under leveled. You don't have to do it all and I didn't say you did.


So basically you're saying that people don't really have options and that they *have* to do everything. Sounds shitty and not very TES like.

They "just go do whatever" works fine in a single player game where the world more or less scales around the player but doesn't work in an MMO where the mobs are a set level compared to the players.

Anyway, like I said, this info isn't coming from a source I find dubious, so I'm not going to sweat it.


beta cake has an impression post I'll summarize and add a bit more since I like most of the people here for the most part.

Noob island is 2-5 levels depending on how much you explore and find. Generally its one over arching quest that moves you around. You really don't have more than 2 or three quests including the side quests at a time. You pick those up in the world and they all work with the main story and change as the main story advances. None really feel like busy work its all advancing the solution to the problem.

If you decide to save people, they will come and help you on the final part. If you ignore or kill them off they won't be there. If they are all there you pretty much walk in and do what you have to do and leave. Story is ok but generic.

Next area is similar you stay there from 4ish to 6. Its an orc area with a pretty good story. Undead, necros, some historical events all in the lore leading up to a final battle here. They drop the name of the next protagonist you'll be dealing with. I enjoyed the story here even if the exploration part was a little lacking in the zone. You really aren't here long.

After that you end up in daggerfall. You do the traditional city quests although there are more weight to these. There is a mini dungeon on the map but there areno seed quests you are expected to go there on your own. Lots of that in game. If you miss ignore that stuff you will be under leveled and likely under geared.

Plenty of named mobs in the zones outside of Daggerfall. All contribute to achievements / drop loot or have chests near by. chests are valuable. You want to open them. GW2 I would hardly care.

Once you get to the mini dungeon you should be around 6 or so. Story quest and a regular mode for groups. Champs there for groups to kill for loot. Pretty standard. I did enjoy the story part there. group xp and rewards are really good across the board.

Leave exit dagger fall city and you will have mage and fighters guild quests that might be a little high for you. There are a few POI's nearby that have skyshards (give skill points) so you want to hit those. You won't get guided there. As you move out around level 7 you'll hit some witches which is a pretty standard quest. I didn't like that line as much as the others. Makes sense and its ok just kind of bland.

You'll have the choice to move west or east. West you meet a struggling guild trying to get started and rival the fighters guild. I thought it was pretty interesting. East is a town under siege by Lycans. Lots of that in there and quests that deal with it. You get introduced briefly to the main protaingaist of the area while on the orc Bentink area. This ties him in really well and the quest here aside from one run around to find werewolves in town is really well done.

Once you finish that you will have another one of those POI's or three to hit, with bandits, tombs whatever for you to loot and get gear / xp / shards. You move north west some and finish off the lycan story part.

From here you can be smart and notice that the entire western section of your map has shit for you to do. There are no seeds, no one will guide you there. If you miss it you'll be a level or so short and a skill point. There are two pretty nice hubs out there around the 10 or 11 level that MANY people miss because they are stupid and just follow the main story.

When you complete an area. Lets say the town that the furries have taken over and their leader is in. You go through the series to get them out of there. When you do the town is now free of furries. This holds true for you now forever. You do change the world some as you go through. There are other examples of this in the same zone.

I do wish in that particular case some merchants open up or something else besides just the troops cheering you on at first then milling about doing their thing after. Its nice that the werewolves just don't repop though.

So there is a general guide of the first 10 levels or so. Leveling is slower and more meaningful. Around now you would move back near Daggerfall and consider doing some of the mage / fighter quests.
So everything WoW is already doing with shit graphics?


So everything WoW is already doing with shit graphics?
Interesting interpretation... Anyway, tesotester - maybe instead of describing the content, which I kinda skimmed to avoid spoilers, you could just focus on what is different about this game? I've heard lots of stuff from fan sites, like how the combat is better, the skill system is better, the lore is better, etc., etc., but maybe you could describe first hand how things might not be, "everything WoW is already doing with shit graphics." Are all those people who reported on the preview events legit, or are they full of shit?


Trump's Staff
So everything WoW is already doing with shit graphics?
That is more or less how it read to me. You go to a spot, you do stuff in the spot, you move on to the next spot. The stuff you do is kill/collect/deliver, what you get are linear stat upgrades. Move on, rinse repeat, *yawn* been there done that. All there is to do is combat stuff, nothing else, and I haven't heard a hint of any kind of unique or interesting content.

Still waiting for something that isn't already incredibly obvious from previous leaks.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That is more or less how it read to me. You go to a spot, you do stuff in the spot, you move on to the next spot. The stuff you do is kill/collect/deliver, what you get are linear stat upgrades. Move on, rinse repeat, *yawn* been there done that. All there is to do is combat stuff, nothing else, and I haven't heard a hint of any kind of unique or interesting content.

Still waiting for something that isn't already incredibly obvious from previous leaks.
LOL, and yet the master of all WoW clones WildStar, gets hand jobs from this board. I really love the hypocrisy here. Actually made me laugh out loud when I read the last few posts.

Like I said before, I'll just wait for a playable open beta before I judge. I have very little faith in the opinions of shills or sandy vagina hypocrites.