The Mandela Effect


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I can honestly say I can see why people remember it with a cornucopia as a picture of a cornucopia with fruit is a very iconic picture so it would make sense to have it on the logo of FOTLs

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The Cornucopia thing is because there was a very, very common coloring ditto in elementary school that looked a lot like the Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia on it. So people merged those two images in their mind.


Millie's Staff Member
The Cornucopia thing is because there was a very, very common coloring ditto in elementary school that looked a lot like the Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia on it. So people merged those two images in their mind.
how old is this ditto? cuz this has been a thing since the 1950s/60s. everyone remembers the cornucopia logo


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've gone the past 15 years or so totally convinced Rick Moranis was dead. Never questioned it or brought it up to anyone. Then I read a recent article about a rare Rick Moranis sighting.

Blew my mind.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The Cornucopia thing is because there was a very, very common coloring ditto in elementary school that looked a lot like the Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia on it. So people merged those two images in their mind.

I can go for a lot of these just to be misremembering things. But I am very confident Fruit of the Loom had the cornucopia on it. I didn't know what it was until I asked my mom.

I've gone the past 15 years or so totally convinced Rick Moranis was dead. Never questioned it or brought it up to anyone. Then I read a recent article about a rare Rick Moranis sighting.

Blew my mind.

He stopped making movies altogether to take care of his family.
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Millie's Staff Member
I can go for a lot of these just to be misremembering things. But I am very confident Fruit of the Loom had the cornucopia on it. I didn't know what it was until I asked my mom.

He stopped making movies altogether to take care of his family.
i heard people say many times that it has something to do with Thanksgiving. but nobody would associate fruit with a symbol of Thanksgiving. you would associate fruit in a bowl. you wouldnt associate fruit with a cornucopia for an underwear company.
its a real anomaly.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
i heard people say many times that it has something to do with Thanksgiving. but nobody would associate fruit with a symbol of Thanksgiving. you would associate fruit in a bowl. you wouldnt associate fruit with a cornucopia for an underwear company.
its a real anomaly.


There's a gazillion of these coloring pages if you just google them.


Poet Warrior
I watched 6 hours of Information and theories on this last night. I slept 2 afterward. I used to think everyone who argued this were kooky fruitcakes. It’s very compelling imo. I remember a lot of the things being spelled or pronounced different in the 80’s growing up. The Mandela effect, despite having little to do with him.

so someone might have traveled back in time and that messed up other people’s timelines ? Including the timeline I grew up in. Where we read Curious George and the bearistain bears.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I watched 6 hours of Information and theories on this last night. I slept 2 afterward. I used to think everyone who argued this were kooky fruitcakes. It’s very compelling imo. I remember a lot of the things being spelled or pronounced different in the 80’s growing up. The Mandela effect, despite having little to do with him.

so someone might have traveled back in time and that messed up other people’s timelines ? Including the timeline I grew up in. Where we read Curious George and the bearistain bears.
Curious George?



FoH nuclear response team
Someone recently found an old logo with cornucopia and posted a bunch of pictures of it. Forgot where I saw it but It was like an old package of shirts or something found in a house the were cleaning.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Been noticing this for a few years now, there are like almost no bugs outside. Maybe at the height of summer there are some, but not like what I remember as a kid. I'd come home with numerous mosquito bites every time I played outside for too long in the woods in summer, if I didn't have bug spray on. Now, I haven't put bug spray on since like 2019 and I haven't been bitten by a single mosquito since about 2017. Yes, I've been paying attention to this. Not sure what it has to do with the Mandela Effect but it's pretty weird. I chalked it up to me being older and my blood not being any good anymore or something. However I've barely even seen any mosquitos in years.

I watched 6 hours of Information and theories on this last night. I slept 2 afterward. I used to think everyone who argued this were kooky fruitcakes. It’s very compelling imo. I remember a lot of the things being spelled or pronounced different in the 80’s growing up. The Mandela effect, despite having little to do with him.

so someone might have traveled back in time and that messed up other people’s timelines ? Including the timeline I grew up in. Where we read Curious George and the bearistain bears.

IF some of these actually are related to someone messing around in time, then the fact that pretty much all of the Mandela Effects are corporate branding related or entertainment related tells me that either...

