The Peripheral

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Are you sure that cop was butch? I am 50/50 on it being a tranny.


Trakanon Raider
No, I’m definitely not sure. Great actor, have to admit, you don’t know if it’s a man, tranny, butch, or other
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Trakanon Raider
So she saves the town and that makes sense. The town going up would rapidly increase the blackjack, so on the surface her sacrifice all adds up so far.

She also prevents the secret plans from being captured by the socs and the preps, or whatever the 2 factions are, which still makes sense bc she thinks like a gamer and wants to win and is against both teams now.

The problem is obviously unpacking the rest, but if I’m going to fill in the blanks, then I do it with the butch cop.

She asks Captain Butch if she can make a stub and transfer them to it, plan A.

Butch can’t bc opening it would be too aggressive of a step; however, she didn’t say she couldn’t transfer the stubby.

She asks the cop if she can sever the connection to her stub ( thus preventing the black ceo from stirring shit like setting off nukes ), but cop says no.

She then asks if cop can make another stub, but cop says no, because politics, but says that if "someone else" *hint hint nudge nudge* went to one these convenient locations she accidentally mentioned and did it then it would totally be a coincidence and not her fault at all.

No-one got transferred anywhere - basically Flynne just made an angry copy of herself in a timeline that the black CEO couldn't get to, and then committed suicide by sniper.


Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I'm really tired of smug know-it-all female characters who exude moral superiority. Also tired of ugly bald black women.

Also also tired of female characters who are inexplicably god-mode at something. What's the basis for Flynne being such a badass in a peripheral? There's a believable basis given for why Burton and his crew are badasses (you can understand being an ex-marine or whatever), but even then they aren't given even half the chance to show it off that Flynne is given. But... why is Flynne a badass? They showed one scenario where she thought outside the box in a sim game. For me, that does not translate to being able to pilot a peripheral in physical situations so much better than anyone else, including AI. If all piloting a peripheral is is thinking what you want to do, wouldn't AI controlled ones trounce human controlled ones?

Whatever. As usual for modern day, show has some VERY interesting concepts that were then given to millennial writers who fucking suck. Probably won't chase down a season 2 if it ever happens.
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Trakanon Raider
did she make an exact copy of her current stub, or was it a copy from earlier in her stub's timeline? if it was current, who went to that stub to tell her copy she is the copy and to not have herself killed also


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
There's nothing in the show or the book to suggest that they can make a stub of a stub. My understanding of the logic they established is that their ability to open a stub only stretches back to within their timeline.

For instance: they can't open a stub in 2020, make a small change, then open a stub in 2030 to see how that change impacted things. That rule is somewhat consistent with the concept that time progresses at the same rate within the stub as it does in their present.

But can they reach back and create a stub the same present moment or in the past? I would say no, that they still only have access to their own timeline. I think that was also more directly established either in TV show or book but can't remember the specific part. They've messed up the whole stub creation thing anyways.

What the show seems to indicate is that the future can create a stub off of a stub they've created. So she branches off her stub, transfers the DNA code to that Flynne which the RI cannot directly access b/c she destroyed the watch (whatever that whole thing was that no one ever established), and now Alt-Alt-Flynne can access the present.

The problem with this whole thing is that Alt-Flynne is still dead. There's no just uploading your consciousness and leaving your body behind. She is dead and everyone in that timeline, including Conner who killed her and her brother Burton have to live with that. It is screwed up. It makes no sense. Maybe it doesn't have to make sense but the impact was lost because everything was so confusing and rushed. It really brought down the season a bit.

There's a good reason for Lowbeer looking like a tranny. Maybe they'll go in to it with Season 2.


<Bronze Donator>
Maybe we have been overthinking it.

Maybe old her literally ceased existing. And the version of her in this new stub is essentially no different than a Boltzmann brain, spontaneously came into existence with the prior one's memories. Just like everyone in the first stub spontaneously came into existence with memories that technically belonged to the version of themselves from the original timeline.
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Log Wizard
It's a matter of when are you creating a fork and from what. If it's from her own timeline and at a time of their choosing, then she would have the same memories up to that point in time.


Trakanon Raider
did she make an exact copy of her current stub, or was it a copy from earlier in her stub's timeline? if it was current, who went to that stub to tell her copy she is the copy and to not have herself killed also

It's not clear, because they don't show the new stub at all. If it is at the current time of the old stub, it doesn't need anyone to tell the new Flynne that she is a copy though, as only the old Flynne is connected to the Peripheral in the future - the new Flynne would only remember the future timeline up to the time her stub was created.


<Bronze Donator>
Through the first three episodes. This has been really solid so far, really digging the massive statues from antiquity in the future. Shit has a "cool" element to it as well. Too bad, Amazon is retarded when marketing shows (do they even market their shows?).


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Suffered the 1899 problem. Didn't make it across the finish line.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider

Then announce it faggot. What's the hold up?

We all know what the hold up is.


<Bronze Donator>
View attachment 451164

Then announce it faggot. What's the hold up?

We all know what the hold up is.
In that article, it states they're working on how future episodes would be. AKA, this did maybe better than expected, and we have to rush to write some outlines.

Sounds like it's getting renewed, though.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
In that article, it states they're working on how future episodes would be.

Oh for sure. For sure.

AKA, this did maybe better than expected, and we have to rush to write some outlines.

That would help. It'll hit once you finish that last episode. Everything was great and well-paced up until that point.

There was this "well we have to do a finale" panic that was plainly obvious. I've never seen something that rushed in an otherwise even-handed story.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Through the first three episodes. This has been really solid so far, really digging the massive statues from antiquity in the future. Shit has a "cool" element to it as well. Too bad, Amazon is retarded when marketing shows (do they even market their shows?).
It starts strong than turns to dogshit
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<Bronze Donator>
I enjoyed the season overall. Episode 7 was solid-to-good. The finale was incoherent at the end there, and not exactly a good episode even building to that.

There's enough there though, where I'm absolutely in for future seasons. It's an interesting universe with a solid cast, and a fresh feel. Enjoyed it, but they could certainly wrap up a next season much better.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
This really didn't need a second season but Prime has crap for good sci-fi now so it's probably good that it got renewed.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Markedly decreased hype. They'll have to show me something to get me to watch the debut of Season 2.

I won't do another S1 finale plot.
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<Bronze Donator>
The season was so good up til the end. I feel like they can recover.
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