The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)


You're a fucking retard. Just because you like shit movies and Peter Jackson's balls slamming off your chin doesn't mean the rest of us have bad taste in movies. The original LOTR movies were nominated for 30 Academy Awards and won 17, including best picture. I highly doubt this shit fest of a movie will even be nominated for anything. The Hobbit movies were even more disappointing than the Star Wars prequels, and that's hard to do.
Only pretentious faggots care about what movies an academy of pretentious faggots liked. Your hyperbolic posts are shit and you add nothing of value to any discussion.


Trakanon Raider
You're a fucking retard. Just because you like shit movies and Peter Jackson's balls slamming off your chin doesn't mean the rest of us have bad taste in movies. The original LOTR movies were nominated for 30 Academy Awards and won 17, including best picture. I highly doubt this shit fest of a movie will even be nominated for anything. The Hobbit movies were even more disappointing than the Star Wars prequels, and that's hard to do.

Zignor 3_sl

As critical as I have been of the Hobbit movies so far, even I have to admit that saying they are as bad or worse than the Star Wars prequels is a bridge too far. The respective directors are guilty of the same sins in both (decisions driven by money grabbing, presumptions based on previous success, CGI whoredom) but at least with The Hobbit the underlying story is a good enough to prop up the failings of execution and therearesome actual high points that could be considered great cinematically. There isn't a single moment in the prequels that rises to the level of the Riddles in the Dark scene.

There are plenty of good things in these movies; easily more good than bad, especially when discussing the EEs. And while the bad can be pretty awful, nothing has come close to Jar Jar, or sand getting everywhere, or the "acting" of Christensen and Portman (which I blame squarely on Lucas). I mean, these Hobbit films could be dramatically improved simply by creatively editing the movies and excising most of the horrible stuff (and adding back in the good EE material). If done right, you'd be left with a smooth, coherent narrative with merely a hint of the bad left over. You couldn't do that with the Star Wars prequels. The bad there permeates nearly everything.

The Ancient_sl

Only pretentious faggots care about what movies an academy of pretentious faggots liked. Your hyperbolic posts are shit and you add nothing of value to any discussion.
Yeah people who like shit movies always say shit like this.

The wealth of nominations LotR received is no accident. And it wasn't some pretentious indy flick, it was a big budget FANTASY flick. That only shows how great it was. The Gulf between the Hobbit and LotR is enormous and while you can sit here and nitpick whether or not it was as big as the Star Wars/prequels Gulf, if you try to deny how massive the difference between the Jackson trilogies is, you are an idiot, plain and simple.


Trakanon Raider
Why is everyone still attempt to place The Hobbit on the same level with LoTR? Different book, different movies. If you thought that the Hobbit was going to be the next LotR you obviously didn't read the books. Personally, I like The Hobbit book better than LoTR but not because it is better but because of what type of read it is. I like the LotR movies better than the Hobbit because of the type of movies they are.

The Hobbit has mistakes, everyone agrees and primarily agrees on what parts are mistakes but goodness gracious, to say this is Jar Jar is absolutely ludicrous.

Everyone agrees The Hobbit moves are not as good as LotR, everyone agrees why, and everyone is entitled to their opinions. I understand what is not to like but come on. Get real...

I guess the trolling is winning though because you have our attention. But know this... i'm going to watch it two more times probably. So, if your skin is burning and you feel some disturbance in the force it is because of me. Yes I like the movies, I loved this installment, and i'm going to support it. I will pray for you while you writhe in pain knowing there are people sitting the theatre enjoying this movie.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I haven't read any of the comments in this thread since the movie was released, but I absolutely loved this. I was pleased with how quickly they got to the battle and how long the battle played out. I was worried we'd get like 30 minutes of battle and the rest would be build-up, but it was almost the opposite. I thought it was the best of the 3, by far.

I'm going to go back and read what everyone else thought, but I have a feeling it's going to be overwhelmingly negative and say there was too much CGI, too much Legolas, and too much elf-dwarf loving. I agree on Legolas and the love shit, but I thought the special effects looked phenomenal.


