The Elder Scrolls Online


Molten Core Raider
How can the past 9-10 years not be mostly negative when talking about MMOs? We've had a stagnated genre for 10 years and devs have sucked money out of us spinning PR bullshit. Now I'm not sitting here saying there haven't been a few neat things a long the way or I haven't got my moneys worth. But when talking about a genre we love and watching everything else continually improve over the years whilst MMOs in some cases get WORSE how can you not be negative about it?
Spot on sir.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Game engine is rock solid
Graphics are excellent
Animations are much better but still need work (they are borderline acceptable now) and its clear there will be more coming on this as things progress.
Armor skins are not varied at all right now despite there being a good bit of loot. Certainly needs a lot of work.
Questing, story and how its done is similar to other games but better
Combat is solid, there still needs to be some work on dodge, UI elements and animations while better than they were could still be improved.
Certain weapons need work. Destruction staff is probably the weakest by far. Dual wield or 2h are the most OP atm.

So how about we discuss this without being dicks? I won't live in this thread but I'll certainly swing by from time to time to answer questions.
Isn't the game engine HERO or some altered version of Hero Engine ? It was quite painful during SWTOR beta and launch (instances, instances everywhere). Also about graphics, on the 20mn leak video you clearly can see graphic options are set to Ultra, I guess they made a pass on graphics too, just like with animations ? To be honest I'm quite skeptical when I read "game engine is rock solid" when it's clear endgame content hasn't been tested yet. It's like watching some random movie 2mn trailer and say "this movie is awesome".


I'm Amod too!
These last two pages have delivered more entertainment then TESO ever could. Best part is it was free.


Isn't the game engine HERO or some altered version of Hero Engine ? It was quite painful during SWTOR beta and launch (instances, instances everywhere). Also about graphics, on the 20mn leak video you clearly can see graphic options are set to Ultra, I guess they made a pass on graphics too, just like with animations ? To be honest I'm quite skeptical when I read "game engine is rock solid" when it's clear endgame content hasn't been tested yet. It's like watching some random movie 2mn trailer and say "this movie is awesome".
There was almost an 11gb patch which improved graphics. The game looks really good. More importantly 75 - 100 fps consistently. Even with 60+ people all spawning at the start after a wipe my fps still remains > 50. The game engine should not be an issue, something people have been harping on because of its sketchy past.

Animations are better, need more work. Really the issue is certain weapons have an animation lock at times depending on what they are doing and that needs to be fixed. Several weapons don't have it. Very noticeable when trying to block a big attack.

Yes no end game content and yes it will make or break the game long term. However it already runs better than GW2 or Tor with equal numbers on screen. Considering there is still another 6 months to bake I'd say its looking good. The engine shouldn't be a problem. Which is good because if the content sucks there is no excuse because unlike GW2 which was plagued by client performance issues which sucked up immense already limited resources TESO should not have that issue.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider

Wait for it......


So blackwulf apparently forgot that his alt account was logged in. Or something.

Game looks pretty similar to every other mmorpg on the market. The graphics look like other games that have come out, the engine is debatable (lets see some hardcore min-maxed raid footage at high resolution or something before we call it rock solid) and frankly the ideas behind the combat and weapons seem underwhelming as someone who has played the shit out of these types of games.

The things you just went on about sort of look the same as other things in other games. Much like the masses, I am waiting for it to show me something different before I start to care more than I already do. Which since I am a TES lore fucking junkie, odds are I am still more interested even with those caveats I mentioned than most actual mmorpg players are. Surprise me and entice me. Don't sell me fucking Wonderbread.
This isn't Blackwulf, not that it matters at all. Hilarious how people started attacking each other so quickly.

The actual underlying combat system is perfectly fine. It works, forces players to think about what skills they want to slot and offers a decent amount of customization even when looking at players of the same class. Something that hasn't really been done since EQ. Neverwinter had some of it but that game was pretty light. There is still stuff that needs work but its mostly minor things.

The engine works well enough for me to roll around any city or any landscape with 40+, more when there is a wipe with great FPS. All at max settings. I'm consistently over 75fps and I don't think I've ever noticed going below 50. GW2 had serious system utilization issues even a few weeks from release and was constantly trying to fix performance problems by jewing down what people saw and how things rendered. This SHOULDN'T be an issue with TESO. All with many months to release. Which means they should be able to work on content and not other things.

As for the graphics, they were upgraded a ton a build or two after the leaked video. It was a full new client DL of almost 11 gb. Around the same time as the first animation pass.

I'm not saying the game is Jesus. I'm not saying its going to be the best game ever. What I'm saying is that first impressions for early beta are outstanding. There are still plenty of little things to work out. The big stuff however is looking pretty solid.


Trakanon Raider
So obviously I'm a regular here and have been for ages (old site obviously). I'm shocked at a few things:

A. Some thought what I wrote was well written, enough to accuse me of being paid for it which I'm not. That was all pretty quickly thrown together and I hardly had time to check for your and you're errors.

