The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Voyce sure is catching a lot of shit over this.

It may be a bit of over-reaction, but if he actually liked and wanted to date this girl, finding out this is what she does for a living could be a deal-breaker. Finding out someone isn't who you thought they were is a common disappointment.

But the others are right, Voyce. You probably don't have the gona-syphl-herp-AIDS. However, if you are raw dogging chicks off the internet regularly (objectively, a bad decision), you should be getting tested regularly.


Not wanting to date her is fine. It's his denigration of her that is a clear projection of his disappointment, rather than something actually wrong that she did, that people are taking issue with. That and calling her a "liar" for not mentioning her dominatrix job. By that logic, voyce is a liar for not telling her beforehand that he's a whiny bitch.

Plus he's mad that he rawdogged a girl from an internet first date and discovered, SHOCKING NEWS, that wasnt a good idea


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man tell us how she should have broken it to you?

Like heavy petting on your bed and after a deep suck on your dongy shes like:
"I want ya to fuck my brains out like no tomorrow but just now i think you should know i dont like buttsecks but to make up for it im a pro dominatrix. What are you flabbergasted at? Go get me while im hot!"

Ya i guess that would qualify as -lie- but would not have worked either.


Shit Lord Supreme
There are plenty of worse things a chick could have done. Unbelievable that she's into kinky shit or does kinky shit for money (without doing anything overtly sexual) and this actually pisses some dude off. Fucking grow a pair, did you think you were the first and last guy who was going to fuck her?

Are you a muslim and/or evangelical christian? Or just this prude?

Fucking grow a pair, did you think you were the first and last guy who was going to fuck her?
Fucking grow a pair, did you think you were the first and last guy who was going to fuck her?

Fucking grow a pair


Shit Lord Supreme
She probably wants a guy who is not into domination, and that's why it's not on her profile.
Earlier in the week she'd told me she wanted to work in Psychiatric Nursing, in she was most interested in the mental patients. Which drew a look of consternation from me, my mom being a Nurse for many years, always point out the pysch ward is generally the worst place to work. She noticed my look and tried to reassure me, but yeah that coupled with a couple other things.

Texting me while driving, right after spinning out a day earlier (twice she did that, really scared/angered me). Telling my about a crash that happened at some point in the past, where she ended up driving into a house because she fell asleep behind the wheel. And yeah the fact that I bedded her so easily also had me nervous. Then she finally spills her shit and tells me about her "other gig" and how she also does psychological torture.

So the working in the pysch ward shit I would think no she should be looking for someone into that. That's not really business you exploit, being a Hooter's waitress is something a cute girl can exploit. I don't think you actively crush nut sack just to get a paycheck.


Got something right about marriage
Sounds to me like you saw a pretty face and ignored every other aspect of her profile. Girls like that put up really fucking stupid pictures like duck face selfies and pics of them in the driver's seat of their damn car. You're own fault for fucking such a "winner". She didn't lie to you, you lied to yourself. And that's why you're pissed. Righteous indignation to feel better about you're own bad decisions.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You know what they say in hospitals about the psych ward?
The nurses and patients there only differ in who wields the key.
So thats a huge red flag by itself.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Not wanting to date her is fine. It's his denigration of her that is a clear projection of his disappointment, rather than something actually wrong that she did, that people are taking issue with. That and calling her a "liar" for not mentioning her dominatrix job. By that logic, voyce is a liar for not telling her beforehand that he's a whiny bitch.

Plus he's mad that he rawdogged a girl from an internet first date and discovered, SHOCKING NEWS, that wasnt a good idea
Dabamf is 100% right.

That's how I got the herp.



Trakanon Raider
When I was in nursing school, most of my classmates hated the psychiatric rotation. In my professional career, most of the non-psych nurses have trouble with the communication aspect of psych nursing. Granted, a lot of my coworkers are crazy, but I imagine a lot of nurses in all different specialties are crazy (the Missouri Board of Nursing Newsletter is chock full of notices of non-psych nurses losing their license for drugs, alcohol or other stupid shit).


