The Elder Scrolls Online


Looks like someone atAmazonscrewed up:


Was accidentally uploaded to the Dishonored GOTY edition. Imperials as a 10th race, exclusively for people who pay extra. Should cause a bit of debate.
Looks just more like Imperial armor. So every race can dress like one.
No, it doesn't. Imperial is a race in Skyrim and in Oblivion. What makes this interesting is that each race has its own skills in TESO. Might be an advantage to be an imperial. Hehe interesting leak.


Blackwulf_sl said:
Interesting. Looks like console players won't be paying double for online:
"Will PS4 users be on the same severs as PC users? ? @Adzaofoz
PS4 users will have their own dedicated ESO megaservers (European and North American). PC and Mac users will not be on the PS4 megaservers.This is good news for PS4 players as they won?t have to worry about contending with higher-level PC players when ESO launches on PS4."

As a proud member of the PC Gaming Master Race, I got a few laughs from that last part. Don't worry about being challenged by those with superior hardware and peripherals. Your wording may mislead some though. PS4 players are not required to have a Playstation Plus membership, so theycouldjust pay the game's subscription fee. What PS4 gamer is going to pay a $15/month sub foronegame and not have PS+ for online play in every other title?! They haven't clarified if players that have both the PC and PS4 versions (for example) would have to pay for two subscriptions. Now that I see each platform is segregated, my guess would be yes. If that is the case... good luck with that.

If that CE promo is accurate - paying for race unlocks across factions (especially when each race has it's own perks) is fucking lame.


First CE I've been tempted by. Honestly, I bet there's an alternate way to unlock Imperial race, and the CE is a short cut.


Trakanon Raider
I like the statue and look forward to sitting him next to Darth Malgus!

Imperial unlock is nice too assuming it's really a playable race. I wonder what racials they will have.
I like the statue and look forward to sitting him next to Darth Malgus!

Imperial unlock is nice too assuming it's really a playable race. I wonder what racials they will have.
Yeah that's the funny thing... I know it's kinda cheesy to people without a lot of money but hell I am an old gamer now and forty bucks for a race with it's own skills seems pretty cool to me. Not so sure about the quality of that statue though... it looks a little cheesy to me.


Honestly, I bet there's an alternate way to unlock Imperial race, and the CE is a short cut.
So what does the wordexclusivemean, exactly?

I like the statue and look forward to sitting him next to Darth Malgus!
I'm honestly pretty surprised at their choice for the statue. Molag Bal. Also known as: God of Schemes, King of Rape and Lord of Troubles. If the advertisement wasn't actually hosted on Amazon itself, I'd think it was a very clever and elaborate prank. I can already see the Jezebel-esque headlines"Elder Scrolls Online: Get the Collector's Edition with 12 Inch King of Rape Statue."


Blackwulf_sl said:
Honestly, I bet there's an alternate way to unlock Imperial race, and the CE is a short cut.
Hope you're right. Considering this may be a leaked promo, ZM has had no reason to come forward and clarify that. Regardless, I'm not a big fan of people paying for shortcuts. If folks want a cloth map or 20 mini pets in a collector's edition, fine. What's next? Do I need to start stocking up on Doritios and Mountain Dew for xp bonuses?!
It's so damn awesome... I wish there were even more pay to win items in there...fuck em.... I have money... I want a shotgun and a jeep to drive around in and maybe my own wizard tower in PvP land... one with a lazer cannon on top... also, the ability to change any other player into a hot woman and freeze them while I leg hump them... I'd pay extra for that too. I think that would be a tasteful way of doing a molag Bal God of Rape preorder package....


<Silver Donator>
In a F2P game I can see it but cutting content(not just cosmetics) in a B2P+sub game and making it exclusive to CE is like, wow. Might be unlockable ingame I guess they'll say in a couple of days when I'm sure their forums are spammed with people bitching about it and it makes the news at Kotaku and other shitholes.


<Gold Donor>
Man, the 12 people who will play this after the free month with be pissed.
I think you will be surprised. Right now is like the perfect time. Just look all over the mmo boards across the internet and there is a void. People are just clamoring for the next thing, something new something fresh to play. I have not really been following this game that much but Im sure that it will do well just because.