The Elder Scrolls Online


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
/\/\ You are both so full of shit it is disgusting. Do you really think no one else here is playing? Played the last weekend beta? Is the next flak 80 in the playbook to start saying it is their computer set up and not the game? Hey, does the marketing company pay extra for that? Calling audibles within a post?

* They cannot fix it *

You do understand that right? All they can do is try to match the GCD with animations and equalize the cooldowns of other abilities because there isn't an animation cut. It's an inherent problem with Hero, they used Hero, although gutted just like Bioware did, and are having * THE SAME ISSUES * with combat responsiveness and they cannot... do... a... thing. It's going to be even more hilarious later down the road because at least Bioware had the simultronics code.

Not sure if possible but next time I get an invite I'll PM you the key.. It rots in my email. Thanks UT for all the info on this one. Hope you're wrong about the VR team but this one saved me some time. =P
You bet
Hey if you are saying i am full of shit, you are nuts. I am as old, if not older, an MMO player than you. I know the game has issues, I think I've been pretty balanced in my statements. I just kinda like some of it. I play all these games no matter how good or bad because I like testing them and playing when they are new. I played SWOTOR and never had any big bad combat problems (other than initial things caused by server issues). I played it up to top level and played some raids before I left. SWoTOR was not all that bad and clearly pretty successful in the long run apparently. What I see that this game may have as a real problem is the fact that it's maybe as unfinished as Warhammer.

Hell, I liked the first 25 level of Warhammer.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Hey if you are saying i am full of shit, you are nuts. I am as old, if not older, an MMO player than you. I know the game has issues, I think I've been pretty balanced in my statements. I just kinda like some of it. I play all these games no matter how good or bad because I like testing them and playing when they are new. I played SWOTOR and never had any big bad combat problems (other than initial things caused by server issues). I played it up to top level and played some raids before I left. SWoTOR was not all that bad and clearly pretty successful in the long run apparently. What I see that this game may have as a real problem is the fact that it's maybe as unfinished as Warhammer.

Hell, I like the first 25 level of Warhammer.
I am saying you are full of shit because if you didn't experience any of the combat unresponsiveness, as everyone else in closed and in weekend, even this last one, than you * are * full of shit. This isn't a subjective thing. It's either responsive or it's not. And as of right now, it is worse than SWTOR in November 2011.

I played SWOTOR and never had any big bad combat problems (other than initial things caused by server issues).
What time frame?


<Gold Donor>
I think some people are just more sensitive to this than others. I played SWTOR since the beginning and yeah I noticed it on a few of my mage skills but it was in no way game breaking nor in some way made the game less fun.

The worst I have ever played with button lag was fucking LOTRO. Now that was a fucking mess of a combat system.


More than 300k people were in the last beta. You're the only guy I know talking about this super secret button lag that "cannot be fixed because OMG HERO ENGINE!"

Even though it's public knowledge that this isn't hero engine:

If you played beta and witnessed 100+ people on your screen with no lag, you'd realize this engine has nothing in common with SWTOR. Not to mention textures, lol.


More than 300k people were in the last beta. You're the only guy I know talking about this super secret button lag that "cannot be fixed because OMG HERO ENGINE!"

Even though it's public knowledge that this isn't hero engine:

If you played beta and witnessed 100+ people on your screen with no lag, you'd realize this engine has nothing in common with SWTOR. Not to mention textures, lol.
There were tons of us posting about the bad "feeling" combat during each of the stress tests. Do you just ignore everyone who isn't Ut? That's the only way I can see you not being aware of other people complaining about it. All the most popular official beta forum posts during the weekend tests were with regards to "hollow" feeling combat. And it's not just the combat that feels hollow- everything does. Any kind of knockback can knock you through a floor. Once I was knocked down a level into a closed space so I had to use /stuck to get out (which just kills your character and you respawn). Reminds me of the early parody videos of SWTOR where you'd get stuck in geometry all the time.

Did you read that article you linked, or just the title? "we were simultaneously developing our own client, server, and messaging layer that were specifically designed with ESO in mind." They added layers on top of Hero Engine. That doesn't mean the base isn't still there. You know who else developed their own layers over HE? Bioware.


