The Flash


<Bronze Donator>
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the inclusion of Hawkgirl in the news article with only other known characters.

I feel like they may be going that direction with Thea, although it seems weird.


What direction with Thea? They already announced Ciara Ren?e was playing Hawkgirl in the new show. This news was a month ago...

Probly why no one gives a shit she appears with the Atom in a news article.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
What did Wells mean at the end when he said Eddie was his insurance policy? Obviously he's not going to kill Eddie, since that would disrupt the timeline and negatively affect Wells. If he just wanted to stop Eddie from proposing to iris he could have done that without actually kidnapping Eddie. Charlie (Emergency Awesome) said it's just because Eddie's future eventually leads to Eobard, which would ultimately allow Eobard to come back, take over Wells' body and do all the stuff he's already doing, but I don't think that's what Wells meant.

It sounds like Wells has some kind of plan to use Eddie in some way, maybe turning Eddie to his side or using his body-steal technology to turn into Eddie if he finds staying as Wells is too much trouble/if he needs to hide out?


It means he can die at any time in the current time line,and still come back as long as Eddie is alive.

Eddie dies he ceases to exist.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well it's certainly not a legion flight ring or lantern ring, why else show him fiddling with it. If he's from the future I don't see any other explanation.
It's just a nod to the way the costumes shoot out of the rings in the comic books/cartoons. Which is why he used the ring to unlock the panel where his costume was hidden. They will never do the 'man sized costume somehow hidden inside a tiny ring' bit in live action television. Him using the ring to reveal his costume is the closest they'll ever get to that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Unless in his timeline Eddie is alive, in which case the moment Eddie died (assuming Eobard is a direct descendant of him) the entire universe would explode in a paradox backlash. If Eobard was never born he never would have killed Nora which presumably is the fulcrum event that created the alternate timeline that led to Eddie dying in the first place.

I think we may already be in a reverse Flashpoint paradox. What if, in the original timeline, Nora Allen was alive and well?


This is where the writers are going to paint themselves into a corner I fear. It would have to be like Bablyon 5 where the guy wrote 5 years of the story at once for them to not slip up.

I'm pretty sure they are just winging it, and with this time travel shit that is the worst thing you can do.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
This is where the writers are going to paint themselves into a corner I fear. It would have to be like Bablyon 5 where the guy wrote 5 years of the story at once for them to not slip up.

I'm pretty sure they are just winging it, and with this time travel shit that is the worst thing you can do.
Exactly. Babylon 5 was amazing because they planned everything out in advance and actually filmed things that appeared 4 years later. I love the show but I'm afraid it's going to become Lost where they just start making shit up as they go with no plan till nothing makes sense.


Tranny Chaser
I really dont see how they will avoid Flashpoint in this show. Hell by starting the very first episode with Nora Allen getting killed by the Reverse Flash and incorporating Time Travel from day 1 it telegraphed that pretty heavily. Thing is... how can you Flashpoint a show that is part of an ever growing shared DC TV universe without throwing a monkey wrench into the whole shebang?


It's just a nod to the way the costumes shoot out of the rings in the comic books/cartoons. Which is why he used the ring to unlock the panel where his costume was hidden. They will never do the 'man sized costume somehow hidden inside a tiny ring' bit in live action television. Him using the ring to reveal his costume is the closest they'll ever get to that.
Good point, I didn't think they'd actually do the costume in the ring bit but with RF being from the future I could guess it's possible.


Millie's Staff Member
at some point there will be a time when barry is somewhere that he needs to be flash right away and doesnt have time to go back to star labs, pick his suit up and then run back to where he was and into the action. that ring may still have barry's suit in it.


Ssraeszha Raider
It means he can die at any time in the current time line,and still come back as long as Eddie is alive.

Eddie dies he ceases to exist.
Wouldn't that be the case for everyone who's ancestor didn't die before they were born?

It also ignores the fact that since he's from 500 years in the future, assuming 30 years between generations there's over 65,000 actual ancestors who's death should eliminate Eobard from ever existing


Millie's Staff Member
Wouldn't that be the case for everyone who's ancestor didn't die before they were born?

It also ignores the fact that since he's from 500 years in the future, assuming 30 years between generations there's over 65,000 actual ancestors who's death should eliminate Eobard from ever existing