B. Think that I work for ZOS or am involved with TESO in a way other than a tester. Which I am not.

C. Flipped right the fuck out when I trashed that early release video

I'll gladly discuss the game with everyone here. The good, the bad and the mediocre. I listed quite a few things wrong with it in the comments so I'm not really sure how I can be shilling for them when many of the things I pointed out were simply stupid and I said exactly that. Namely removing name plates and combat info which just about everyone wants back in and likely will be back in.

Game engine is rock solid
Graphics are excellent
Animations are much better but still need work (they are borderline acceptable now) and its clear there will be more coming on this as things progress.
Armor skins are not varied at all right now despite there being a good bit of loot. Certainly needs a lot of work.
Questing, story and how its done is similar to other games but better
Combat is solid, there still needs to be some work on dodge, UI elements and animations while better than they were could still be improved.
Certain weapons need work. Destruction staff is probably the weakest by far. Dual wield or 2h are the most OP atm.

So how about we discuss this without being dicks? I won't live in this thread but I'll certainly swing by from time to time to answer questions.
graphics are excellent? really? do you know what that word means? you lost all cred with that line alone. fuck you. go die.


graphics are excellent? really? do you know what that word means? you lost all cred with that line alone. fuck you. go die.
Yes they are you giant faggot of over reaction. For a MMO they are very good to excellent and considering its early beta they likely will improve more.

In addition there is a hardy amount of incentive to explore. Something most quest based games don't offer. They also encourage grouping. Heavily. From Xp bonuses, not filling dungeons with tons of shit mobs and bosses that drop good loot while still giving you great xp. I'd say its a little different. Revolutionary? No. Just pretty good considering where its at in the beta process.

Plenty of shit that needs improving. Its hardly perfect but many of the big pieces are well done. That is all.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
well this thread is over, information wise. will be interesting to see utter hatred vs blind devotion.


I just took a bunch of middle school kids to a pro soccer game. The bus ride home was hell on wheels, what with the indulgent bus driver playing loud pop music, and all the middle school kids screaming, giggling, and singing. Plus, I was tired and hung over. Still, I would call that bus ride a more coherent and logical experience than some of the posts I'm reading in this thread. You like how I brought that all together? I'll be here all week, folks.

Anyway, I hope tesotester is legit, cause things are sounding good!


Trump's Staff
There was almost an 11gb patch which improved graphics.
Jeg er skeptisk. I can't conceive of a scenario where, at this stage in its development, 11GB of extremely precious art resources would be spent redoing already finished work. That just does not happen, especially considering how much they have left to do. Any graphical improvements you get at this point would be done through better programming, which wouldn't need a large patch to accomplish.


Who says "we are the minority". I have bought and played almost every single recent MMO and not one hasn't at least provided me the box price in entertainment and sometimes more. I enjoy games, I don't have a specific genre or style. I can enjoy a good sanbox as much as a I can enjoy a good themepark. To say no one comes here because "Everyone' here is no longer their target audience is asinine. I didn't realize you became our spokesman or that everyone here all fit into one little box.
We are the minority because we are all very informed gamers. We know more about nearly every game then the average gamer does. We sit on a forum and talk about games usually more then once a day. That is not your average gamer. Most gamers aren't well informed. It has nothing to do with the fact that you can enjoy a sandbox game or a themepark game. It has everything to do with the expectations we have due to the knowledge and experience we have. Majority of mainstream gamers don't sit on forums debating engines. features and playstyles. They buy the game play it with their friends then go to work and maybe talk about it for 10 minutes at work then the rest of their day is focused on other things. We are definitely the minorty if only for the fact that we are informed.


Trakanon Raider
This thread sucks.
Ut is rabid and in dire need of an antibiotic treatment plan
Blackwulf I have no idea why you're spending such effort trying to blow Ut. It's ok to fanboy games and you shouldn't let all of the miserable cunts on this forum get you down.
That TESO 'beta' tester on betacake is not that obviously shilly. May be, may not be. The quoted "evidence", such as the use of "we", isincrediblythin. You sad fuckershopeevery positive review of a game is a shill, and delusion turns thathopeintofactin your own minds.
Betacake was run by 1 guy (at least as of 12 months ago), that may not still be the case but I doubt it's owned by a game studio... yet...
TESO looks very mediocre. Not great and not terrible. I'm expecting it will be good for at least a couple of months of fun.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There was almost an 11gb patch which improved graphics. The game looks really good. More importantly 75 - 100 fps consistently. Even with 60+ people all spawning at the start after a wipe my fps still remains > 50. The game engine should not be an issue, something people have been harping on because of its sketchy past.

Animations are better, need more work. Really the issue is certain weapons have an animation lock at times depending on what they are doing and that needs to be fixed. Several weapons don't have it. Very noticeable when trying to block a big attack.

Yes no end game content and yes it will make or break the game long term. However it already runs better than GW2 or Tor with equal numbers on screen. Considering there is still another 6 months to bake I'd say its looking good. The engine shouldn't be a problem. Which is good because if the content sucks there is no excuse because unlike GW2 which was plagued by client performance issues which sucked up immense already limited resources TESO should not have that issue.
You didn't answer my question (Hero Engine or not ?). Also is there some 64bit client like Wildstar ?