The Elder Scrolls Online


<Gold Donor>
I don't expect TESO to be any better (or worse) than the massive slate of high budget clones that have been shuttled out the door the last few years. And neither should anyone else no matter how many people shill for the game.

Companies actually do pay people to do things like this, there are firms you can higher to essentially spam all of the "social media" outlets with positive stuff. It is known.
Yeah, but anyone following these games can spot these dudes a mile away. So its not like they do any damage other to their respective companies in the long run.


Just so you know Blackwulf shilled the shit out of this game on until everyone told him to shut the fuck up.
Draegan, Draegan, Draegan... if I was a shill don't you think I'd sign up with a different name from forum to forum? You're one of my main trolls on F13, and I knew you admin these forums, so I could havetriedto hide that, right? Oh well, no sense spending all my time denying these things. I think I've made some good points, and I'm pretty darn objective most of the time.

In fact, they posted an new Q&A today that really kind of pissed me off:

In particular:
I know left click will be the main attacks ability but will there be "counter attack" abilities you can put on the hotbar that can only be used after a successful block with your shield or weapon? ? By Jesse Perry

There certainly are attacks which work better when capitalizing on certain opponent states, for example, exploiting your opponent?s vulnerability after an interrupt.However, we don?t have attacks that wouldn?t work without that situation being true.
Sounds like an extremely dumbed down version of DAOC's style system

Would you please explain the soft locking system in detail? For example, how does it interact with dodge? Does it apply to melee attacks, or just ranged? During missile travel time, is it possible for another target to intervene between you and your existing soft lock target to take the attack? ? By Matt Feisthammel

You must be facing your target to hit it. However, soft locking allows you to pick a target out of a crowd to hit. It is possible that your target could be behind another target. You would hit the target you had soft-locked, provided you were aiming at them.Another target could not step in the way of the soft-locked target to prevent you from hitting your soft-locked target.As for dodging? The target can execute a roll dodge or evasion move to avoid attack.
That sounds really lame. So a guy with heavy armor and a shield can't get between a caster and a sniping archer? Maybe they'll have some kind of "guard" ability ala DAOC, but, meh.

Anyway, boys, if any of you could please link me some info on where I can go to apply to be a paid shill, I could sure as fuck use the extra money. I mean shit, if I can get paid to post here, why not??


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Draegan, Draegan, Draegan... if I was a shill don't you think I'd sign up with a different name from forum to forum? You're one of my main trolls on F13, and I knew you admin these forums, so I could havetriedto hide that, right? Oh well, no sense spending all my time denying these things. I think I've made some good points, and I'm pretty darn objective most of the time.
This is like someone getting caught doing something stupid and then expousing, "do you really think I'm stupid enough to do...?"

It's a strawman copout. Whether you are stupid enough to use the same name across separate forums as a paid shill is largely irrelevant because the fact of the matter is you did use the same handle across separate forums as a paid shill... I guess that makes you stupid.


This is like someone getting caught doing something stupid and then expousing, "do you really think I'm stupid enough to do...?"

It's a strawman copout. Whether you are stupid enough to use the same name across separate forums as a paid shill is largely irrelevant because the fact of the matter is you did use the same handle across separate forums as a paid shill... I guess that makes you stupid.
Oh, Jeebus. Will you just read what I post and reply with some substance and quit wasting time with this bullshit? Is it impossible to have a discussion on game forums anymore?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I often wonder how many people actually remember DAOC and the stupid shit like a whole raid getting mezzed and killed by 3 people etc etc... Great game great game
Yes, if you're dumb enough to stand on top of your entire raid, you deserve exactly that. Obviously things were a little more reasonable when DRs were put into the game.


Oh, Jeebus. Will you just read what I post and reply with some substance and quit wasting time with this bullshit? Is it impossible to have a discussion on game forums anymore?
So Blackwulf I found your Job title.This will be 1st MMO useing this.

So are you a ESO Social Agent for Teso Blackwulf?

See Us Old Jaded Gamers used to just call ESO Social Agent, Troll for the game or a Fanboy.

Developer Question of the Week #7

We've got a new Developer Question of the Week video for you today! Don't forget to share your answers with us after you watch this week's video, presented by ESO Social Agent, Aliza Rosen. Social Agent Rofl.

