The Last Ship


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Quality wise The Last Ship isn't stellar, but it's happening on a dire TV season with mud-level shit shows like The Strain. Military stuff and naval ship porn ? Count me in ! IMO it's way better than herp derp wig divorced father dealing with mankind's fate between family counseling / AA meetings. At least The Last Ship isn't pretending anything, it's the show you kind of enjoy watching for shits, while The Strain is the kind of show pretending stuff with big names and money. Fuck your biological vampires, I need more warship porn !


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You can always tell when a show is endorsed by the military, because they almost always fall into the "good vs. evil" paradigm vs. shades of grey. SG-1 was sort of like that and the Airforce was endorsing them. British traitor guy will always be an asshat, Russians admiral will always be evil, terrorists are terrorists, etc.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You can always tell when a show is endorsed by the military, because they almost always fall into the "good vs. evil" paradigm vs. shades of grey. SG-1 was sort of like that and the Airforce was endorsing them. British traitor guy will always be an asshat, Russians admiral will always be evil, terrorists are terrorists, etc.
Wut? SG-1 wasn't like that, Jaffa weren't evil foot soldiers through and through, the Russian liaison was an ally, and they glorified TV reporters including one of the best multi-part stories of the whole series. Meanwhile Maybourne (USAF), Kinsey (US Senator), NID, IOA, and The Trust were all dicks and so many good guys went bad, traitor, and/or backstabber.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Sure it was. Gouald were evil, Jaffa were just pawns (think dictators and people conscripted to fight for them). Most of the dicks were representative of civilian oversight when you think about it...virtually all the solutions came from the core airforce team.


> Than U
Ya near 4.4 million viewers this week again. Was 2nd for Sunday though with the Nascar Race coming in #1 with 5.2 million viewers.
This show will be around a few years.


> Than U
Huh, who got vaccinated? It never showed if the dude was going to live or die before hell broke loose.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It doesn't matter if it was a working vaccine or fake sugar water, even the writers for the World War Z movie were smart enough to know Brad Pitt couldn't inject himself and then walk outside in 30 seconds.

I'll say it: this show is literally dumber than the World War Z movie.


FPS noob
i liked it i thought it was the season finale at first cuz they seemed to have wrapped shit up, i assume things go tits up next though

poor kapitan khan, he was all set to be the next billionaire putin and he got foiled by lara croft



Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Gotta love the almost laughably pure black & white moral situations. Everyone is evil, cept 'MURICA! Everyone who get shit on (British, random non-Americans) must embrace 'MURCIA as well or they become badguys.

In anycase, seems like that Russian ship is fucked. Even if they aren't all dead from the explosion, patient zero walking around won't be helping matters.


> Than U
It doesn't matter if it was a working vaccine or fake sugar water, even the writers for the World War Z movie were smart enough to know Brad Pitt couldn't inject himself and then walk outside in 30 seconds.

I'll say it: this show is literally dumber than the World War Z movie.
Wth are you on about? He did inject himself and walked outside in 30 seconds, or a few minutes, it didn't really show that I saw how long had elapsed in WWZ.
They never showed if the dude was cured or not, who knows what she used. All she needed to do was buy time for the rescue plan, hell she could have injected cat piss into him intentionally, saying fuck it. We don't know.


> Than U
i liked it i thought it was the season finale at first cuz they seemed to have wrapped shit up, i assume things go tits up next though

poor kapitan khan, he was all set to be the next billionaire putin and he got foiled by lara croft
Next episodes description
"Trials" - Sunday, Aug. 17, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT)

Rachel and Chandler ask for six volunteers to participate in human trials of her vaccine, but the tests could be a living hell as the virus and the vaccine do battle inside their bodies. Meanwhile back in the States, Chandler's wife and father are doing everything they can to keep their family alive.

And hell, season finale description
Season 1 Finale: "No Place Like Home" - Sunday, Aug. 24, at 9 p.m. (ET/PT)

Chandler and his crew finally return home, where a former D.C. power player is fending off a dangerous warlord who threatens everyone's hopes of restoring law and order in society. Now with a location and a means to finalize their mission, Chandler sets out to find his family, only to discover something absolutely terrifying about this brave new world


Vyemm Raider
Gotta love the almost laughably pure black & white moral situations. Everyone is evil, cept 'MURICA! Everyone who get shit on (British, random non-Americans) must embrace 'MURCIA as well or they become badguys...
I do love it. The only thing that could make it better was if it took place on the USS Ronald Reagan.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Was kinda fun to seeAmericansgoing full ninja into thatsovietship with M4, suppressors, explosive devices and kevlar helmets / vests whilebolcheviksboarding response is six guys with urban camo fatigues and unmodded AK-74s. I like TLS because it has that warship / military porn going on, but that blatlant "WE HAVE NAVY MONEY" front is getting ridiculous (and I'm talking about Michael Bay's ridiculous). And I'm talking about a show where US Navy's main villain is called Ruskov. I mean come on, this is somewhat entertaining, we don't really need strong militaly imperialism to cum on chest, at this point.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Lol, you expected different from Bay? Mark my words: A future episode will involve a "limp wristed liberal" wanting to appease some bad guy, but the NAVY will show them the power of FREEDOM.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
The season finale will feature the Tactical Mariner Navy Team displaying their finesse and subtlety as a car is split down the middle while meteors shoot down overhead.