The NSA watches you poop.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Remember when he said he'd have the most transparent administration in history?

I got a good belly laugh out of that even when it was new. I'm sure it was the birthers who forced him to break that promise.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
There Is No Oversight: The NSA Withheld Documents From Intelligence Committee Heads | Techdirt

DAVIS: Is there anything you could do in your position as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee to find answers about this, if it is in fact going on?

ROCKEFELLER: Don't you understand the way Intelligence works? Do you think that because I'm Chairman of the Intelligence Committee that I just say I want it, and they give it to me? They control it. All of it. ALL of it. ALL THE TIME. I only get - and my committee only gets - what they WANT to give me.
Get ready to have your biometrics tracked 24/7 (Wired UK)

"I've been working in biometrics for 20 years, and it's reaching a tipping point where it's going to be impossible not to understand where people are and what they are doing. Everything will be monitored. It's part of the reason why when we put together the definition of biometrics it included biological and behavioural characteristics -- it can be anything."



Security industry pioneer RSA adopted not just one but two encryption tools developed by the U.S. National Security Agency, greatly increasing the spy agency's ability to eavesdrop on some Internet communications, according to a team of academic researchers.

Reuters reported in December that the NSA had paid RSA $10 million to make a now-discredited cryptography system the default in software used by a wide range of Internet and computer security programs. The system, called Dual Elliptic Curve, was a random number generator, but it had a deliberate flaw - or "back door" - that allowed the NSA to crack the encryption.

A group of professors from Johns Hopkins, the University of Wisconsin, the University of Illinois and elsewhere now say they have discovered that a second NSA tool exacerbated the RSA software's vulnerability.

The professors found that the tool, known as the "Extended Random" extension for secure websites, could help crack a version of RSA's Dual Elliptic Curve software tens of thousands of times faster, according to an advance copy of their research shared with Reuters.

While Extended Random was not widely adopted, the new research sheds light on how the NSA extended the reach of its surveillance under cover of advising companies on protection.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Blaming this on Obama is fair to a point, but lets remember that Darth Cheney is not only the guy who put this all in place, but also the asshole who had a mansized safe in his office and deleted his entire home from google maps. This is hardly a partisan issue. This shit has been a long time coming and it is the inevitable consequence of the information age. The sooner you guys realize that there is no privacy anymore, the better off you will be.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Every President has a plan, then they get briefed on all the under the table shit on day one. Not excusing everything, but the reality is that the PotUS gets to see a lot of intel that the majority of the rest of the planet does not have access to once they are sworn in, which might alter their view on a number of things.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
What intel? Terrorism is a fucking joke and we beyond over played up. The nsa doesn't keep us safe from shit.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
NSA Blows Its Own Top Secret Program in Order to Propagandize - The Intercept

In Iraq, for example, the National Security Agency went from intercepting only about half of enemy signals and taking hours to process them to being able to collect, sort and make available every Iraqi email, text message and phone-location signal in real time, said John "Chris" Inglis, who recently retired as the NSA's top civilian.
What makes this morning's disclosure most remarkable is what happened with last week's Washington Post report on the MYSTIC program, which, said the Post, provides "comprehensive metadata access and content" for entire countries where it is used. The agency "has built a surveillance system capable of recording '100 percent' of a foreign country's telephone calls, enabling the agency to rewind and review conversations as long as a month after they take place," reported the Post.
The program, noted the Post, has been in use in one country since 2011, and "planning documents two years later anticipated similar operations elsewhere." Specifically, the fiscal year 2013 intelligence budget identified "five more countries" in which the agency planned to implement the system.
NSA surveillance program reaches to retrieve, replay phone calls - The Washington Post


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I blame any and all presidents complicit in these kinds of activities. Unfortunately it has been going on since long before 9/11 in one form or another.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Electronic (Cyber) Warfare with China is the real thing going on here, over money and information (one in the same these days). Terrorism just greased the wheels to move us further along to a fully integrated surveillance state.


Buzzfeed Editor
I blame any and all presidents complicit in these kinds of activities. Unfortunately it has been going on since long before 9/11 in one form or another.
Some of it was, sure. Some of it the capability didn't exist.

I think it really undercuts the argument Snowden and Greenwald and everyone else had about releasing this stuff when they release stuff like the article fanaskin just linked, or the Huawei stuff. These are the things the agency was chartered to do, these are not encroachments on citizen's rights. And I am still waiting for someone to actually prove the RSA vulnerability. I don't doubt it, but it has been this long and no one has been able to leverage it yet outside of the NSA? Sounds suspect.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Time to make them wear a large yellow sign to be spotted from afar.
Later this year deport them all to a ghetto, last i checked Detroit was still available.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Secret military device lets Oakland deputies track cellphones | The Detroit News
The Oakland County Sheriff's Office is one of about two dozen forces nationwide - and the only one in Michigan - with the $170,000 machine. So little is known about Hailstorm that even national experts will only speculate about its capabilities. The technology from Florida-based defense contractor Harris Corp. is believed to be an upgrade of Stingray, a suitcase-sized contraption that is installed in cars and used to trick nearby phones into connecting with it and providing data to police.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Some of it was, sure. Some of it the capability didn't exist.

I think it really undercuts the argument Snowden and Greenwald and everyone else had about releasing this stuff when they release stuff like the article fanaskin just linked, or the Huawei stuff. These are the things the agency was chartered to do, these are not encroachments on citizen's rights. And I am still waiting for someone to actually prove the RSA vulnerability. I don't doubt it, but it has been this long and no one has been able to leverage it yet outside of the NSA? Sounds suspect.
I don't disagree they didn't have the capability. That is why they literally broke into people's houses and ransacked them for information in the past.