Thanks to everyone for participating in last week's question. We received a number of entertaining video responses, and hope you'll continue to participate this week. Remember, if you'd like to send us your video response, simply send us an email with the YouTube link to[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */.


So Blackwulf I found your Job title.This will be 1st MMO useing this.

So are you a ESO Social Agent for Teso Blackwulf?

See Us Old Jaded Gamers used to just call ESO Social Agent, Troll for the game or a Fanboy.

Developer Question of the Week #7

We've got a new Developer Question of the Week video for you today! Don't forget to share your answers with us after you watch this week's video, presented by ESO Social Agent, Aliza Rosen. Social Agent Rofl.

Thanks to everyone for participating in last week's question. We received a number of entertaining video responses, and hope you'll continue to participate this week. Remember, if you'd like to send us your video response, simply send us an email with the YouTube link to[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */.
wtf..? Usually I can puzzle out your point, but that post was just cray, bro, cray


Musty Nester
I often wonder how many people actually remember DAOC and the stupid shit like a whole raid getting mezzed and killed by 3 people etc etc... Great game great game
Don't be mad that we farmed autofollow zergs for many many lulz, bro. Don't be mad... just don't autofollow.

8v8 or 8v16 or 8vZerg was the way to RvR. But if you never found a steady crew in DAoC, I can only imagine it was utter suck. 2 v neverending minst zerg was pretty fun too.

I still don't understand why albs were so fucking stupid. I mean it's unreal how many times the exact same trick worked. Just unreal.

Sure, until you got purge it was a game of "who can mez first, and does the rapetrain have their assist keys set up?" But once you paid your dues and got RR4 or so, the game completely changed. Honestly, it got a lot more tactical once you didn't have a valid excuse to be getting farmed anymore.

Edit: It was well balanced in the way that it was a VERY steep curve (of power gain) up until about 5 or so. But once you were looking at 5+, it tapered down to be a very very gradual gain. And the ranks themselves were like exponential or some shit, so getting 5-6 took as long as getting 0-5. Up above 5 it was rarely the abilities that RR's gave you that won or lost, but the experience of the player from having played that much that won or lost. And if a rr9 crew was having a mediocre day, a rr5 crew having a good day could beat them. And to me, that's what kept me playing and made the rvr fun. Knowing that sure.. there were guys out there that had better math -- but if you played well as a team you COULD still beat them. It just wasn't quite so lopsided as recent games.

I'd like to see pvp balanced that way, tbh. Nerdsport is what it was.


A nice asshole.
Gameplay reminds me of warhammer, game will sell on name alone. Hope it to be good, expect it to be swtor.


Trump's Staff
Draegan, Draegan, Draegan... if I was a shill don't you think I'd sign up with a different name from forum to forum? You're one of my main trolls on F13, and I knew you admin these forums, so I could havetriedto hide that, right? Oh well, no sense spending all my time denying these things. I think I've made some good points, and I'm pretty darn objective most of the time.

In fact, they posted an new Q&A today that really kind of pissed me off:

In particular:

Sounds like an extremely dumbed down version of DAOC's style system


That sounds really lame. So a guy with heavy armor and a shield can't get between a caster and a sniping archer? Maybe they'll have some kind of "guard" ability ala DAOC, but, meh.

Anyway, boys, if any of you could please link me some info on where I can go to apply to be a paid shill, I could sure as fuck use the extra money. I mean shit, if I can get paid to post here, why not??
Right, so... nothing different from any MMO out there? I am actually kind of surprised, it will probably be more boring than I originally thought.

So many ways to do an Elder Scrolls MMORPG... such a wasted opportunity.


Trakanon Raider
If you like and/or are excited about an MMO then you must be a shill.

I'm looking forward to TESO. I'm a big fan of the TES series and I'm hoping for more of the same with some multiplayer fun thrown into the mix. I think it's likely the endgame will be shit or not exist, and I think it's likely that the PvP system will be terrible, but even if that's the case I have no doubt I will find something to enjoy in this game.


If you like and/or are excited about an MMO then you must be a shill.

