The Elder Scrolls Online


Avatar of War Slayer
2 hours to 12? Why do I not believe that.
vast majority if a new players time is running around. wasted talking to npcs that have nothing to say. or possibly even messing around with crafting nodes.

If you know where exactly to go, cut out all that wasted time. I could see leveling being a TON faster.


vast majority if a new players time is running around. wasted talking to npcs that have nothing to say. or possibly even messing around with crafting nodes.

If you know where exactly to go, cut out all that wasted time. I could see leveling being a TON faster.
even skipping as much dialogue as possible and running straight to each place, its definitely more than 2 hours to level 12.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I know when i started playing this morning and I clicked through every single bit of dialogue. Sorry for your disbelief.
Actually, not really... if you cant do it, I feel sorry for you.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This weekend's beta is a stress test. As for the bugs, I have no doubt that they have already been fixed. That being said, my issue with the game was never about the bugs. My issue with the game is that it is a tedious bore.

Anyone who has played through the tutorial will tell you that it is a long, drawn-out process. It's basically "complete a brief task and zone into another instance for another task". There's not a lot of fighting to be done, but there's a ton of stuff to read. Someone related to Tolstoy must have written the dialogue for this game. If you're into looting urns, crates and chests - you will love the tutorial. The only real benefit I got out of the tutorial is that it gave me ample time to set up key bindings and test them out. (Inexplicably, your key bindings don't carry over to your other characters, which is kind of stupid).

Once you make it out of the way-too-long starter/tutorial area, you start questing so you can reach level 10. At level 10 you can begin to enter PvP . . . in which three realms battle for keeps and other goals. If it sounds like Dark Age of Camelot . . . well, it's obviously what the developers were striving for.

As for what I look for in an MMO? My favorite MMO to date has been Lineage 2. I started playing that game at release. If anyone is interested as to why I liked that game so much, just ask and I will post my thoughts. I also enjoyed the innovations brought forth by Dark Age of Camelot (specifically the PvP), Final Fantasy XI (the sub class system), and Warhammer Online (public quests).

TESO brings no innovations to the MMO genre. Furthermore, from what I've seen, it doesn't really improve on any "standard" MMO features either. The game just fails on so many levels.

In closing, I don't have a problem at all paying a sub fee. But TESO isn't even "good" in the realm of FTP games, so why would I pay for something that's not only inferior . . but no fun at all?


Even if the game goes FTP with a cash shop, they will make money. ESO is like a good Rift, a Rift with a back story I am familiar with. Also, the game rocks in first person view, the ONLY fanatasy MMO to do so.

I just dont think it is as bad as all the naysayers make it out to be. It could be that I'm a bit older and know the history of games. I will always appreciate a game where I can quest in a wold full of other players.

I rate the game a 8.0 assuming a lot of bugs get stamped out between here and launch. Ill be in day 1, but there is no serious loyalty here unless PvP is so awesome that I explode.

Why is it that WoD models look 1000x better!


Lord Nagafen Raider
wtf. How can you be the head of a 200million USD product and think that there isn't any room for innovation?
Theresponse to that statementfrom the developers of EVE really summed it up for me...

"I think also, it's kind of waving a white flag. Like, yeah... I don't like that statement. Because I think that's part of why there's such an attrition with MMOs. People go in and play an MMO for a month and they just want to throw up because they've leveled to 60 in ten different titles.

Just assuming that that's the only thing that's out there is deeply wrong. I think the next time there's a massive smash hit MMO, I hope it's something different. Otherwise the same ones are just going to continue on the trend we see every time, where they sell a load of boxes and people play it for three months and then they go somewhere else. There has to be something else out there."


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I just dont think it is as bad as all the naysayers make it out to be. It could be that I'm a bit older and know the history of games. I will always appreciate a game where I can quest in a wold full of other players.
I am nearly 50, so you can't be much older than me. I've also worked in the gaming industry (Tiger Woods PGA Tour for the PC, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning). So I've got the "age" and the "history of games" under my belt. If you can enjoy TESO, more power to you. But as for me, I tried it . . wanted to really like it . . but found it to be a long-winded, over-bloated bore.


People are wasting their time giving opinions on, IMO. We're MMO sluts. We know the MMO is bad for us but we'll play anyways. If you want to reach consumers who might not dive into any MMO that comes along and flashes its pearly whites, try mmorpg or one of the other more public boards.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
People are wasting their time giving opinions on, IMO. We're MMO sluts. We know the MMO is bad for us but we'll play anyways. If you want to reach consumers who might not dive into any MMO that comes along and flashes its pearly whites, try mmorpg or one of the other more public boards.
I checked. There are no boobs on those sites! Besides, you can actually express an opinion here without really hurting someone's feelings. You know how the kids get . . .

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Thanks guys, I will look for the bank then. lvl5 with 500g atm, spend a ton of the time collecting and breaking with very little being sold to NPC like the food items I have made just to help with the cash flow. Doing some quests here and there, just exploring more than anything else. Keen eye was the first thing I did. Going nutz as a packrat on all the nodes and searching. Found the motherload of chests to unlock on the beach. I havent seen any lvl for a lockpicking skill. Only thing I have seen is my medium armor skill increasing once. Found an impossible chest, was bummed I couldnt open it.

Mass bug lockup on interaction. /reloadui is my friend!

Crafting from bank will help a ton. Someone talked about backpacks? Will see what I can find. Limited time playing this weekend but grinding what i can on the trades.

Lost Ranger_sl

The 1-10 game needs a lot of work honestly. Once you can start mixing some PVP into the mix things get more interesting, but that 1-10 game is going to cost them customers. Quite a few of them I imagine. First impressions are important and my first impressions of TESO is that the game is boring. I'm obviously not alone on that one with the reviews showing up here.

I plan to put some unhealthy time into the game this weekend just to say I gave it a honest shot. As it stands right now though I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless they are REALLY bored and have nothing else to play.


2 Minutes Hate
I haven't played a quest treadmill game in a long time. I haven't played an MMO in over a year.

The 1 to 10 game isn't so bad as people say in my opinion. I guess I'm not that burned out. Game looks really good. Game play isn't anything special. Love the character customization.


yeah christ they need to give the option to skip that piece of shit.
Last time people started asking for that, they decided to let people skip the starter islands and dumb down the lowbie content more than it was. People have tried asking for that, and the ZOS failed to comprehend. So, instead they made a problem worse.

edit: So it begins. The usual dysfunctional back and forth between MMO players and developers who somehow can't comprehend even when it's reiterated by thousands of people.
Starter Islands 1-5 are skipped by default on the latest build (the one with npc-cd). However you can speak with the boatmaster to go back and play them (and you should if for no other reason to get the skyshards and a skill point).


Those of you having trouble with friends being in different phases: make sure you've actually added the person to your friends list. A lot of people don't do this in a beta. It does affect who you see.

Secondly, there's currently a bug that requires a reload to shift group members into the right phase if they weren't already together when the invite went out. However, if you use the travel to player function built into the party UI it will solve this every time.