The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Just constructing every more retarded strawmen after being demonstrated to be a retard isn't doing anything brah.
Straw man? At worst, what I said was a mild exaggeration, since I don't actually know how much urine you're currently standing in.

We need to go back to Anitia's feelings on Hitman. Do people have perverse pleasure from stacking dead strippers on each other?
They sure do, brother. Not all of them, obviously, but they sure do.Here's a guyplaying a custom mission where he literally kills strippers and piles their corpses on each other.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Look at the retard still desperately trying to rewrite history.

Point at him and laugh!


I just hope a "movies critics to be only men, have empty lives (tired old "losers" schtick), hate it because "women" and "only men can fight imaginary ghosts", that they live with their mother and are 45 years old" shows up and slimes them at the premiere
What's the difference between that inaccurate, context-free click-baity description of a discussion and the references to "blue-hairs", "land whales", "gender studies safe-space" caricatures we hear about here literally every day?

Are you kidding me? You are a fucking white male! Of course you are a misogynist. You unfeeling shitlord!
See this exact "joke" gets made here multiple times a day, every day. It's not insightful, it's not clever, it adds nothing to the conversation.


Look at the retard still desperately trying to rewrite history.

Point at him and laugh!
Sorry, dude, I'm trying to accommodate your demands but you're being extremely unhelpful. Why don't you just TELL me how much urine you're standing in?

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
"I'm an idiot so desperate to score imaginary points against a perceived enemy that I will ignore literally everything that doesn't fit the retarded narratives I love to push."

Cool story.
What narrative am I pushing dipshit? That things ending with -gate are references to Watergate? That you're a complete cucklord trying to explain that away for no fucking reason? I can't even understand why you're trying to argue this point except just to be a faggot. It has literally no bearing or relevance to anything happening.


<Bronze Donator>
It's not like Watergate is ancient history. I can understand arguing that few people know something like how O.K. stands for "oll klear," since that was a longer time ago. But it's not like the general populace has already forgot about Richard Nixon. I mean, fuck, I'm watching Futurama right now and guess whose head I just saw in a jar? ZQ was at best being self-centered and at worse being outright manipulative when she tweeted that. Period.


What narrative am I pushing dipshit? That things ending with -gate are references to Watergate?
Well, no, not that one. I've already openly acknowledged that myself.
It's a Watergate reference in the same wayall of theseare Watergate references.
But, do you see? That's exactly what I mean. You completely ignore things I've already said that directly contradict whatever it is you're trying to say about me (in this case, that I supposedly don't realize the "-gate" suffix originates from Nixon's shenanigans). You eschew context and nuance in order to force arbitrary binaries. That's why you lose. Again and again.

It's not like Watergate is ancient history. I can understand arguing that few people know something like how O.K. stands for "oll klear," since that was a longer time ago. But it's not like the general populace has already forgot about Richard Nixon. I mean, fuck, I'm watching Futurama right now and guess whose head I just saw in a jar? ZQ was at best being self-centered and at worse being outright manipulative when she tweeted that. Period.
Do you interact with teens, pre-teens and kids on a regular basis? How significant to them is Watergate? How much do they actually know about Richard Nixon?

Also, you're pulling the same shit Doc is. Guess what else I've openly and explicitly acknowledged?

She definitely needs to get over herself, and her lackeys need to develop some critical thinking skills.
You're literally creating conflict for the sake of creating conflict.

I wonder if he knows who won World War 2....
Nice try, you're not going to trick me into believing there was a second one.

(Relax, that was a joke. Everyone knows the giant ants won.)


<Bronze Donator>
Do you interact with teens, pre-teens and kids on a regular basis? How significant to them is Watergate? How much do they actually know about Richard Nixon?
Your argument here is irrelevant... Let me ask my 13 year old niece how much she knows about Zoe Quinn

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
But, do you see? That's exactly what I mean. You completely ignore things I've already said that directly contradict whatever it is you're trying to say about me (in this case, that I supposedly don't realize the "-gate" suffix originates from Nixon's shenanigans). You eschew context and nuance in order to force arbitrary binaries. That's why you lose. Again and again.
I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Seriously what the fuck are you going on about? You made some pointless retarded post trying to obfuscate the fact that the -gate suffix is an explicit reference to Watergate. I never said you didn't know where the suffix came from. I made fun of you for your retarded explanation. I'm not eschewing context. Your wiki link has absolutely no relevance to fucking anything being talked about.

Just accept that you made a stupid fucking post, we're clearly proven wrong, and move on with your life without trying to split hairs until you can claim a semantical victory to save your wounded pride.


Your argument here is irrelevant... Let me ask my 13 year old niece how much she knows about Zoe Quinn
Find a hundred 13 year-olds. Ask them what Watergate is. Ask them what Gamergate is. Get back to me with the results.


I have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Seriously what the fuck are you going on about? You made some pointless retarded post trying to obfuscate the fact that the -gate suffix is an explicit reference to Watergate
I didn't "obfuscate" that fact, Iexplicitly highlighted that fact.Can you not read?


<Bronze Donator>
Find a hundred 13 year-olds. Ask them what Watergate is. Ask them what Gamergate is. Get back to me with the results.
Gamergate isn't exactly a high profile thing. Not many people outside of the Internet's underbelly are even aware of it, or care about it.

I would really have to poll 100 thirteen year olds to make a point, tho? The fact that you've asked me to do someinf that you personally would be unwilling to do aside... I'm going to guess about 12 of them would know who Richard Nixon is, and maybe about 4 of them would know who Zoe Quinn is. And that's being generous.
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