The Elder Scrolls Online


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The policy against no beta leaks has definitely ruined the quality of these forums. Instead of people posting & reading real information regarding games and having objective material to discuss, we're resolved to conversing with no foundation other than feature-sets and unadultered speculation.

I'd much rather have someone's actual opinion of the game, based on time spent playing it, than random developers lying to our face. I think we've seen the last of people like Curt or Hartman regardless of protection against third party leaks or not.

Here is someone's opinion:
The game is in early beta and exceeding expectations. The vast majority of testers are pretty happy and ZOS has been very open to criticism and seem to be on the right track. I will gladly shit all over this game if its not going to meet expectations. Right now, it is exceeding expectations.
Take it for what it's worth. Wish I could post more.

Combat is (redacted). It started out as (redacted). I think they are shooting for a nice mix of (redacted) and they are pretty close to (redacted). Right now this isn't a (redacted) where you can (redacted) through the first (redacted) by (redacted). Run out and LEEROY and you will (redacted).

Leveling, especially If you aren't exploiting grouping in dungeons, is actually (redacted). I find it (redacted). I'm sure it will (redacted) but I really (redacted) where they are going with this. I don't think this is going to be a title where people are (redacted) end game inside of (redacted) (Rift / Tera / Neverwinter).

I think this might end up being a game where people (redacted) and not the throw away (redacted) we've been seeing of late. Its not a (redacted) at all. The pace is just a little (redacted) but still (redacted).

Obviously all of this is (redacted). The game is in early beta.
This is a review I read. I deleted the sensitive information to comply with forum rules, so fill in the blanks.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There's are many more reviews that agree with that sentiment as well. Game may not turn out to be so shitty. That leaked video that you guys linked is very old, using an out-dated build, and not representative of the game in its current incarnation...supposedly.

It's also my completely unfounded and speculative opinion
that grouping is greatly rewarded and far superior to soloing in this game. (Not in the beta)
Also, it may or may not feel very, very similar to any other Elder Scrolls game in an MMO setting.

I really wish that I had a 45 minute video, showing more recent gameplay, that I could link to anyone who PM'd me indicating they were interested in downloading and watching it. But that's just me wishing...


Trump's Staff
The game is certainly going to be high quality. The issue is, will retention mechanics be in place? Will the PVP/social interaction be so good that it will mak up for their lack of a PVE raid end game? I'm betting not, and no matter how great the bones of this game are, it won't have enough meat to keep people playing very long (see: GW2)


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The game is certainly going to be high quality. The issue is, will retention mechanics be in place? Will the PVP/social interaction be so good that it will mak up for their lack of a PVE raid end game? I'm betting not, and no matter how great the bones of this game are, it won't have enough meat to keep people playing very long (see: GW2)
If you want retention the build a sandbox. (See: EvE Online)

Unfortunately, this does seem to be another themepark. Also I don't think they've even tested the "RvR" yet at all, which is kind of weird because supposedly that's what the end-game is.


I would have thought TESO would have been built around an EvE mentality from the get-go. Everything I read now makes me think this is just another battleground PvP game which isn't what I am interested in. I can play in Nuke Town in a lot of other games.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I am just upset that it seems like yet another game heading down the traditional MMO path... It would be a good IP to have decisions and choices matter, alas, only EQ Sullon Zek (marred by terrible pvp balance), Shadowbane, (marred by shitty programming), DAoC (never played), EVE (shitty PVE) dark souls (shitty multiplayer implementation) and TES (no multiplayer) have given me those world altering permanent decision experiences in the last few years.


I don't even know why you guys respond and argue with UT. He hates every single game and acts like he sits on the board in half a dozen companies. I feel like I have been watching the same argument with him in every MMO thread for the past 6 or 7 years.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
And now as the site gains popularity, here come the shills and fake posts.

There isn't anything that should lead anyone to thinking this is a good game or will be a good game.

1) A development timeline of over 6 years and 3 stop starts, including the latest one in late 2011.

2) Cross-Platform announcement

3) Reduction of the term "MMORPG" and now, "Multiplayer Elder Scrolls" (Which honestly is a good thing to call it since it is going to be copy instanced to hell and back taking any semblance of a persistent world with it)

4) People helming the project that have failed tremendously in the past and have continued to stifle upward creative traction within it's team.

5) All leaks have been scapegoated as, "The guy doesn't know how to play the game". No. The game just looks fundamentally boring and lacks soul, depth, and meaning.

6) All leaks have been shut down and everyone silenced (Without any other developer announcements) because they have no idea how the game will work come launch, even at this point.

