The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Tranny Chaser



Goonsquad Officer
<Bronze Donator>
Don't worry Johnny, give it a few years and you mid-life crisis will flare up again and you can blow another few grand on an STD ridden crack/smack/meth whore half your age.

Just remember to post updates on that too.

...And pics, don't forget the pics!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Give it a few weeks after she's out of rehab and he'll (claim to be) moving in with her.


I can't believe this shit.
Went on a internet-date with a girl that looked really hot on her pics.
We meet up and turns out she's actually hotter IRL than her pics. A clear 9/10 in my book. Hottest girl I ever had a conversation with.
We go out for drinks and sit around talking, everything going really smooth.
A friend of her joins us a little later (also really hot).
Night turned into a full blown pubcrawl. I take them around town.
Hot girl starts coming onto me, I sort of ignore it and play it cool.
Went to a pub to meet a friend of mine (potentially hooking up with her friend).
Me and hot girl go out for a smoke, start making out.
Ends up with an after-party at hot girls place. My friend hooks up with her friend.
I hook up with hot girl. Turns out I suffer from the worst case of whiskey-dick ever.
At this point I want to kill myself.
Fall asleep.
Wake up early in the morning. I go fix amazing breakfast for all of us.
Ends up hanging with hot chick all day until it's time to go to work.
She keeps sayin' she's into me.
We end up texting during the evening while I'm working.
I suggest we meet up after work.
No answer.
Want to kill myself. Trying not to contact her at all to see if she'll come around.
Shit's killing me. Fuck this shit.


Molten Core Raider
Get her addicted to heroin and then pimp her out to married men. It's an investment that will pay off.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Play it cool dude. Who knows what her deal is.. typically 1 of 3 things.. recently single, moved too fast too soon(likely here) or not looking for anything serious..

She probably has a little regret is all... Just don't be needy. Hit her up in a few days if she doesn't get back to you. Something funny/light heart. She's a hot girl so probably has a ton of dudes contacting her. Be the guy that plays it cool but let's her know you're still interested. Hot girls are just so much work.. at least you got this one in your bed fast.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Play it cool dude. Who knows what her deal is.. typically 1 of 3 things..moved too fast too soon(likely here) or not looking for anything serious..
Unless you're literally trying to stick your cock down her throat within 20 minutes of meeting her, this is hardly ever therealreason a chick loses interest.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Unless you're literally trying to stick your cock down her throat within 20 minutes of meeting her, this is hardly ever therealreason a chick loses interest.
It's not that she loses interest. She just has regrets it and backs off a bit. She wants the guy to earn it again. I've had it happen. I've slept with girls on the first date only for them to back off a bit and ask me to take them out/not have sex the next date. Just my experience and I actually have a friend who just dealt with it. Never said lost interest..

P.S. lol I totally did do the cock thing recently too. hah needless to say she didn't want to come over my house but suggested me to take her to dinner the next time we hung out.


Sajko, you gotta be a lot less available with a really hot girl. Anyone can sympathize with wanting to make up for your missed opportunity by trying to meet the next day, but that's a big no no. Also, I'm sure you probably mentioned the whiskey dick thing on that night, so don't ever mention it again. You may feel like joking about it to probe her reaction (I do, in those cases) but I think girls can see right through that and can see the insecurity.

PS she's just hot. Don't get all "I'm so desperate to have her" because that's what 39 other guys at this exact moment are doing.


Yep. Good advice guys. You are totally right.
She's super cool and we've had some texting conversation going on today. Feels pretty good, but I'm just gonna sit back and let her initiate the next convo. Will be a tough ride this week before I see her again. Need to put all my focus on work I guess!

Thinking of posting a pic of her.. I just feel a little awkward about it.