The Last of Us


<Prior Amod>
Hmm. Aiming hasn't been a huge problem for me, but I absolutely hate shooters and aiming with a controller. Does it snap like when
you get caught in the snare trap and you're hanging upside down while shooting the runners that are coming for you?
yes, actually for this particular part, very cheesy, you quick tap/hold L1 and you're auto locked on their heads fo 1-2seconds for a quick headshot.


Vyemm Raider
Fuck...stayed up til 6am playing through this and hot damn...Just when I thought it was ending, shit got real.

This has edged out Bioshock Infinite for my GOTY. Loving the story, and loving the character development. I actually care about these characters, even the ones you part ways with.

I could do without all the country shit, "reckon" and that sort, but man, I didn't want to stop playing. It's like a cool ass movie that you can control, and it's not ruined with QTE's.


privileged excrementlord
At about 50% through The Last of Us and just noticed something that is guaranteed to help out anyone having problems with aiming. In the options menu (under gameplay I believe) there's an option for aim assist that is off by default. After turning it on it seriously makes aiming 100x easier. As long as you're targeting somewhere near an enemy it will snap to them when you hit L1.
I kept trying to find this option thinking you're retarded or my eyes were broken. It's only available when your difficulty is set to easy.


Registered Hodor
I kept trying to find this option thinking you're retarded or my eyes were broken. It's only available when your difficulty is set to easy.
Oh well, that sucks. Considering that aiming on console controllers is bad enough in generic Bro Shooter #29, this game is really shitty about it. Fortunately so far it seems better to creep around and stealth kill most of the time, instead of using your guns (at least on easy, but I'd venture to guess that ammo is even more scarce on the harder modes).


Just a Nurse
Encountered first Bloater. Yowza. I've died more times where I thought there were only Clickers around or Runners (or whatever...) only to find out there was a mix of them. Fuck that insta-kill from the Clickers. Bleh. lol.


NeoGaf Donator
Encountered first Bloater. Yowza. I've died more times where I thought there were only Clickers around or Runners (or whatever...) only to find out there was a mix of them. Fuck that insta-kill from the Clickers. Bleh. lol.
I don't want to spoil anything but the next time you run into one is probably biggest pant's shitting moment in modern gaming IMO.

Also I had to turn the listen ability not because I thought it was too cheap, but because it was annoying the hell out of me to have to do it every time I enter a new room and hear something creepy. Was really killing my immersion. It's a lot like the bat-vision. Hated going through 60% of a beautiful game in a second sight mode.


Registered Hodor
Encountered first Bloater. Yowza. I've died more times where I thought there were only Clickers around or Runners (or whatever...) only to find out there was a mix of them. Fuck that insta-kill from the Clickers. Bleh. lol.
For what it's worth (playing on easy) I died like 5 times on that bloater trying to take him down with guns. 6th try I tossed a nail bomb and a molotov at him and he keeled over and died like a bitch. Maybe the rifle with armor piercing upgrade does well against them, but otherwise I'd say stick to bombs and molotovs.


Vyemm Raider
Just stayed up late again to finish this bitch off. Awesome game! So many different things I could say, but the biggest thing is the character development. As others have said you actually care about the characters. They did a really good job at capturing all aspects of being human in that type of survival situation. Just like a great movie I was eager to see the end, but sad to know it was over.

Are the Uncharted games this good?


The Uncharted games are good but Last of Us is a step above in every regard.
Agreed. I just finished The Last of Us and went back to playing Uncharted 3, and while both games are excellent, everything about The Last of Us is simply better. I don't really care about the characters in Uncharted, and while it's much more like a big blockbuster movie with cool explosions and stuff, the character development and story blew me away in The Last of Us.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Flame turns pretty much any enemy into no threat. Flamethrower = OP.
Saved all my flamethrower ammo through the whole game and used it and it exclusively in the final hallway.

Basically I stealthed around and when a dude got close to me, I popped out and set him on fire, then ran away. Good times were had by all, and by all I mean mostly me.


A Mod Real Quick
Question for you guys. My girlfriend is a huuuuuge Uncharted fan.. so much so that we have a framed (yes, framed) poster of Uncharted 3 in our living room. We had to get the collectors edition leather bound strategy guide after she had beaten the game. She really loved the story and solving the puzzles. She's not great at shooting, but she beat all 3 games so she's not too derpy derp. Only trouble she had was in Uncharted 1 with all those mutant things fucking her up at the end of the game (she didn't know the objective was to just run, she tried to eliminate them all). I have no idea what this game is about or how it plays, but will she possibly enjoy it? If it's constant action she might have trouble, but if it were slightly similar to uncharted in any way I'm sure she'd love it.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Its basically the stealth and melee sections of Uncharted blown up into a whole game.

I don't see how she can dislike the game, frankly. Tell her to upgrade the weapon sway once for her first upgrade, that'll fix the shooting difficulties she might experience, but its mostly a stealth game.

If she likes Uncharted, I can't possibly see how she can dislike this game, its better in virtually every single regard.


Question for you guys. My girlfriend is a huuuuuge Uncharted fan.. so much so that we have a framed (yes, framed) poster of Uncharted 3 in our living room. We had to get the collectors edition leather bound strategy guide after she had beaten the game. She really loved the story and solving the puzzles. She's not great at shooting, but she beat all 3 games so she's not too derpy derp. Only trouble she had was in Uncharted 1 with all those mutant things fucking her up at the end of the game (she didn't know the objective was to just run, she tried to eliminate them all). I have no idea what this game is about or how it plays, but will she possibly enjoy it? If it's constant action she might have trouble, but if it were slightly similar to uncharted in any way I'm sure she'd love it.
If you play it with constant action you're doing it wrong. It's mostly (until the end) better played stealthing around playing hide-and-seek with mobs until you can get behind one out of sight to stealth kill it. The tension and pacing is awesome to the point of reminding me of the feeling in the original Resident Evil. There is also not as much platforming as in UC (read that as none) but some puzzles involving getting Ellie around some obstacles or finding ladders/planks to traverse gaps.