The Girls Who Broke Your Heart Thread


Joint account.

The first 6 months we lived together we had separate and it got complicated. Two years of a joint account later, so easy. Sure, she bitches about dumb things I spend money on, but you might get that anyway.

Everything goes in one account, everything comes out of one account. It just makes sense.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That 40% figure is for HSV-1 which causes oral Herpes, not the genital type (HSV-2). HSV-1 is the one that you generally get as a child (age 2-4) and a lot go undiagnosed because only ~25% of cases are actually symptomatic. Just because you've had a cold sore doesn't mean you have genital herpes.
FYI, you can get HSV-1 on your genitals, and HSV-2 in your mouth. So calling them oral and genital is misleading. HSV-2 is generally a little more painful, but you can't really make a case that HSV-1 doesn't count.

Question to people who live/have lived with girlfriends (and knowing this forum, trannies) before:

How do you divide finances? Split everything, or have spheres of responsibility (utlities, grocery, rent, gas, etc.)?
When I was living in sin with my wife, we set up a joint account to pay for house bills, and we put in equal amounts. If we needed $2000, we each put in $1000, and we had to agree on what came out of that account. Now that we're married, we put half our paycheck in that account.

When I had a roomate, he just paid half the bills, and I emailed him the amount every month. That worked out well. I agree that spheres are not the way to go.


<Gold Donor>
If there was a simple answer to finances in a relationship, a lot less divorces would happen (in my opinion). I don't have any statistics to back me up, but I'd say that finances are probably #1 on the list of things couples argue about. You're way ahead of the game if you find someone that feels the same way you do about sharing/not sharing your finances. I've tried multiple different ways (without being married though) and it all depends, really. It is definitely something that merits significant discussion at some point, because without agreement from both sides someone is always going to be pissy.


A nice asshole.
Joint account.

The first 6 months we lived together we had separate and it got complicated. Two years of a joint account later, so easy. Sure, she bitches about dumb things I spend money on, but you might get that anyway.

Everything goes in one account, everything comes out of one account. It just makes sense.
The wife and I have never had joint accounts. Granted we are using the same bank so quick drop down menu allows the other to see what is going on but she has her money and I have mine, we just divided the bill as evenly as possible. So I have my spending money and she has hers, working just fine for these past ten years.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Question to people who live/have lived with girlfriends (and knowing this forum, trannies) before:

How do you divide finances? Split everything, or have spheres of responsibility (utlities, grocery, rent, gas, etc.)?
Joint account. Each of us deposits a % of our paychecks into account to cover expenses, spend the rest of the paycheck however we want.


Golden Knight of the Realm
My primary account is for my small business income that only I have access to, secondary is a joint account at a different bank we opened together used for all bills and vacations. Together over a decade and I have zero fear that she will try and take anything from me, but I maintain privacy over my financials because that is an attitude I value.

Spheres of bullshit or whatever is mental. 50/50 all the way. It's a sign of mutual respect.

If the person is level headed and fair this won't be an issue, if they are spoiled or rockin some fierce sense of entitlement then a very strong sense of "do not fuck with me" has to be conveyed.

Courtesy and generosity are wonderful traits but many out there will exploit a kind person. Save yourself a lot of frustration and slow-boiling rage and just state early on, in as fair and clear a tone as possible; 50/50

( or as close to it as possible cuz in theory we do love the motherfuckers ).


I think it's fair to split all income 50/50 regardless of what each partner makes, but it seems retarded to me to not have separate accounts for spending. If each person gets equal individual spending money, no one can ever argue or care about whatever useless thing their partner buys. It's their money to spend as they wish.


Bronze Squire
The wife and I have had a joint account since before we were married. No other 'personal' accounts. It probably wouldn't work for everyone, because, well everyone is different, but it works for us. She's tighter than gnat pussy, and I really don't spend that much. Any big purchases we make together.


Molten Core Raider
Joint account.
We had a joint account since we moved in together. Everything tagged "cost of living" was paid out of that (i.e. rent, food, gas, new bedsheets, whatever). Each of us paid a fixed amount of money into the account.

