The Elder Scrolls Online


People are comparing the large scale PvP to GW2... honestly I felt the GW2 was a disaster. Also, the end game of WAR was the nail in their coffin and i've seen several comparisons to it. What is going to make ESO different and/or better?

Someone had mentioned that the world PvP is an instance. Is there causal PvP in the open world? You know, working a quest or traveling to a dungeon and then you get jumped?

There is no casual PVP in the levelling up zones. If you are veteran rank and go to other faction zones, you get put in a completely different phase and you wont be able to see them and they wont be able to see you.

If the PvP is instanced and you have "fast travel" for dungeons, will you ever experience the world? To me this is a big part of the ES/Skyrim universe.... will you ever need to travel the world outside of killing 10 bears?

When levelling up to get all the quest achievements and skyshards in a zone you will explore pretty much every nook and cranny of a zone.

How does the mega server work? I get the concept but I'm not understanding how it intelligently handling the people. Say i'm in a guild with a 100 people, will our guild always be together?

Lets use the term 'shards" to give an example. For any given zone, lets say there are 1000 players in that zone. The megaserver will do something like assign 100 players to a shard so there would be 10 shards up and running. If more people log in or log out, the number of shards will increase/decrease on the fly. The game is supposed to have the capability to assign guildmates and friends (and now players flagged as roleplayers) to the same shard. If you are not in the same shard as a friend or guildie, there is a feature called "Travel to player" that will port you to their shard and the nearest wayshrine to their location.
Answers embedded


This is actually better than I feared. I thought maybe they were still completely on the drawing board and Zenimax was hoping to finish them before people leveled up. If they are at least testing them on a small scale, I'm okay with that.

Have you played any higher level 4-man instanced dungeons? Are they any longer than the level 12 ones? Have you experienced any coolopendungeons?
I'm only level 31 so the highest level group dungeon I have played is the one in Shadowfen. Everyone was level appropriate for the dungeon (high 20s/low 30) and it was a lot of fun. When we finished, everyone was really impressed by the design of the dungeon and the boss encounters. I know this will piss some folks off but I had fun doing the dungeon crawl. Same general sentiment for Fungal Grotto and Banished Cells dungeons.

There are group public dungeons that everyone will want to do because there will always be one boss encounter that awards a skill point. They are like EQ1 dungeons in that other players will be inside but they are nowhere near as large as EQ1 dungeons. All the group public dungeons have quests inside them to complete. I enjoyed running them as well but they weren't as immersive as the group private dungeons.


Trakanon Raider
If world experience/immersion is what you're after, you are in for a HUGE disappointment. But really, it's quite clear that that experience isn't really what this game is about. It's not fair to judge this game on that metric IMO. It's a PVP game, and the PVP is quite fun. The world feels like it's included just to give context and do justice to the IP, to provide a setting for the actual game - Cyrodil.

That's like taking a sports car out for a joy ride and being bummed out that it doesn't tow as well as your SUV. It wasn't built for towing, and while it can to some extent, you're gonna be disappointed with this great vehicle and miss out on the other things it does quite well. All because you are using it incorrectly.

They could have saved a lot of time and money if they just released "The Elder Scrolls Online: Cyrodil", and left out the rest of it.
That gives a lot of perspective. The pushes me further onto the fence though because LoL fixes my PvP addiction (understandingly different games) and I also agree with Tuco's comment earlier how MOBA's are not the same rush as a "war"

However, that makes me real sad. I love PvP and wish that somehow it could be open world only..... I hate instances and everything it has brought to the genre but sometimes you have to go with the times and patiently way for change. Back to the point, I like to take moments out of PvP. Battlegrounds never change... I wish the PvP moved throughout the beautiful world ESO (their IP) has access to. I like to see the world of a MMO, people moving throughout the land, shaping the world, but its a shame their PvE side is so far disappointing. You have to have a solid ying to the yang.


How buggy were the quests in later zones? I actually enjoyed the PVE, and liked the treasure maps, and chests and I'm interested in crafting. I'm very interested in group dungeons, but man there seemed to be a lot of bugs in my beta weekend.


How buggy were the quests in later zones? I actually enjoyed the PVE, and liked the treasure maps, and chests and I'm interested in crafting. I'm very interested in group dungeons, but man there seemed to be a lot of bugs in my beta weekend.
Closed beta got a patch after the last weekend beta test. One of the notes said "fixed hundreds of quests". I am half thru a zone now and just encountered my first bugged quest. Other players in zone confirmed it was a known issue. BTW logging out and logging back in can sometimes fix quests that appear to be broken.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Closed beta got a patch after the last weekend beta test. One of the notes said "fixed hundreds of quests". I am half thru a zone now and just encountered my first bugged quest. Other players in zone confirmed it was a known issue. BTW logging out and logging back in can sometimes fix quests that appear to be broken.
Rescorla, considering your own experience and forum feedback, what are the most OP / lame character builds right now ? Also, how do people theorycraft without proper combat log ?


You can play it, but your ego (time? thriftiness?) won't let you do 10 hours a week. That's my biggest problem, too.. Fighting to be casual.


2 Minutes Hate
Also,[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */


I try hard to be casual, and I fail. My MMO OCD to win and get shinies takes over....I gotta get in and get that pre nerf guise of the deceiver or manastone, you know....

I have zero issues casually playing single player or coop games, but for some reasons MMOs affect me in that way. Maybe this one will be different.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
They must have forgot to mention they moved the release date up when they announced the NDA lift, right UT?


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
They must have forgot to mention they moved the release date up when they announced the NDA lift, right UT?
So they changed the NDA, and that automatically makes this glaring piece of shit a good game? All those problems discussed don't magically vanish. I'm glad thy changed it. Now all you shills can't hide behind it any longer.

Pyksel, go nuts. They won't believe a word I say anyway.