The Elder Scrolls Online


Name one thing an engine does that another engine doesn't do.
One being a system hog requiring 2GB+ of system memory and 1GB of video memory vs a sysem that requires half of that with the same performance/eyecandy.

It's comparing IE6 to Chrome 23. They both show webpages, right?


I don't see the point in blaming an engine for the way a game turns out, that's all I'm saying.

That's what's happening here, right? We're talking about how a game engine will make or break a game?


Trump's Staff
Yay, engine discussion!

Generally MMO engines aren't one engine, but essentially 3; Client, Server, and Database (simplifying here). Each piece is as critical as the other. Being complex is generally what causes them to have many more problems than most games.

If you are making, say, an FPS you really only have to worry about the client (and the client's network code). You have one chance to choose incorrectly, and it is usually pretty apparent at an early stage. Just an example as there are many FPS engines out there and it is pretty hard to go wrong here.

For an MMO, each piece handles a separate part of the major responsibility of running the game, with each having completely different requirements. They then have to communicate with each other, sometimes with great latency.

The client and database are generally the easiest to figure out. There are plenty of good clients around with good tools. Unreal for example will give you a renderer, level editor, asset browser, animation controller, particle editor and so on. Databases are also well tested tech with various pros and cons that are fairly well known, giving you a good shot at choosing the correct solution.

Where you usually run into problems though is the "Server" (I use the term loosely here). There is absolutely no established "engine" for an MMO game server in the same way you have Unreal. There are plenty of technologies that CAN run a server, but nothing that works fantastically out of the box. Since your game runs here, most of your game code lives in the space, and that game code needs to communicate constantly with itself, the client, and the database. All that communication makes things heinously complex. It is so complex that to this date there is no good "generic solution" because inevitably there critical functionality missing that you need for your new game.

What I am saying is, for most MMOs there is no "engine" to criticize, only the game itself and the people that built it.


Off the shelf engines are terrible. I'm admittedly out of the loop but I think this is still the case. In the old days you knew the Quake engine would make you a good fps because it was built to make a fps. Modern middleware was made to create... the demos... that they show to sell the engine to suits. Which are entirely unrelated to how any interesting game is going to run.

What I mean by "interesting" is a game that doesn't just have a big list of stuff to load once upfront at some sort of loading screen, because that's about all they are made to do. If you build a "level" and know every entity in it, and there are no surprises, then a prebuilt engine is right for your game.

MMO games almost fit, but then you have the characters to handle. Hard mode is if you have player built objects. Crazy mode is like dwarf fort where people can dig and build arbitrarily. No off the shelf engine that I know of would do anything besides get in your way for anything beyond the carefully crafted hallways of the current crop.


FPS noob
tera and rift use unreal engine, they are both great imo and never make you stare at your screen going "wtf is going on..." like swtor did, every day. For the Hero engine to be redeemed Simultronics needs a stellar MMO to come out using it, and I doubt thats happening anytime soon.


<Gold Donor>
There was definite rendering problems with SWTOR, one guy who worked there and was a lead artist spoke about the problems on another forum. They had to reduce the speed of all their mounts and such because of the rendering issues. Basically it took a couple of seconds to render shit around you if you went too fast. This is why we had slow ass mounts in SWTOR.

But is this a "hero engine" problem or a "hero engine" modification problem?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There was definite rendering problems with SWTOR, one guy who worked there and was a lead artist spoke about the problems on another forum. They had to reduce the speed of all their mounts and such because of the rendering issues. Basically it took a couple of seconds to render shit around you if you went too fast. This is why we had slow ass mounts in SWTOR.

But is this a "hero engine" problem or a "hero engine" modification problem?
Network code for 1000 Alex


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
There was definite rendering problems with SWTOR, one guy who worked there and was a lead artist spoke about the problems on another forum. They had to reduce the speed of all their mounts and such because of the rendering issues. Basically it took a couple of seconds to render shit around you if you went too fast. This is why we had slow ass mounts in SWTOR.

But is this a "hero engine" problem or a "hero engine" modification problem?
It was the latter according to what could possibly be the same person you mentioned. We played this game together in BKB on POT5 about 4 months ago.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I don't see the point in blaming an engine for the way a game turns out, that's all I'm saying.

That's what's happening here, right? We're talking about how a game engine will make or break a game?
Yes, it does, and it can.

EverQuest continued to suffer through Z-Axis glitches throughout it's lifespan and even today because the game was built on an engine designed for a tank simulator. If you ever played that game and going to Unrest, you would know that mobs would warp through floors because they couldn't adjust aggro for the Z-Axis as a result. Causing trains and hilarity. Granted, it was funny when this happened (Or on Dain pulls) but none the less was a broken design mechanism/play style that originated from the flawed portion of this engine.

Blizzard created their own from the ground up with the reasons being ongoing modification and future planning. It was fairly simple for them to implement cross server functionality, instancing, phasing, Dungeon Finder, etc - which were fresh features in an MMORPG, due to the engine concepts. This particular engine in question hampers a lot of what SWTOR is able to do. You could call it a combination of Bioware "Engineering" in which they really had no clue what they were doing (And it shows) and a limitation of the version of any particular revision of Hero. Which includes why certain accessibility features were not in SWTOR at launch, and why many still aren't today even though I am sure they would love to implement them to catch up to the Jonses.

At any rate, there are many inherent flaws and advantages based on which engine they will be using, while some can be engineered around, and some cannot, and all have different flavors. So yes, if done/chosen incorrectly, it can make or break a game.


<Gold Donor>
Here is some of what he said...

