The new Gen has started: Where do you stand?


Gaming laptop and probably a WiiU sometime next year. A small chance of a PS4 if I have a ton of cash laying around and nothing else I want to spend it on.

Nintendo exclusives (Zelda, Mario, Metroid, etc.) are the only consoles games I feel Ineedto play and miss out on majorly if I don't. For me, the reason Nintendo is still the best is because they try to offer an experience you can only have through console gaming. You can't play those games on a PC or any other device. Everything else I want to play I can do so with a decent PC and Xbox/Playstation controller. For the Xbone and PS4, I was hoping they were going to up the level of innovation as far as how the motion sensor works with games, but it seems it's still being used as just an optional peripheral device. It has a bunch of interesting functions, but doesn't really have a major impact on how you play games.


FPS noob
I am planning on purchasing a ps4 or xbox in the next few months and I was wondering how to connect it to my monitor.

I use a 27" 1440 computer monitor and I was thinking I would be able to use an hdmi to dvi adapter and be fine, right? Not sure if there would be any issues with the 1440 part. Also, instead of having to connect / disconnect the dvi cord every time I want to use my computer would I be able to use a switch / splitter? Never have had to do this before.
your monitor would need adaptive scaling to go down to 1080p, ps4 won't output 1440p. I tried on my korean 27" 1440p (using HDMI->dvi adapter) and nothing would come up. On my Dell 1440p it works fine, since it has scaling and hdmi input all that stuff, but it looks crappy since its coming out at 1080p and the dell is optimized for 1440p.

beyond that, you can solve the multiple input problem with a sound system or even an xbox one. Many of the newer sound systems have multiple HDMI ins and one HDMI out, so you can hook up your monitor to it and then have 2-5 HDMI inputs that you switch between. Even small soundbars like vizio etc support this.


Molten Core Raider
Grab the xbox video app on it, create a homegroup on your windows box (only tested with 8.1 myself), run the video app on xbone then either load up a playlist of what you want to watch into WMP on your widows box and "play to" xbox video or just right click on the files in windows explorer and "play to" from the menu that pops up
Cool, thanks for the tip. I'll try that out and see what happens.


your monitor would need adaptive scaling to go down to 1080p, ps4 won't output 1440p. I tried on my korean 27" 1440p (using HDMI->dvi adapter) and nothing would come up. On my Dell 1440p it works fine, since it has scaling and hdmi input all that stuff, but it looks crappy since its coming out at 1080p and the dell is optimized for 1440p.

beyond that, you can solve the multiple input problem with a sound system or even an xbox one. Many of the newer sound systems have multiple HDMI ins and one HDMI out, so you can hook up your monitor to it and then have 2-5 HDMI inputs that you switch between. Even small soundbars like vizio etc support this.
I thought the PS4 / XBone supported up to 4k res?


Golden Squire
I'm not a MS guy at all but I'll reconsider if in a few months there's no "PS4 media server". 95% of what I do with my PS3 is stream/copy video files. All sony had to do to make me buy a PS4 is robust streaming (including MKV) with fast video playback/fast forwarding. But yeah.


Silver Squire
Atm, I own a fairly decent pc, as well as a ps4. I'm thinking about picking up a wii u as well. Since most games are multiplatform anyways, and no xbox exclusive interests me at all, I'll be passing on an xbone.


Trakanon Raider
Consoles can't offer anything to me right now, I can spend 10? on Dota 2 once in a few months and that is my whole gaming budget until next round of decent steam sales.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've been playing the new Zelda on 3DS this weekend and it's kind of funny that I'm enjoying that game more than anything on my Vita or PS4. I wish Nintendo would just be a developer/publisher.


Molten Core Raider
you know what i was slightly leaning more towards console, more friends that play on it etc etc can lay on my couch be a lazy asshole, but then i went to my brother in laws house, played some ghost and was completely underwhelmed it looked like CS:source, was smooth as balls but a low end gaming PC can out perform that door stopper, so ill be going with a new gaming PC this cyber monday.


Life's a Dream
you know what i was slightly leaning more towards console, more friends that play on it etc etc can lay on my couch be a lazy asshole, but then i went to my brother in laws house, played some ghost and was completely underwhelmed it looked like CS:source, was smooth as balls but a low end gaming PC can out perform that door stopper, so ill be going with a new gaming PC this cyber monday.
Ghosts isn't indicative of the capabilities. It looks like ass compared to other games already. Almost as if it's running in the same graphical quality as the PS3 or Xbox 360. It's just a higher resolution.