A) Those are only the most visible examples of things being changed, and all the minor day to day things are less likely to be noticed by people.


B) Whoever time-traveled specifically targeted changing the branding, logos, etc for a bunch of corporations due to benefiting from this or being in league with them (i.e. someone with massive money invested in all of the above). Or perhaps as a joke, like the Monopoly man suddenly not having a monocle, knowing these would be big, visible changes.

But who knows. At this point it's seriously all just conjecture whether you believe it or not. If it is real, then my main question is why some people remember the "original variant" and some remember the current variant always being the case. We're all clearly in the same universe here, so how would some people remember an alternate one? What determines who remembers which history? How can two histories even exist at the same time? That gets into the realm of quantum theory and that's above my pay grade.


FoH nuclear response team
Been noticing this for a few years now, there are like almost no bugs outside. Maybe at the height of summer there are some, but not like what I remember as a kid. I'd come home with numerous mosquito bites every time I played outside for too long in the woods in summer, if I didn't have bug spray on. Now, I haven't put bug spray on since like 2019 and I haven't been bitten by a single mosquito since about 2017. Yes, I've been paying attention to this. Not sure what it has to do with the Mandela Effect but it's pretty weird. I chalked it up to me being older and my blood not being any good anymore or something. However I've barely even seen any mosquitos in years.

IF some of these actually are related to someone messing around in time, then the fact that pretty much all of the Mandela Effects are corporate branding related or entertainment related tells me that either...

A) Those are only the most visible examples of things being changed, and all the minor day to day things are less likely to be noticed by people.


B) Whoever time-traveled specifically targeted changing the branding, logos, etc for a bunch of corporations due to benefiting from this or being in league with them (i.e. someone with massive money invested in all of the above). Or perhaps as a joke, like the Monopoly man suddenly not having a monocle, knowing these would be big, visible changes.

But who knows. At this point it's seriously all just conjecture whether you believe it or not. If it is real, then my main question is why some people remember the "original variant" and some remember the current variant always being the case. We're all clearly in the same universe here, so how would some people remember an alternate one? What determines who remembers which history? How can two histories even exist at the same time? That gets into the realm of quantum theory and that's above my pay grade.

After being in dallas for a decade then moving back to the sticks I can assure you the bugs are still here. I remember being mesmerized by a butterfly because I hadn't seen one in sonlong when I first moved back.

Now my car gets destroyed if I drive anywhere in the summer. It was nice having a clean car and no mosquito bites for a decade.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Been noticing this for a few years now, there are like almost no bugs outside. Maybe at the height of summer there are some, but not like what I remember as a kid. I'd come home with numerous mosquito bites every time I played outside for too long in the woods in summer, if I didn't have bug spray on. Now, I haven't put bug spray on since like 2019 and I haven't been bitten by a single mosquito since about 2017. Yes, I've been paying attention to this. Not sure what it has to do with the Mandela Effect but it's pretty weird. I chalked it up to me being older and my blood not being any good anymore or something. However I've barely even seen any mosquitos in years.

IF some of these actually are related to someone messing around in time, then the fact that pretty much all of the Mandela Effects are corporate branding related or entertainment related tells me that either...

A) Those are only the most visible examples of things being changed, and all the minor day to day things are less likely to be noticed by people.


B) Whoever time-traveled specifically targeted changing the branding, logos, etc for a bunch of corporations due to benefiting from this or being in league with them (i.e. someone with massive money invested in all of the above). Or perhaps as a joke, like the Monopoly man suddenly not having a monocle, knowing these would be big, visible changes.

But who knows. At this point it's seriously all just conjecture whether you believe it or not. If it is real, then my main question is why some people remember the "original variant" and some remember the current variant always being the case. We're all clearly in the same universe here, so how would some people remember an alternate one? What determines who remembers which history? How can two histories even exist at the same time? That gets into the realm of quantum theory and that's above my pay grade.
I'm as sure as I can be that the bug thing is real. False memories wouldn't be very interesting if they were easily identified as false, but ze bugs when driving close to farming... definitely decimated. Maybe the lizard people are eating them. BTW, peoples bug experience may vary since we (probably) live in different places.