Riddle me this...
So yeah I was pissing and moaning over in the Grown-up thread. Decided something needed to give, talked to the girlfriend and laid my cards on the table. She needs to decide what the fuck shes going to school for or if she even wants to go. She already has a job as a pharmacy tech and is state/nationally certified. Hell she has it better than most around here. Her credit is absolute shit. I'm tired of being her fucking pocket banker when her account takes a shit due to her being retarded with money.
Now, I didnt say it those exact words because I'm not completely retarded but still she busts out crying saying I'm just looking for an excuse to break up with her. What the fuck. I don't want to break up with her, she doesnt annoy me and the sex is great. I'm just taking the long view, in a year I will have graduated and will have my own student loans to pay back, I don't want to be bogged down with her shit also. Besides the money thing shes great.
I don't really know where to go from here, do i say gtfo or try this money talk thing again. Maybe I caught her on a bad day? i know for a fact this is the first time I have brought it up to her.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
IF you really want to have a common life with her,she really needs to put her shit together.


Musty Nester
Try the money talk thing again. Let her know that you are looking long term. That will reassure her.

Money is the hardest part of cohabitation and the cause of most divorces.

And it will be an ongoing situation. Telling her to get good with money... well, it's not gonna happen over night. Or over week. Or overmonth. I really don't think you are but if you think that having a chat is going to just magically fix shit -- you might need to consider the how good the sex is again because ain't shit gonna get magically fixed.

But just being aware of it (both of you being aware of it) will all by itself go an awful lot further than a person would probably think it will. So keep talking and if she gets stupid emotional about it wear her down.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Iannis are you god damn retarded? YouNEVERgive the hooker money before services rendered. AlwaysAFTERyou get that bbjci.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
$50 don't sound so bad. Just don't buy her a fucking coach purse and designer sunglasses first.


Avatar of War Slayer
Friends through work with a married woman. The company I work for manages her account. I change to a different company and she follows to the company I move to so I can manage her account. I break my ankle Sept. 30th, the day before I start her account. It started off as emails checking to see how I was doing, but it grew into personal conversations. She sent one email showing off her new haircut and dye through self iPhone pics. During that time, I made a couple of half assed attempts to get her to stop, but nothing. Not because I do not like it, but because of my past and I have this idea that because of what happened to me, I can't let happen to someone else. She kept saying things were innocent and it was only harmless fun. She says a lot of good things about her husband, but she also talks about how he ignores her and doesnt give her the attention she craves. Considering this is how I treated my ex, I feel for her because I am sorry for what I did to my ex.

Weds evening she contacted me on her way home (first time talking out of business hours). She asked what i was doing and I told her I was grilling and drinking before the ice storm hit. She asked me to keep drinking and she would email me later. We talked from 8:30 until 1 am. Her husband was sick and she was in another room chatting with me. I liked the conversation. She even tried to go to a little bit of sex talk and I kept things on track. She asked me if I liked her more than a friend and I reminded her that she was married. She asked what I felt about her and I told her that I hoped she was never unhappy.

Thursday morning she emails me around 10am and asks me if I thought things were awkward. I told her No. She said that she felt awkward and the lunch plans that she had initially asked me to the week before (we had never had lunch together before) would need to be cancelled because she felt things were different. Then I get this HUGE email basically saying "If you cant be my friend with out there being any emotions involved, then we should stop talking" I said 'Whatever you prefer" and she responded with a cut and paste of what she had typed before and added "Its not what I prefer, can you do that?" Then she says that she needed a break from the texting/emailing and she would holler at me later. This was around noon on Thurs. I didnt respond.

Since I have met her, I have been extremely nice to her. More so than I probably would do with someone else. She is very attractive, enjoys music very much like I do and has a lot of the same tastes in entertainment and food. The biggest thing is, married or not, she totally digs me. She is always checking to see how I am doing, how my day is going, what I had for lunch today, etc.. It's things that would bug the shit out of me if it was someone else, but because it is her, I like it.

I am not really sure what I am going to do from here. I feel either way I go, I am screwed. I do the right thing and stop talking to her, I could lose out on someone that was good for me. I go for it, I become a hypocrite and then eventually get screwed over because she cheats on me with someone else.

I seriously cannot wait until sex-bots.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What is wrong with you? You knowing engage in inappropriate conversation with a married woman then come here and complain about the dilemma of what to do when youre at the crossroads of fuck her or she leaves?