The parents of that baby who was left in the car to die


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Can you? I was trying to think of a time when a person has been accused of molesting children and came out of it clean.
It might be easier to just say "Sam da Man" into a mirror 3 times.

I remember people on this forum being generally ambivalent and some supportive of Zimmerman until the facts came out about the case, in which case all but the resident morons were supportive of Zimmerman. But I didn't check the Zimzam thread!
The Ancient is right that it was on FOH, but I can still remember how bad the original thread became when it got shawed. Quite a few people were arguing that it was an open and shut case and that Zimmerman clearly murdered Trayvon, but there were also quite a few people taking the"We don't know all the facts, anything could have happened"stance. Specifically I remember Etoille tearing a bloody swathe through the thread and going after anyone that disagreed that Zimmerman wasn't a murderer.

I don't remember people being mostly in one camp or another, I remember there being some people who took extreme stances to either side but there were a lot of people who just wanted to debate the minutiae of the case and held out the possibility that it could go either way whenever the facts came out in the trial. There were a lot of assumptions made, sure, but I don't remember people being mostly on one side or the other.

Sure. Nobody's going to call you a pedo for helping a little girl find her house in the day time. That is not what you would be doing if you were a weirdo. Being accused of that is bad, but I think you're worrying a little too much.
Some people are crazy assholes. Years ago some stupid bitch in our area left her toddler with her senile mother and the boy wandered off in the daytime summer heat. This girl and her little brother are sitting in the back yard with me a quarter mile from the old woman's house when some neighbors come by and ask if we can help look around. So the three of us almost immediately spot him moving down a trail in the woods nearby, surprisingly unharmed. But when the girl I was with gets him to his home the mother doesn't act thankful, instead she tried to accuse all of us of stealing her child and if not for the neighbors verifying that they got us to help look I am certain this useless shitty mother would have continued doing everything in her power to avoid taking responsibility.


Silver Squire
Some people are crazy assholes. Years ago some stupid bitch in our area left her toddler with her senile mother and the boy wandered off in the daytime summer heat. This girl and her little brother are sitting in the back yard with me a quarter mile from the old woman's house when some neighbors come by and ask if we can help look around. So the three of us almost immediately spot him moving down a trail in the woods nearby, surprisingly unharmed. But when the girl I was with gets him to his home the mother doesn't act thankful, instead she tried to accuse all of us of stealing her child and if not for the neighbors verifying that they got us to help look I am certain this useless shitty mother would have continued doing everything in her power to avoid taking responsibility.
Crazy and believable.

I guess the best course of action, something I might not of considered depending on the situation prior to reading the last few posts on this, is to call the police.

If you happened to be alone and that cunt called the cops on you when you brought the kid back I'd say situation could of ended very differently. The "He was stealing my baby" or "took and molested my kid I've seen him around here sulking about" accusation is difficult to over come out when it is thrown at you.

Where as if you call the cops at the start you're the concerned citizen and she is the ass hole who lost a kid.

Kind of scary how shit can turn on you for no reason if someone wants to cover their ass or is just nuts.


what Suineg set it to
Crazy and believable.

I guess the best course of action, something I might not of considered depending on the situation prior to reading the last few posts on this, is to call the police.

If you happened to be alone and that cunt called the cops on you when you brought the kid back I'd say situation could of ended very differently. The "He was stealing my baby" or "took and molested my kid I've seen him around here sulking about" accusation is difficult to over come out when it is thrown at you.

Where as if you call the cops at the start you're the concerned citizen and she is the ass hole who lost a kid.

Kind of scary how shit can turn on you for no reason if someone wants to cover their ass or is just nuts.
Yep. If I see a kid alone, the best I'd do is inform the police. I would let a child continue to wander away and die of their own devices before I got 'caught' coming off a trail or something actually rescuing someone else's kid. If it was a public place and some kid is in distress (being attacked by a dog or something) I'd have no problem assisting. But no way I'm trading my life for your bad parenting cover-up, sorry.


Buzzfeed Editor
pedo accusation is scary, this one time i was walking my dog, (big red dog, kids love him) and i hear "flop, flop, flop" ran up to pet my dog, then i'm like "wheres your parents?" "idk!"
"where do you live?"

fcking hell, i had to let her hold my dogs leash (i wasn't gonna hold her hand), and just point "is that your house?" for half a hour.

later her brother was biking and found her, and she ran off.

now i don't have a dog, i'm just gonna stay put and call the police, i'm not gonna walk around holding an unknown kids hand.

would anyone?
Of course I would. Help the little girl find her house, you weirdo.


Buzzfeed Editor
It might be easier to just say "Sam da Man" into a mirror 3 times.

The Ancient is right that it was on FOH, but I can still remember how bad the original thread became when it got shawed. Quite a few people were arguing that it was an open and shut case and that Zimmerman clearly murdered Trayvon, but there were also quite a few people taking the"We don't know all the facts, anything could have happened"stance. Specifically I remember Etoille tearing a bloody swathe through the thread and going after anyone that disagreed that Zimmerman wasn't a murderer.

I don't remember people being mostly in one camp or another, I remember there being some people who took extreme stances to either side but there were a lot of people who just wanted to debate the minutiae of the case and held out the possibility that it could go either way whenever the facts came out in the trial. There were a lot of assumptions made, sure, but I don't remember people being mostly on one side or the other.
I don't remember Etoille being involved in the conversation at all. I remember when itfirstcame out, a large portion of the board, including me, were on the "Zimmerman is a murderer" bandwagon because of the media portrayal. Then the trial started up and immediately the evidence just destroyed that theory. I have tried to learn a lesson from that and not jump to conclusions. This guy is, of course, at LEAST guilty of negligence. But that is a whole lot different than the way the media has framed it.

Even the searches and reddit shit, the media makes it seem like he was a formative member of this "child free" community and was googling "how to survive in prison" while his kid was still in the car. Bruce Schneier had an article talking about how fucked up this is, that the police can pull your entire history of internet searches and try to paint some kind of picture with them. Who among us would NOT come out looking guilty as fuck in those circumstances?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Judge Hank "The Hangman" BMW: Now prosecutor, why you think he done it?

Prosecutor: 'Kay. Number one your honor, just look at him. And B, we've got all this, like, evidence, of how, like, this guy didn't even pay at the hospital. And I heard that he doesn't even have his tattoo.

[crowd boos]

Prosecutor: I know! And I'm all, 'you've gotta be shittin' me!' But check this out man, judge should be like

[bangs fist on table]

Prosecutor: 'guilty!' Peace.