Egg Nazi
If it is real, then my main question is why some people remember the "original variant" and some remember the current variant always being the case. We're all clearly in the same universe here, so how would some people remember an alternate one? What determines who remembers which history? How can two histories even exist at the same time? That gets into the realm of quantum theory and that's above my pay grade.
Random speculation: We're all familiar with the idea that someone makes a decision and the multiverse branches. In one branch he made decision X and in the other he made decision Y.

One of the many problems with this model is it leads to a nearly infinite number of universes, and another is that it assumes every decision is some kind of butterfly effect with far reaching consequences.

Both problems are addressed by convergence. The opposite of a branch point. Or rather, a branch point traveled in reverse. Two universes come together and merge into one. Because at that moment it turns out that the "differences" between them were transient and didnt lead to any lasting difference. Decision X or Y didnt turn out to matter in the long term. So now the two worlds are one again. (no this doesnt address all your questions)

The Mandela Effect is an inevitable consequence of many worlds multiverse theory (which is nonsense but fun to think about)


Blackwing Lair Raider
Been noticing this for a few years now, there are like almost no bugs outside. Maybe at the height of summer there are some, but not like what I remember as a kid. I'd come home with numerous mosquito bites every time I played outside for too long in the woods in summer, if I didn't have bug spray on. Now, I haven't put bug spray on since like 2019 and I haven't been bitten by a single mosquito since about 2017. Yes, I've been paying attention to this. Not sure what it has to do with the Mandela Effect but it's pretty weird. I chalked it up to me being older and my blood not being any good anymore or something. However I've barely even seen any mosquitos in years.
Bug thing is still very much a thing, just dependent on location. In the suburbs north of Denver, I can count on one hand how many times I found a fly inside the house. In AR, the second I even open the door (front, back or garage) I get 5-15 at least, its insane. Mosquito's I just chalk up to different diet/pheromones or something made me less appealing as I got older, but I'm 100% okay if those go extinct anyway. Bats can eat something else


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Random speculation: We're all familiar with the idea that someone makes a decision and the multiverse branches. In one branch he made decision X and in the other he made decision Y.

One of the many problems with this model is it leads to a nearly infinite number of universes, and another is that it assumes every decision is some kind of butterfly effect with far reaching consequences.

Both problems are addressed by convergence. The opposite of a branch point. Or rather, a branch point traveled in reverse. Two universes come together and merge into one. Because at that moment it turns out that the "differences" between them were transient and didnt lead to any lasting difference. Decision X or Y didnt turn out to matter in the long term. So now the two worlds are one again. (no this doesnt address all your questions)

The Mandela Effect is an inevitable consequence of many worlds multiverse theory (which is nonsense but fun to think about)

I'm pretty sure the movie Donnie Darko was sort of about this kind of thing. Need to watch that again. In the movie, there's one specific timeline each person has that's called "God's path" and is essentially your fate, or what you're "supposed" to do, but there's also nothing stopping you from moving off of it, and then weird things begin to happen. Movie is incredibly complex and has a bit in common with The Butterfly Effect, like the world being better off if the main character doesn't exist.
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Millie's Staff Member
I'm pretty sure the movie Donnie Darko was sort of about this kind of thing. Need to watch that again. In the movie, there's one specific timeline each person has that's called "God's path" and is essentially your fate, or what you're "supposed" to do, but there's also nothing stopping you from moving off of it, and then weird things begin to happen. Movie is incredibly complex and has a bit in common with The Butterfly Effect, like the world being better off if the main character doesn't exist.
it has a lot to do with where mosquitos breed. if you got a bunch of stagnant water, rotting organic garbage you're going to have lots of skeeters and flies. there is less garbage than there used to be. less tires chucked off the side of the road which would collect rain water and breed skeeters


Poet Warrior
I'm pretty sure the movie Donnie Darko was sort of about this kind of thing. Need to watch that again. In the movie, there's one specific timeline each person has that's called "God's path" and is essentially your fate, or what you're "supposed" to do, but there's also nothing stopping you from moving off of it, and then weird things begin to happen. Movie is incredibly complex and has a bit in common with The Butterfly Effect, like the world being better off if the main character doesn't exist.
I had a gf who’s favorite movie was Donnie darko. She could sure suck a dick. I’m more partial to Patrick swayze performances in his earlier movies. Like we all haven’t seen dirty dancing, ghost, and roadhouse over 100 x.