Still doing the same now, just with a higher amount and it's not rent but mortgage.

Everyone has roughly half their paycheck left to save and/or spend as we see fit.


<Bronze Donator>
I don't understand the concept of splitting some remaining amount of joint money or paycheck(s). If you can't justify what you spend such that you need to label the money as off limits, couldn't that be construed as a trust issue? What if something major and unexpected comes up(car repair, kid needs braces, etc), who's sacred spending money gets hit more?

Wife and I have a joint account since moving in together 8 years ago. All money goes into that account and all money comes out of that account. Small habitual purchases have been long established. She buys little craft things off Amazon and Ebay, I buy a video game once in a while. Anything larger, we let the other person know ahead of time. The only real financial thing we quibble over is going out to eat, which I see almost no value to, but that's another post.

If you don't have the same goals financially, I'm not going to say you shouldn't be married, that's a little extreme, but it might cause problems down the road. What if you're saving almost all your spending money for a down payment while your significant other is blowing it all on her anime obsession? That wouldn't annoy you at least a little bit? Come regale us with your stories, Haus.


Trakanon Raider
Joint account. Each of us deposits a % of our paychecks into account to cover expenses, spend the rest of the paycheck however we want.
This is what my girlfriend and I do. We each put in an an amount roughly equivalent to the same fraction of our check. I make more, so I contribute more (plus it's my house, so I basically pay the mortgage in full while she covers bills). That's just for household stuff, and we might start adding groceries into it soon too. Personal bills like credit cards, student loans or whatever else we pay individually out of our separate income. We make a point of adding a little more to the joint account each month than is necessary to cover everything, so we're also gradually building up a cushion there as an emergency fund for household stuff.

So far it has worked really well. We also have a tenant who pays us cash weekly, and that I just stash at home rather than putting into the bank. We use it for one-time purchases and things like vet expenses or vacations. This month we're paying out room rate for DragonCon out of that, and it should leave us plenty of leftover cash for food that weekend too, so it will be a very inexpensive mini-vacation. I try not to spend it on things without discussing it first, otherwise I'd probably end up wasting it impulsively. By talking over a purchase first, I tend to not do that.

We don't fight much anyway, but we really don't have a lot of financial arguments. If anything, I fuss over how she tries to put too MUCH of her paycheck back each month (she has a pension at work, contributes to a 401k, and has two separate savings accounts). She stresses over not having enough money, when in fact she's really just saving a lot. Leave it to a trained gerontologist to be worried about retirement planning at 25.


Trakanon Raider
No shit. The earlier you start worrying about it, the less of a problem it is. Getting a head start on retirement savings is fucking huge. Although I agree you don't want to live like a pauper your whole life just to get there a couple years earlier.

Spent 7 days in the wilderness hiking the West Coast Trail with the girlfriend, only had to resist the temptation to choke her once or twice. She was actually pretty awesome for someone without a lot of hiking/camping experience, not that I'm much of a veteran either. She was cranky as fuck in the mornings, but I just did my best to ignore it or gently reminded her that it's not my fault that it's cold and wet in the morning. Overall it was great times.


Trakanon Raider
No shit. The earlier you start worrying about it, the less of a problem it is. Getting a head start on retirement savings is fucking huge. Although I agree you don't want to live like a pauper your whole life just to get there a couple years earlier.
That was really my point. You need to leave yourself enough to live on without stressing over every penny. She could do that with her pension and 401k, or even just ONE savings account instead of two. But I'm sure one day I'll be glad it's there. I think she's begun to realize that her ability to save is directly related to my willingness to make sure my turn for dinner ends up being the ones that cost us $30 instead of $15 all the time and things like that.


<Gold Donor>
gently reminded her that it's not my fault that it's cold and wet in the morning
Ah, but using girl logic, it IS your fault! If you hadn't wanted to go on this stupid camping trip in this stupid wilderness with this stupid weather, she wouldn't be cold and wet in the morning!

The fact that she didn't use that logic on you is a positive. Many would have if they got cranky enough. At least when you reminded them it wasn't your fault at least.