I'm looking forward to TESO. I'm a big fan of the TES series and I'm hoping for more of the same with some multiplayer fun thrown into the mix. I think it's likely the endgame will be shit or not exist, and I think it's likely that the PvP system will be terrible, but even if that's the case I have no doubt I will find something to enjoy in this game.
I imagine trade skills will be where it's at in this game.


Trakanon Raider
I remember when this forum (well, its predecessor) used to be populated by people who actually liked video games.


If you like and/or are excited about an MMO then you must be a shill.

I'm looking forward to TESO. I'm a big fan of the TES series and I'm hoping for more of the same with some multiplayer fun thrown into the mix. I think it's likely the endgame will be shit or not exist, and I think it's likely that the PvP system will be terrible, but even if that's the case I have no doubt I will find something to enjoy in this game.
I am Huge Elder scrolls fan since the 1st same with star wars, star trek nerd.

However beyond the engine is going to give them same issues it had with swtor just almost 2 years later at launch, its going to be tons of instanced crap, have guy leading the charge on that Matt is god dam Idiot.

If would told me years ago , Elder scrolls online game was coming I like most us would busted a nut, but Most us here have done extensive Alpha tests, with systems not even in, world building still happening to not call a Spade, a Spade.

If im wrong from all heard, will be 1st to post that, wanna play and love this game, but sadly dont think we will be, Maybe im To Jaded and cynical and old now.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I remember when this forum (well, its predecessor) used to be populated by people who actually liked video games.
Everyone here still does. At this point the problem is (At least for me, and I know, some others) have been burned with the grassroots hype with about any MMORPG out there in the last 8 years. It doesn't help when forums get infiltrated with people that work for a company posting in it. (On another forum, not here as far as I know with this specific title, but that is usually the case)

It would be nice to be able to get excited for any MMORPG out there that gets announced. Unfortunately, it's lead by the same people that misled the community on the last game they made, or never took accounibility for their prior launches, combined with a lack of transparency across all of it.

Really, when you have the President of the company saying all anyone will do now is continue to copy features because it's all been done before, that doesn't bode well for the game, or the company. If CCP can design a new FPS to coincide with their space game cross platform, that is something innovative that hasn't been done before, and is exciting. If anything, it's definitely worth talking about. Here, not so much. I would attribute that to the leaders of the organization who have reputations that preceed them.


Trakanon Raider
Utnayan everything you are saying makes sense and I agree entirely. The issue isn't why people don't like or are suspicious of a game as it's a perfectly valid stance to have. The problem is that this forum is full of people who are so innately negative that they feel that taking a dump on threads is a good way to spend their time. It's so bad that when someone actually positive posts everyone swarms around to openly mock them which I seriously can't understand the motives for. In the real world positivity is infectious and makes other people happy, but here it seems to have the exact opposite effect and causes people to become excessively mean and obnoxious.

I don't expect (or even care) if people en masse enjoy TESO. I come to this thread to see what the news is on the game but instead I see two pages of people mocking the one person in the thread who dared to post a dissenting view. What a waste of time for you all. I thought GW2 and Tera were both intensely boring games but I don't understand what possible motive I could have for trolling those threads looking for happy people to piss on.


Utnayan everything you are saying makes sense and I agree entirely. The issue isn't why people don't like or are suspicious of a game as it's a perfectly valid stance to have. The problem is that this forum is full of people who are so innately negative that they feel that taking a dump on threads is a good way to spend their time. It's so bad that when someone actually positive posts everyone swarms around to openly mock them which I seriously can't understand the motives for. In the real world positivity is infectious and makes other people happy, but here it seems to have the exact opposite effect and causes people to become excessively mean and obnoxious.

I don't expect (or even care) if people en masse enjoy TESO. I come to this thread to see what the news is on the game but instead I see two pages of people mocking the one person in the thread who dared to post a dissenting view. What a waste of time for you all. I thought GW2 and Tera were both intensely boring games but I don't understand what possible motive I could have for trolling those threads looking for happy people to piss on.
The neverwinter thread says otherwise. We were hyped as fuck right before the 2nd weekend beta hit and then we played it... Once again disappointed. It seems to be a never ending cycle at this point so you can't blame people for being cynical.