We have all seen these development cycles play out like this, and you people aren't stupid. And they all end in the same way.

Also I don't think they've even tested the "RvR" yet at all, which is kind of weird because supposedly that's what the end-game is.
Because it isn't even 10% complete yet. I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make it for launch.


<Gold Donor>
I don't even know why you guys respond and argue with UT. He hates every single game and acts like he sits on the board in half a dozen companies. I feel like I have been watching the same argument with him in every MMO thread for the past 6 or 7 years.
Yep, his shtick is getting tired and old. I just cannot believe how many nut huggers he has following him and proclaiming hes some insightful messiah coming down from paradise to warn us all about bad games. In a genre that 99% of all games are bad, nonetheless. Really?
I too am a secret insider, involved with all gaming companies in the world, and I am best friends with everyone who makes games, personally. Do not ask me for proof as it is very sensitive, but I can now reveal, that this game will feature mudcrabs. Kneel before me and my seriouz insider knowledge. Take me seriously and respect me, for I know things. Things that matter. I am an important and influential man.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I've negged UT and he has negged me. Now that I have established we have a blood feud, what exactly has UT been wrong about when it comes to a MMO before launch?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
I've negged UT and he has negged me. Now that I have established we have a blood feud, what exactly has UT been wrong about when it comes to a MMO before launch?

Except the time when he predicted that Vanguard would be garbage, while everybody else was humping Brad's nuts about the second coming of EQ. Or the time that he predicted that Copernicus would be shit, while everybody else was climbing on Curt's nuts, because; "He's a gamer! He gets us!!!". Yeah, everybody and their mother was predicting the failure of those two pieces of overhyped trash...


<Gold Donor>
Vanguard was not shit it was just unfinished with a crappy homebuilt engine. But the game itself was pretty sound. True sucessor to eq.

We never got to see Copernicus so how can you say its shit? It got mismanaged same like VG.


Yep, his shtick is getting tired and old. I just cannot believe how many nut huggers he has following him and proclaiming hes some insightful messiah coming down from paradise to warn us all about bad games. In a genre that 99% of all games are bad, nonetheless. Really?
I think his nut huggers have Stockholm Syndrome. His rabid, ultra-verbose rantings have brow beaten many into thinking he's some kind of genius. I lost any belief in his conspiracy theories when he claimed he could tell by my IP that I was the same guy as the Betacake beta leaker guy. That was the one time he made the mistake of claiming something I personally KNEW wasn't true. Since then, I've decided that all of his "insider info" amounts to hearing a guy at Bethsoft grumble about Matt Firor. Probably because said "insider" was all rustled and panty-twisted cause HE wanted to work on the MMO, and they gave the job to an outsider.

Anyway, on topic:

I was wondering if Zenimax would do anything to try to keep the spotlight on them what with EQN reveal coming Friday. Guess what Zenimax just announced? They are going to live stream actual gameplay of TESO this Friday! Who woulda thunk it? I think the drama between these two games should become popcorn worthy.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Vanguard was not shit it was just unfinished with a crappy homebuilt engine. But the game itself was pretty sound. True sucessor to eq.

We never got to see Copernicus so how can you say its shit? It got mismanaged same like VG.
So, everything about them was shit, except they weren't shit..

Your post makes zero sense. A game doesn't even get released because of terrible management, but somehow that isn't an indicator of it being horrible? A fundamental aspect of a game, thegraphics engine,is horrible, yet it also isn't an indicator of a shitty product? You have a completely warped sense of what constitutes a terrible product...


Trump's Staff
No, he has a moderate and logical outlook on game development. You, on the other hand, clearly do not. Have you even played Vanguard?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
No, he has a moderate and logical outlook on game development. You, on the other hand, clearly do not. Have you even played Vanguard?
Yup. While having some interesting mechanics like offensive target and defensive target, as well as a pretty neat class in the Blood Mage, the game was pretty awful. As is evidenced by the fact that nobody plays the damn thing.


Trump's Staff
Yup. While having some interesting mechanics like offensive target and defensive target, as well as a pretty neat class in the Blood Mage, the game was pretty awful. As is evidenced by the fact that nobody plays the damn thing.
Ya. Cuz quality of product is the only determinant of its success. Wow.


<Gold Donor>
Yup. While having some interesting mechanics like offensive target and defensive target, as well as a pretty neat class in the Blood Mage, the game was pretty awful. As is evidenced by the fact that nobody plays the damn thing.
All that coupled with some sound tech and engineering behind it would go a long way to recovering this genre. Brad might not of been a good manager, but lets not discount his ability to make shit fun inside of a game.