The Official Guitar Thread


Blackwing Lair Raider
"The physics behind it I'm not 100% aware of" that's because it's a stupid gimmick and not based on physics.

Absolute best case scenario possible is the stupid frets will be slightly more in tune than normal as long as you never change sting gauges, the string manufacturer never changes the alloy or the composition of the wrapping, the guitar is played only by a robot that frets the strings in a very exact position and pressure every time, AND the temperature never changes.

A more realistic scenario is that your frets look dumb and you look dumb for falling for the gimmick, and your guitar is only arguably more in tune than the $300 from China.
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Still a Music Elitist
I don't know why this was built. I've never had issues with even my cheap guitars. You need to have some ridiculous bat ears to notice the intonation being off is you're in tune in my experience.
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<Bronze Donator>
didn't watch that video, but usually instruments like that will only work for a particular key, i think. technically in 12-tone even tempered tuning (normal guitars of course), only fourths, fifths, and octaves are mathematically perfect. thirds and sixths and whatnot are always a little off from their mathematically ideal ratio. frets like the above just fix that. at the expense of only being able to play in certain keys.


Uncle Tanya
Anyway hope you guys enjoy, any feedback positive or negative is welcome.
I'll keep it short... listening to your stuff you can obviously play, and your sound (to me anyway) is fine but your vocals need work. It could work with a certain style because your voice is so very gruff and deep so I'm obviously thinking like death metal but I also assume you don't want to make music anywhere close to that LoL.

But what you're actually playing sonically and what you're actually singing... the sound just doesn't jive.


<Bronze Donator>
I'll keep it short... listening to your stuff you can obviously play, and your sound (to me anyway) is fine but your vocals need work. It could work with a certain style because your voice is so very gruff and deep so I'm obviously thinking like death metal but I also assume you don't want to make music anywhere close to that LoL.

But what you're actually playing sonically and what you're actually singing... the sound just doesn't jive.
I play some death metal too :) thanks for the feedback. Note that I suck at EQing / mixing myself due to the nature of my hearing loss (I lost high frequencies way more, I can't even hear the solo hi hat in the verses of "War Pigs" anymore =\). I'm a guitar player first and foremost, vocals as a distant second, but I'd much rather have someone else singing lead vocals so I don't have to. I very much do NOT want to do the production side of it, even tho I have the capability. Just so tedious to me when I could be spending that time actually playing.

The vocals on that song are tough in general. The original 1972 version has such a unique vocal part, that only works when absolutely belted out top-of-your-lungs. The current 2021 lineup of King Crimson tried playing it for awhile, and they stopped, probably due to the new singer not being able to do it justice either.


Uncle Tanya
I play some death metal too :) thanks for the feedback. Note that I suck at EQing / mixing myself due to the nature of my hearing loss (I lost high frequencies way more, I can't even hear the solo hi hat in the verses of "War Pigs" anymore =\). I'm a guitar player first and foremost, vocals as a distant second, but I'd much rather have someone else singing lead vocals so I don't have to. I very much do NOT want to do the production side of it, even tho I have the capability. Just so tedious to me when I could be spending that time actually playing.

The vocals on that song are tough in general. The original 1972 version has such a unique vocal part, that only works when absolutely belted out top-of-your-lungs. The current 2021 lineup of King Crimson tried playing it for awhile, and they stopped, probably due to the new singer not being able to do it justice either.
Big fan of Floyd and King Crimson too ^_^

Our singer wanted to stop singing and concentrate on just guitar too because he was like you... sang very passably, but wasn't GOOD at it, y'know? ...and he played guitar much better than he sang. But it's what we had and we made our live shows work with what we had :) But yeah, he wasn't a great singer... he knew it and we knew it, but it's really hard. A good singer is a unicorn. Gotta be realistic about it, and singing is what I always called a God given gift... anyone can learn an instrument if they have a brain and a couple of arms haha... but singing... ya... being a front person of a band that has the voice, charisma, and looks... stars are rarer than people imagine.


<Bronze Donator>
Big fan of Floyd and King Crimson too ^_^

Our singer wanted to stop singing and concentrate on just guitar too because he was like you... sang very passably, but wasn't GOOD at it, y'know? ...and he played guitar much better than he sang. But it's what we had and we made our live shows work with what we had :) But yeah, he wasn't a great singer... he knew it and we knew it, but it's really hard. A good singer is a unicorn. Gotta be realistic about it, and singing is what I always called a God given gift... anyone can learn an instrument if they have a brain and a couple of arms haha... but singing... ya... being a front person of a band that has the voice, charisma, and looks... stars are rarer than people imagine.
I can sing pretty well with an acoustic in my hands. Singing into a microphone is soooo different, I'm still learning how. I have a pretty deep, full voice when I can belt it out loud, but my neighbor has ears like a damn bat and bitches about the slightest volume....

electric video is at my old place where i could be loud. broke my acoustic earlier this year, decided to pawn it for $50 instead of fix it, since it was a gift from my ex so fuck it. still need to get a new one... broke as a joke sadly.
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Still a Music Elitist
Finished a new song this past weekend. All guitars are through my Helix. Vocals using a typical condenser mic. All run through a Scarlett 2i2 into Reaper. Drums are with Superior Drummer 3.

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Uncle Tanya
Vai out-Vai's himself yet again:

The Hydra... probably will retail for $3,500ish




Uncle Tanya
Finished a new song this past weekend. All guitars are through my Helix. Vocals using a typical condenser mic. All run through a Scarlett 2i2 into Reaper. Drums are with Superior Drummer 3.

I like the part around 2:10... maj to min on the 3rd in the vocal "oooh" then the harmony on repeat. Nice~
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Uncle Tanya
id be shocked if this is under 5k.
LoL yeah in hindsight my $3,500 guess is probably a "I'm still living in the 90's and Passion and Warfare is totally brand new" type of figure, I agree.

I just don't even see any functionality coming from this. It's as if this guitar is built for Steve on a song he is going to write around its existence, which may be a hint at its...


As far as a consumer buying this and using it for applicable usage... I can't wrap my head around anyone looking at this thing and going "Oh, THIS is what I needed my whole life to expand my musicality" It's just that crazy, and so very VAI !


Potato del Grande
LoL yeah in hindsight my $3,500 guess is probably a "I'm still living in the 90's and Passion and Warfare is totally brand new" type of figure, I agree.

I just don't even see any functionality coming from this. It's as if this guitar is built for Steve on a song he is going to write around its existence, which may be a hint at its...


As far as a consumer buying this and using it for applicable usage... I can't wrap my head around anyone looking at this thing and going "Oh, THIS is what I needed my whole life to expand my musicality" It's just that crazy, and so very VAI !

Totally agree. I don't see this as a functional piece of anyones backline other than Steve. My guess, very limited run destined for collectors storage rooms.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Hope you don't need tubes anytime soon. Go through the inventory on hand and then the Russian tubes are going to dry up pretty fast.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>
Ya, I've got a couple spares for my boogie so hopefully won't need any for awhile.


marco esquandolas
<Bronze Donator>

He has a really good series on electric tone so I'd recommend watching all of them but this one stands out the most so far.

Julian The Apostate

Vyemm Raider
I finally broke down and bought a Kemper. I’ve mainly been playing it with earphones and I’ve been getting frustrated with my guitar cable and earphone cable getting wrapped around each other. I’ve thought about getting a wireless system before but this makes me really want to get one. Anyone have experience with these and have a recommendation? Price isn’t much of an issue, within reason. Mainly looking for longevity and sound quality, easy to change standard batteries like AA or AAA would be a plus.