Ghosts isn't indicative of the capabilities. It looks like ass compared to other games already. Almost as if it's running in the same graphical quality as the PS3 or Xbox 360. It's just a higher resolution.
Yeah, ghosts is probably the worst maker for quality. Try AC4 on the PS4, the game is gorgeous, especially since the 1080p & AA patch.


We have 236 votes at the moment and I doubt the proportions will change much from there.

Unsurprisingly, considering the history of the board, PC dominates. It might be helped by the fact that even PC that are three or four years old are still 'current' because of multiplatform development. The good chunk of people that plan to upgrade their PC soon (even if there is some overlap with people who own a currrent PC) shows that this PC dominance is here to stay. With a new generation of consoles out, it might be that multiplatform games will be upgraded to the point a number of older configs will no longer be 'current', but we can only guesstimate the numbers for that.

More of a surprise is the adoption rate of the PS4. The previous poll that was created just after a very lopsided E3 showed a very strong interest in the PS4, but one would have a thought that a launch line up devoid of 'must have' exclusives would have delayed most of the purchases, but already a quarter of the people who answered the poll own a PS4. I guess the wait between generations made the 'fresh new toy' effect outweighs the reasonable 'I'll wait for a game I want' approach (even if the lack of a foreseeable price cut in the system does not make that approach that much more reasonable). You know the effect is strong when one of the staunchest avocate for the 'wait and see' policy decided to upgrade early after all. Another quarter is planning on buying one soon (a chunk of those probably being people waiting for black friday deals), so in a few weeks/months there should be over 50% of PS4 owners.

After their catastrophic E3, Microsoft was in deep trouble. They changed their proposition in a major way to remove most of the things that customers disliked, but it does not seem it paid off that well. The current poll was created just after the Xbox One launch, but since the huge majority of purchases are done with pre-orders, I think it's fair to compare the numbers with those of the PS4. As it stands, both the 'own' and 'buy soon' numbers are at about a quarter of the PS4 numbers. On one hand it was to be expected because they still pay for E3 and the spiral of negativity that followed, but on the other, they managed to launch with a strong flagship exclusive in Forza (3rd biggest exclusive brand behind Halo and Gears of War while Killzone is the 5th - a Forza sells about 5 millions world wide and a Killzone a little under 3). Now, it might be that the members of this board are less into racing game than the average public. Another factor is that I am not sure what's the status of wheels compatibility between X360 and XB1 and what's available for XB1 at the moment when it comes to wheels.

As expected, the WiiU fares very poorly, but the upside for Nintendo is that the 'buy soon' category is on par with the XB1, probably thanks to a number of recent releases of key franchises that had a very warm welcome. It's unclear to me if the release of the new Mario just when the new consoles are released is a good or a bad idea (Bad: people want new shiny toys, not the 1 year old machine. Good: the best new game is on WiiU and the console is available), but it could save Nintendo's holiday season.

It will be interesting to see how different from the general public this board is. I suspect the US numbers should be kinder to the XB1 and to Nintendo (currently there is 1.7 million WiiU in North America for 1 million PS4, but we have three times more PS4 owners!).


Szlia - I'm not sure how much of a Euro presence we have on this board, but don't forget that their PS4 launch doesn't happen until this Friday.


I assume it must be 10ish percent at most (what does Google Analytics say?), but it's true it might have an impact on the 'buy PS4 soon' category (maybe 7 or 8 votes that otherwise would be 'own' votes).


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Another thing to consider is someone here would be much more likely to come into a thread with this title if they just bought a new PS4 or xbone.


Trakanon Raider
Szlia - I'm not sure how much of a Euro presence we have on this board, but don't forget that their PS4 launch doesn't happen until this Friday.
You can't really lump Europe together as a single country, even states in EU have different launch dates. Most of the smaller countries have Xbone launch in 2014 and PS4 launches here on Dec 13th.

I wonder why everyone I know plays on PC :p


Useless lazy bastard.
Yeah, Sweden here and we get the PS4 on friday (well, those of us who ordered back in june or earlier, rest are fucked until 2014 with a teaser that "some" might come in december) and Xbone is on for a 2014 release unless you wanna pay 50% more for an UK import.

Its hillarious to read local forums tho, people exploding with "WTF I pre-ordered my PS4 at the begining of november, why wont I get one?!" and such gems.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Curious as I haven't really paid attention but ps4 only launched in the US I believe is that the same for xbone or did they launch in other countries also?