FPS noob
need more viggo's in this world. apparently he was offered the chance to be in the last movie but turned it down cuz aragon wasn't in the book


Wife and I saw it early Friday morning in those wonderful AMC recliner seats, so maybe that made me enjoy the moment movie... It was good enough, no it's not the previous trilogy in terms of quality and there was a bunch of stupid scenes in all three Hobbit films but it was still enjoyable. I think everyone has certainly pointed out the flaws with the film so not going to dwell on it.

I think some of you don't enjoy movies at all, is it even possible to go see something and just enjoy it anymore?


Yeah people who like shit movies always say shit like this.

The wealth of nominations LotR received is no accident. And it wasn't some pretentious indy flick, it was a big budget FANTASY flick. That only shows how great it was. The Gulf between the Hobbit and LotR is enormous and while you can sit here and nitpick whether or not it was as big as the Star Wars/prequels Gulf, if you try to deny how massive the difference between the Jackson trilogies is, you are an idiot, plain and simple.
The Hobbit trilogy was better than the LotR trilogy. If the Academy has any taste at all in movies it will win more oscars that LotR did.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So much fuckin CGI in this movie. I thought PJ said he wanted to do the Hobbit movies to give his New Zealand brethren jobs and shit. All he did was employ a bunch of digital characters humper fucking each other for 9 hours.

Shit was bad man, shit was bad.


Trakanon Raider
Me and a friend saw this and both just kind of kept looking at each other and giving that look. 2/10, would not watch again.


The whole orc under the ice/villain returns from supposed death thing was utter cliche crap, and pissed on the clever way Thorin got him into the water in the first place. It was unbelievably hackneyed. Much much better to have Thorin mortally wounded before the "into the water" trick and use that trick as the end of the fight, then he can stagger off and die. The Legolas tower/bridge thing was just too stupid in terms of physics too that I couldnt enjoy it either. I could get behind Legolas riding the tower down and landing on the far side to protect whatserface, but for the unmortared tower to not just crumble and fall instantly and instead form a bridge even for a little while just destroyed the immersion for me for that scene.


Gunnar Durden
Me and a friend saw this and both just kind of kept looking at each other and giving that look. 2/10, would not watch again.
Is that the look where you both are thinking "let's ditch the movie and smash our penis tips together".

I liked it. I agree it was rushed at parts. They definitely could have thrown the smaug death at the end of the last and cut 10 minutes of silly dragon chase. But I liked how quick the movie got going, action was good and it looked good.

Could have used more smaug, more beorn, more white council and less of the shitty coward thief man



A Mod Real Quick
Enjoyed this more than 2 but less than 1. My favorite parts were the massive, sprawling landscape shots. Least favorite parts almost all involved way too much CG. Was the Dwarf leader CG as well? I couldn't tell but he looked off.

I was extremely annoyed that we only saw Beorn for 3 seconds and even more annoyed at the ending:
They didn't show them burying the Arkenstone...... we've watched all the movies up to this and we just disregard whatever fate the stone has?

Good for a single watch, will not watch again.


Trakanon Raider
Is that the look where you both are thinking "let's ditch the movie and smash our penis tips together
Yup. We both got up to get more beer cause obviously we weren't gonna miss anything in that movie besides some ham fisted dwarven elf romance. Why does love have to hurt so much?


Gunnar Durden
Love Dain being played by Billy Connolly, hate that he was CGI but I dont think that looked that ridiculous.


A Mod Real Quick
Yup. We both got up to get more beer cause obviously we weren't gonna miss anything in that movie besides some ham fisted dwarven elf romance. Why does love have to hurt so much?
Because it was real :*(



Ahn'Qiraj Raider
CGI Dain was extremely jarring to me. Looked completely unrealistic in the scene. If it were any other movie, I wouldn't have cared so much.. but this is coming from the same damn film that made Gollum and Smaug. WTF?

Someone said it best a few pages ago. It looked like a video game cutscene animation. Top tier cutscene, but sub-par for LoTR.

I just do not get the point why the fuck they even bothered with CGI on a humanoid character in the first place. The rest of the dwarves have been perfectly done via costume.