There were tons of us posting about the bad "feeling" combat during each of the stress tests. Do you just ignore everyone who isn't Ut? That's the only way I can see you not being aware of other people complaining about it. All the most popular official beta forum posts during the weekend tests were with regards to "hollow" feeling combat. And it's not just the combat that feels hollow- everything does. Any kind of knockback can knock you through a floor. Once I was knocked down a level into a closed space so I had to use /stuck to get out (which just kills your character and you respawn). Reminds me of the early parody videos of SWTOR where you'd get stuck in geometry all the time.

Did you read that article you linked, or just the title? "we were simultaneously developing our own client, server, and messaging layer that were specifically designed with ESO in mind." They added layers on top of Hero Engine. That doesn't mean the base isn't still there. You know who else developed their own layers over HE? Bioware.
Did you read it? How about this quote: "There are no compromises with the technology that we?re using ? everything in the game?s engine was written for this game, with no extraneous code, features, or tools."


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
More than 300k people were in the last beta. You're the only guy I know talking about this super secret button lag that "cannot be fixed because OMG HERO ENGINE!"

Even though it's public knowledge that this isn't hero engine:
You are fucking hilarious. The game is based around Hero Engine - completely gutted from the bottom, this time with the simultronics code taken out as well. The base around it * is, and always will be, Hero Engine * and I * KNOW * for a fact there are people here that can and should confirm it but won't, just to shut you the fuck up. And you also know * Nothing * of what you speak too when it comes to ability GCD animation responsiveness when those cooldowns are based off timers but with added internet latency, which causes it all to begin with.

You don't know this because you get paid $5.99 a post to make sure no one else is worried, or to spin your usual shit to those unsuspecting posters here. And since the powers that be won't do fuck all about it, I'll shout down your bullshit until they ban me.


FPS noob
Just curious when was the last time you played, Spronk, since generally your opinion is more fair than others? I played last year and didn't like it, but my main gripe like you was the combat. According to the devs they've improved it a ton. I don't have a beta account and so my one four hour session then is all I have so far.
i'm not in any closed beta, I've played twice the first stress and the last stress test which was jan 10-12th looking at my emails. got to level 10 over 3 days with a 2h melee character (first stress did bow, that was beyond horrible). A few people PM'd me and said that combat has improved, but I'd have to see another stress/beta before I believe it. I think some of it is just MMO burnout, I really enjoyed six weeks of FFXIV and even in the beta I was "hooked" and bought it at the very last minute, with both TESO and Wildstar (tried both for a weekend) I totally don't feel like playing and not really sure why. TESO combat is definitely weird, lots of desync's and bad data UI so you don't really know whats going on. Its also weird with a ton of players because everyone clears everything ahead of you so you are just running from A to B to C fedexing quests, probably be better if mobs weren't being instakilled by the horde.

The leveling is really painful too, I'm a kind of guy who laughs at people who talk extensively about leveling since I play 12+ hour days for two weeks at MMO launches so who gives a shit about leveling show me endgame, but even still I find the teso leveling just atrocious. And I got 4 chars to 50 in FFXIV just grinding fates, so not really sure again what threw me off but maybe just being away from MMOs for another six months and I would find TESO fun. Still, its crazy how a small part of me is saying "preorder TESO! It'll be fun! You've played almost every MMO!"

i will say I have put in 5 or 6 8 hour gaming sessions into Might and Magic X Legacy this week, crazy fun


This game could literally get you killed. What if you played it a bunch, like over the next 6 months before they shut down the servers. Then, you find yourself in the middle of a bar fight. There you are, punching 1 foot to the left of the person you are trying to beat down.

This game has far reaching, life changing problems. Also it sucks.

an accordion_sl

You are fucking hilarious. The game is based around Hero Engine - completely gutted from the bottom, this time with the simultronics code taken out as well. The base around it * is, and always will be, Hero Engine * and I * KNOW * for a fact there are people here that can and should confirm it but won't, just to shut you the fuck up. And you also know * Nothing * of what you speak too when it comes to ability GCD animation responsiveness when those cooldowns are based off timers but with added internet latency, which causes it all to begin with.

