The Flash


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man about half of that episode was amazing. And the other half was awful.


I mean seriously. The very first thing Barry does as soon as he gets back to STAR Labs is completely buttfuck the timeline. Hartley getting out was an incredibly critical moment because that's how they found out what happened to Ronnie. And Barry didn't just blurt it out without thinking, he fucking thought about it first then said 'fuck it, im going to completely rape the timeline without lube'. And somehow his timeline fix turned Hartley into a good guy and reconciled him with his parents. And he got that nice video for Iris to get closure. Fucking gag me.

The time wraith, Barry and Thawne having to work together knowing who Thawne is, that shit was awesome. The rest of the episode? Ugh.
well you see, the writers are working hard to make the audience understand why Thawne hates Barry so much and why he must be erased from existance before his fuckups destroy the entire universe


Ssraeszha Raider
Barry's turning into Gilligan with his ability to just fuck everything up with sheer stupidity.

Also hope they don't make the main villain a speedster next year. Him just trying to get faster and faster every season would just be stupid


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
OK, what am I missing here? He needs to learn to get faster so he accomplishes this by running so fast he travels back in time to talk to Wells? Or is there something about the particle accelerator that allows this?


The Scientific Shitlord
Man about half of that episode was amazing. And the other half was awful.


I mean seriously. The very first thing Barry does as soon as he gets back to STAR Labs is completely buttfuck the timeline. Hartley getting out was an incredibly critical moment because that's how they found out what happened to Ronnie. And Barry didn't just blurt it out without thinking, he fucking thought about it first then said 'fuck it, im going to completely rape the timeline without lube'. And somehow his timeline fix turned Hartley into a good guy and reconciled him with his parents. And he got that nice video for Iris to get closure. Fucking gag me.

The time wraith, Barry and Thawne having to work together knowing who Thawne is, that shit was awesome. The rest of the episode? Ugh.
No, no, no... there's always lube for Barry. "Hey timeline.. I'm a speedster... I can make you come... in a FLASH!" /speedforce


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Also where did this time wraith bullshit come from? I can't fucking believe they used a smoke monster as some security feature of this timeline. Did the fucking Arrow writers take over this show?


OK, what am I missing here? He needs to learn to get faster so he accomplishes this by running so fast he travels back in time to talk to Wells? Or is there something about the particle accelerator that allows this?
Well for one he wasn't talking to Wells....., and they explained in that episode why he wanted to talk to Eobard


Mr. Poopybutthole
Someone in IRC brought up something that I totally hadn't thought about and it makes Barry's plan even more fucking retarded. Even if Barry successfully pretended to be his past self, Thawne STILL wouldn't fucking teach him how to be as fast as him. Why the hell would Thawne give away his edge in the confrontation that he's been planning for the last 15 years?

Fucking retarded.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Tough crowd. I actually enjoyed the episode. Agree with the plan not being the most well thought out but he seemed out of options.


Ssraeszha Raider
Someone in IRC brought up something that I totally hadn't thought about and it makes Barry's plan even more fucking retarded. Even if Barry successfully pretended to be his past self, Thawne STILL wouldn't fucking teach him how to be as fast as him. Why the hell would Thawne give away his edge in the confrontation that he's been planning for the last 15 years?

Fucking retarded.
What? His whole plan in season 1 was to make Barry faster so I'm not sure why that's such a stretch. He even explained a few times that this was complete desperation and that he had absolutely no idea what else to do. Plus, the whole "tell me how to do this and you win, don't tell me and you lose" thing was pretty effective