The reason they stuck with Hero Engine was because it afforded the rest of the team a functioning toolset that we could use right out the gate to get work done like greybox zones and start adding real assets and shaping the worlds. Sometimes companies have to pretend to build their worlds in 3ds Max for years until the client is ready to support them, which is a horrible nightmare because you can never see what it will really look like. It'd be like playing with legos with a blindfold on. Hero Engine also had the advantage of a live environment so instead of working locally and waiting for a build every day to see all your changes, you worked in the game itself and it allowed simultaneous development of the same areas, which meant more than one person could work on a piece at the same time. For these things it was hugely successful.

On the other hand, if the server or client wasn't working you suddenly had 400 very expensive internet surfers on your hands. If there were severe recurring issues with the latest build you had several days of unproductive developers. In a worst case scenario you irretrievably lose days of client work that everyone thought was getting saved. I swear to god there was a straight four-month period one time where I accomplished nothing at all.

By the end of the project any programmer would tell you that it wasn't Hero Engine any more. They pretty much did the equivalent of replacing each brick of a house with a different size and shape brick one at a time, or as one guy described it during a company meeting "trying to build the plane while it's in flight".

As for the engine itself, it had its quirks just like any other engine, but it wasn't so bad as a toolset. The main problem for art was that it just didn't support any modern graphical features and the lighting model was archaic.
As an artist I had little to no influence over direction but honestly I would have cut out all the chapter 2 and 3 story content, rebalanced the pacing of chapter 1 a bit and used that time to make more and better end game content. I agree that too much emphasis was put on the story for a multiplayer game. They really expected people to play through multiple classes and by and large nobody did. Plus for a lot of classes the stories just keep going on and on way past their welcome until it becomes absurd. Basically every class becomes The Most Important Person in the Galaxy three times over.

As for cool cut stuff, yeah there's lots of that. I'm not sure how many people realize this but there is exactly one plot decision in the entire game that actually branches, and that's the chapter 1 Agent finale. Every other major branching decision across all classes was cut due to high complexity.

There was also a lot of environment cut due to optimizations. For example, Hutta was nearly twice as big up until very close to ship. Dromund Kaas (the city not the planet) was almost three times as big. This may or may not have been a good thing.

Playable alien races were cut early on, by which I mean aliens requiring more than a hue shift like Ithorians, Wookiees, Mon Calamari, etc. The reason was because they didn't want disgusting companion romances to emerge. Many of us suggested that if you were a weird alien race you just didn't have romance options but it would have been too much work.

Speeder bikes originally looked like actual speeders and swoops and moved really fast. They were intentionally made to look "slower" because we had to lock how fast they traveled in the game due to the world being unable to draw in quickly enough. There's one we lovingly called "The Zamboni" because it was such a huge chunky slow moving hover box.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Here is some of what he said...
For example, Hutta was nearly twice as big up until very close to ship.
Everyone still playing will get to see the other half for only $19.99 in March!



I don't see the point in blaming an engine for the way a game turns out, that's all I'm saying.

That's what's happening here, right? We're talking about how a game engine will make or break a game?
Imo, the biggest contributor to WoW's success was how well the game ran on day one. Even on shitty machines the game ran smooth and your character felt responsive. That was basically the first thing that all my friends said about it (you dont have to fight with the game to make your character do what you want it to do).


I agree, the #1 reason WoW is such a success, and why I always end up coming back is because the game is aging well, and plays as smooth as ever. Nothing comes close.


2 Minutes Hate
Yay, engine discussion!

Generally MMO engines aren't one engine, but essentially 3; Client, Server, and Database (simplifying here). Each piece is as critical as the other. Being complex is generally what causes them to have many more problems than most games.

If you are making, say, an FPS you really only have to worry about the client (and the client's network code). You have one chance to choose incorrectly, and it is usually pretty apparent at an early stage. Just an example as there are many FPS engines out there and it is pretty hard to go wrong here.

For an MMO, each piece handles a separate part of the major responsibility of running the game, with each having completely different requirements. They then have to communicate with each other, sometimes with great latency.

The client and database are generally the easiest to figure out. There are plenty of good clients around with good tools. Unreal for example will give you a renderer, level editor, asset browser, animation controller, particle editor and so on. Databases are also well tested tech with various pros and cons that are fairly well known, giving you a good shot at choosing the correct solution.

Where you usually run into problems though is the "Server" (I use the term loosely here). There is absolutely no established "engine" for an MMO game server in the same way you have Unreal. There are plenty of technologies that CAN run a server, but nothing that works fantastically out of the box. Since your game runs here, most of your game code lives in the space, and that game code needs to communicate constantly with itself, the client, and the database. All that communication makes things heinously complex. It is so complex that to this date there is no good "generic solution" because inevitably there critical functionality missing that you need for your new game.

What I am saying is, for most MMOs there is no "engine" to criticize, only the game itself and the people that built it.
I'd like to buy you a beer.


tera and rift use unreal engine, they are both great imo and never make you stare at your screen going "wtf is going on..." like swtor did, every day. For the Hero engine to be redeemed Simultronics needs a stellar MMO to come out using it, and I doubt thats happening anytime soon.
RIFT used a modified version of something called Gamebryo. TERA definitely used the Unreal Engine, which explains why it feels like an mmo stuffed into a FPS cockhole. I tried TERA for about 10 minutes and it just seemed odd and disconnected. RIFT was a good game in it's own right, and the tech they dev'd to allow for dynamic content was fairly ground breaking.

Still waiting on my T.E.S.O beta invite. Apparently, I'm not cool enough.

Edit: ixian got to it first.