You don't know this because you get paid $5.99 a post to make sure no one else is worried, or to spin your usual shit to those unsuspecting posters here. And since the powers that be won't do fuck all about it, I'll shout down your bullshit until they ban me.
Holy fuck $5.99 a post, how do I get this job?


You are fucking hilarious. The game is based around Hero Engine - completely gutted from the bottom, this time with the simultronics code taken out as well. The base around it * is, and always will be, Hero Engine * and I * KNOW * for a fact there are people here that can and should confirm it but won't, just to shut you the fuck up. And you also know * Nothing * of what you speak too when it comes to ability GCD animation responsiveness when those cooldowns are based off timers but with added internet latency, which causes it all to begin with.

You don't know this because you get paid $5.99 a post to make sure no one else is worried, or to spin your usual shit to those unsuspecting posters here. And since the powers that be won't do fuck all about it, I'll shout down your bullshit until they ban me.
Dude if you ever one in the past year posted any proof, I'd take you a little seriously. Instead, I've got an article from a major publication quoting the game director saying the engine was made entirely from scratch for this game. Hmmm... who should I listen to?


Dude if you ever one in the past year posted any proof, I'd take you a little seriously. Instead, I've got an article from a major publication quoting the game director saying the engine was made entirely from scratch for this game. Hmmm... who should I listen to?
I really can't take a major publication seriously when it is owned by GameStop which is in the business to sell games not trash them.
I tried not to join this shit storm , but got an e mail from ubi soft to pre purchase this game and if i get the imperial edition i get AC 4 free. The fuck , while standard edition gets me ac 3. If this shit doesnt scream stay the fuck away from this , fuck thank you Sim City 4 for teaching me not to be ass raped again , at least here they are providing lube i suppose. Pathetic......


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Dude if you ever one in the past year posted any proof, I'd take you a little seriously. Instead, I've got an article from a major publication quoting the game director saying the engine was made entirely from scratch for this game. Hmmm... who should I listen to?
Regardless of how ludicrious it is that you place any credence in Gameinformer, let's quote the important part.

so while we were prototyping the game on HeroEngine, we were simultaneously developing our own client, server, and messaginglayer
The only reason why this was in such hot contention to begin with was Paul Sage didn't want "Hero Engine" touching any aspect of the marketing due to the resounding thud and brand horrification of the term Hero Engine when it came to Bioware's SWTOR. You can repeat the same damn line up there with Bioware as well. Both companies gutted Hero Engine, used it as the base, and surrounded layers of functional pieces around it. The game client, the chat server, the mega server... Why is this so hard for you to understand? The base engine, behind all the layers of functionality,is still and always will be Hero Enginewhich causes the combat unresponsiveness. Hero Engine is great for creating single player games creating massive amounts of content in a collaborative basis across teams and seeing things simultaneously populate without being in the same room. It's amazing for shitting out content. That's about as far as it goes.

Both companies gutted it. Zenimax Online went a step further and removed the simultronics code. But at the end of the day, they have layered components around the base engine.

It will inherently effect the combat system until the game just shuts down.

Protip: If anyone is going to design an MMORPG, do not gut and rewrite a fucking flawed engine to try and cut costs than trash those costs with a top down developer who honestly completely and 100% fucked this game 4 years ago. And to one up that don't hire a shill to come in to quote a 2 year old gaming article of which anyone with a pulse knows exactly how that entire article was spun for the masses.

Here is a good question. Anyone in the industry care to tell me why transparency, even with shit that doesn't matter, is so fucking hard? For people like Paul Sage, or even Paul Sage if you want to create an account and answer this because I know you sure as fuck read here wondering how the hell I know all this... Tell me why you have to be so bold-fucking-faced dishonest? Box sales right? Can't stand the idea that you are a major fuck up in this industry and this job in-particular? Or, maybe you just don't give a shit because you know there will always be another good ol boy to pick you up after this. Like Rich Vogel, or Mark Jacobs.... or any of the other schlebs.

I would honestly love to know some of the answers.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well I did some PvP in Cyrodiil at lvl10 on the latest beta weekend and it was pretty bad : basically when you encounter an enemy the first one spamming his CC wins since there doesn't seem to be diminishing returns. You just stand there, stunlocking a guy and kill him while he's incapacited. Later we managed to gather ~20 people and attacked some fort / keep. We crashed the whole map as soon as we reached the keep's sight. We didn't manage to play it on Sunday since Cyrodiil was available and the login servers went herpderp.

