The Elder Scrolls Online


Well, leveling zones will be like Skyrim except there will be tons of people wandering around, killingyourmobs, lootingyourchests and phasingyourquests. Fun, right ? Also you won't be able to kill them since there is no PvP outside their instanced RvR map, Cyrodiil.
Sounds fine to me. There are consequences to having other people playing in your game world. Quit yer bitchin...


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sounds fine to me. There are consequences to having other people playing in your game world. Quit yer bitchin...
I'd agree with you about those consequences and I'd be happy to discuss it with you, but since you seem to ignore the main difference between sarcasm and complaint, I'll just let it slide.


Here's your chance to be heard, guys. You may or may not know (or care) that I've been doing a bit of writing for - regardless, Draegan and I have gotten in touch with a contact at Zenimax, and she was receptive to the idea of having the devs field questions and concerns from the community. She's not guaranteeing everything will be answered, but why not give it a try? I'm 100% sure that the rerolled community can come up with more interesting questions and concerns than a typical fansite. I'm willing to forward anything to her as long as it's constructive, not inflammatory, and based on facts known. You can PM me or just post here. I'll forward your responses to her sometime this weekend.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Here's your chance to be heard, guys. You may or may not know (or care) that I've been doing a bit of writing for - regardless, Draegan and I have gotten in touch with a contact at Zenimax, and she was receptive to the idea of having the devs field questions and concerns from the community. She's not guaranteeing everything will be answered, but why not give it a try? I'm 100% sure that the rerolled community can come up with more interesting questions and concerns than a typical fansite. I'm willing to forward anything to her as long as it's constructive, not inflammatory, and based on facts known. You can PM me or just post here. I'll forward your responses to her sometime this weekend.
They won't answer anything of substance. But let's go nuts.

"Where is RvR? We haven't seen a glimpse of it at all, 6 months out from projected release."

"How long has the development cycle been? What were some of your original concepts before landing on this one?"

"How does Todd Howard feel about this game?"

"How much content from the world is cut and won't make it into release?"

"You have made some improvements being that art assets and all systems were shifted into the 3rd stop/start less than 18 months ago. How excited are you that you will launch an MMORPG within 24 months from rescrap?"

"How do Paul Sage and Matt Firor not bust out laughing at the ridiculous things they say in interviews knowing the truth behind the title?"


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Here's your chance to be heard, guys. You may or may not know (or care) that I've been doing a bit of writing for - regardless, Draegan and I have gotten in touch with a contact at Zenimax, and she was receptive to the idea of having the devs field questions and concerns from the community. She's not guaranteeing everything will be answered, but why not give it a try? I'm 100% sure that the rerolled community can come up with more interesting questions and concerns than a typical fansite. I'm willing to forward anything to her as long as it's constructive, not inflammatory, and based on facts known. You can PM me or just post here. I'll forward your responses to her sometime this weekend.
- Elder Scrolls Online announced endgame content heavily features Player versus Player gameplay where three factions will fight over Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and the throne of Tamriel. Since the game is scheduled to launch around Spring 2014, how come we have yet to see any PvP gameplay six months from release ?


How seriously are the devs taking PvP in ESO? Will players still be able to advance their characters at the end game if they log-on mainly to PvP?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
How seriously are the devs taking PvP in ESO? Will players still be able to advance their characters at the end game if they log-on mainly to PvP?
This will be a fluff answer for them. Yes they are going to be able too. A talent tiered RvR system to gain more abilities post level cap within RvR only.

If they ever show it.

First person mode FoV will never be fixed. The game was designed around 3rd person and the engine will not allow a large camera distance in 3rd close up and switch PoV without breaking everything.


Will there be a new / creative way to deal with overuse of crowd control in PVP? Or just a way to fight bracketed so I can stick to the low levels where it isn't so crazy?

I'd also like options to specialize in cc prevention beyond just a smaller cooldown on a break free type ability. Permanent immunities I'd pay dearly for, or as part of a class like the pale master prestige class from D&D.


So far I have:

They won't answer anything of substance. But let's go nuts.

"Where is RvR? We haven't seen a glimpse of it at all, 6 months out from projected release."
I snipped the rest, cause you're right - they're not gonna answer that stuff, obviously. Those questions were more about your interest in the drama behind the scenes than the actual game. Some of it's interesting, but some of it is just silly.

I want to know about the open dungeons they have mentioned within the PVP zone.
I'm assuming you are hoping for a Darkness Falls type thing? I second this one - hopefully they'll tell us something.

- Elder Scrolls Online announced endgame content heavily features Player versus Player gameplay where three factions will fight over Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and the throne of Tamriel. Since the game is scheduled to launch around Spring 2014, how come we have yet to see any PvP gameplay six months from release ?
Basically what Ut asked, but a bit more politely, right? I agree - let's hope they'll give us an update as to the status of the PVP.

Is there any plans to fix before launch the FOV of the first person mode?
Can you elaborate on the first person mode problems? Maybe if you are more specific it will increase the chances of an answer.

How seriously are the devs taking PvP in ESO? Will players still be able to advance their characters at the end game if they log-on mainly to PvP?
Will there be a new / creative way to deal with overuse of crowd control in PVP? Or just a way to fight bracketed so I can stick to the low levels where it isn't so crazy?

I'd also like options to specialize in cc prevention beyond just a smaller cooldown on a break free type ability. Permanent immunities I'd pay dearly for, or as part of a class like the pale master prestige class from D&D.
Got these all noted. I'll plan on submitting to our contact tomorrow evening, to give people at work a chance to chime in here.


I feel like I'm getting spindoctored to the bone.
LOL.. no, this is legit - I'm gonna post your questions word for word on if we get a response. What a sweet line, though - maybe it's the wine, but I laughed out loud when I read your post.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
LOL.. no, this is legit - I'm gonna post your questions word for word on if we get a response. What a sweet line, though - maybe it's the wine, but I laughed out loud when I read your post.
Well to be fair, your answer felt like "hey be gentle, they're still hardcoding endgame content and the development team is under restrains upon community managers, so please be polite like some dedicated fan would be !". While you seem to have interests upon ESO I won't be the one calling you Zenimax Obersturmfuhrer just because you obviously drool for the game, some random guy calling you Firor won't make the cut for me. But if someone would really care about rerolled community (like, not the ones having free beta access with free ad for their websites) you'd be advised to skip the Community Managers since their job are too much tangential nowadays. You want to keep it real ? Invite some key Devs here (hold your horses I know it'll never happen) to talk about real issues rather than fanservice of spindoctoring. That, my friend, would be a good start.


Trump's Staff
For one, Given this community's history, I don't think any devs will post here for quite a while...

Additionally, does have the same cache had? I'm a community insider and can't really say because I'm biased. Does the industry still know/give a shit about us?


For one, Given this community's history, I don't think any devs will post here for quite a while...

Additionally, does have the same cache had? I'm a community insider and can't really say because I'm biased. Does the industry still know/give a shit about us?
I can't speak for everyone, but I can say that the rep from Zenimax that we've been in contact with for said that they were "very familiar with" - I agree with you that it is a bit far fetched to expect devs to come start posting here, especially when they don't even post on the official forums. When I said that I'd pass along 'constructive' or 'non-inflammatory' questions, it's simply because I don't want to burn what may be some fairly fragile bridges. I'm all for you getting answers to serious concerns - my goal is to see our website do well, and obviously that means I hope that ESO is successful. There's no lie or hidden agenda there.