The game has the same problem than SWTOR had during beta / launch : your character seems hampered by its skill animations. Like when you're moving and making a "omg staff in the air" skill, your character legs stand still and don't follow your character movements. When you "spam" some ability (the no mana ones) after 3 or 4 hits is desyncs pretty hard, leaving your character doing weird moves, like he's having a stroke or something. This kind of bug can lead to "double dipping", like launching two skills at once with flooding the ability queue. As a sorcerer I managed to make some of my storm casting abilities to double dip, almost oneshotted another sorcerer. I didn't manage to make double dip weapons skills but that group healing skill can be double dipped too. Same as SWTOR during launch (first months), game will be heavily exploited by double dippers and people with instant skills having too much animation (aka they won't launch) will be crippled. It's just too sad to see this in 2014, amateur game design decisions made by clueless people.

In my opinion the game will cater around tablet casual gamers and console players : RvR nowadays is a quite casual form of PvP (I didn't play DAoC therefore I don't wear Rayban Of Nostalgia), you can hop ingame, kill some people and attack some keeps without any real consequences for your character, death is just corpse walk and none of the AvA points system really matter since you'll get points just because you're around and Emperors will be the clever kids exploiting points 24/7. Nothing really matters in Cyrodiil, it's just a big instance with objectives, keeps, forts and such. Your death is meaningless since zerg groups will definitely be prevalent in ESO (like any RvR game I know), and your success only mean you're up to the next fort, to destroy the same walls with the same siege weapons. I'm a competitive player, so maybe this is why this kind of PvP doesn't appeal to me. I'll buy the game though because my friends and I want to make a roam Shadow Nightblades gank squad to kill people playing the game is first person mode "because that's how the game is meant to be played". Fucking fanboy casuals. I'm fully aware the game is fucking awful, I just want to make other people suffer, that's all.


i'm not in any closed beta, I've played twice the first stress and the last stress test which was jan 10-12th looking at my emails. got to level 10 over 3 days with a 2h melee character (first stress did bow, that was beyond horrible). A few people PM'd me and said that combat has improved, but I'd have to see another stress/beta before I believe it. I think some of it is just MMO burnout, I really enjoyed six weeks of FFXIV and even in the beta I was "hooked" and bought it at the very last minute, with both TESO and Wildstar (tried both for a weekend) I totally don't feel like playing and not really sure why. TESO combat is definitely weird, lots of desync's and bad data UI so you don't really know whats going on. Its also weird with a ton of players because everyone clears everything ahead of you so you are just running from A to B to C fedexing quests, probably be better if mobs weren't being instakilled by the horde.

The leveling is really painful too, I'm a kind of guy who laughs at people who talk extensively about leveling since I play 12+ hour days for two weeks at MMO launches so who gives a shit about leveling show me endgame, but even still I find the teso leveling just atrocious. And I got 4 chars to 50 in FFXIV just grinding fates, so not really sure again what threw me off but maybe just being away from MMOs for another six months and I would find TESO fun. Still,its crazy how a small part of me is saying "preorder TESO! It'll be fun! You've played almost every MMO!"

i will say I have put in 5 or 6 8 hour gaming sessions into Might and Magic X Legacy this week, crazy fun
Yeah, I really hated my one play session, but I have the same problem in that this looks old school and Elder Scrolls combined, two of my favorite things. I'm lucky in I've played enough Wildstar to really turn me off of that game, even though I find the game entertaining in small doses. I keep watching videos and reading design information that really pushes me to want play. Plus, I have a friend who hated the game last year, and now just preordered due to beta being much better. I guess I'll wait for a stress test invite or open beta and check it out again.

I almost bought Might and Magic X when it was onsale on Uplay, but the alpha build really scared me off. I oved Might and Magic in the 90s, but never really cared for the Heroes games. I read on the forums the game is fairly buggy, or I would've nabbed it.

For the record I had no issues with SWTOR at launch, except the crappy cut and pasted endgame content. The game itself was great, and the level and stories were really enjoyable for me.