The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Sebudai: "It is the worst, most illiberal thing on Earth, and you are defending it. You, and everyone agreeing with you in this thread, should be ashamed of yourselves."

Citation needed. I have yet to see anyone defend Islam at all.


Lith: "How violence is wrong, of course...BUT Geller is a dick bag and profiting off 'inciting these people'."

This is a factual statement. What's the problem?

Seems to me like you're really salty about what you considered to be unbalanced reporting during GamerGate, so you're DEMANDING unbalanced reporting about this. A paragon of maturity, you are.


Cad: "The dissonance comes with the completely over the top hyperbolic reaction to the "violence" associated with GG (none) vs. the very real, very deadly violence associated with Islam, which gets an apologist pass."

Citation needed. I have yet to see an "apologist pass" given to violent Muslim extremists.

Abefroman: "How in the hell do people who call themselves feminists defend Islam."

They don't.


Potato del Grande
Big Phoenix: "I dont think there isnt a single person who plays online games(not talking retarded candy crush shit here) that hasnt received a "death threat" or two hundred."

I haven't.
You, sir, are a liar (or you play 2 hours a year and zero competitive (in any sense of the word) games).


Potato del Grande
Shit, i've gotten double digit "death threats" already this year, along with 50ish (rough estimate) threats of rape, 1 threat of being "hacked" (lolz I didn't even realize people still threatened this any more, last time I really saw it was back in the Diablo 1 days) and several hundred threats of physical violence.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
To be fair, though, half your death threats have been self inflicted!


WizardHawk: "You, sir, are a liar (or you play 2 hours a year and zero competitive (in any sense of the word) games)."

I've put well over a thousand hours into Awesomenauts, a 2D MOBA. I also post points of view that run contrary to the majority on a board with plenty of entitled, obnoxious assholes. No one has threatened to kill me, rape me, hack me, or hurt me.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I am threatening to kill you, then rape you, then hack you, but not hurt you.


Unelected Mod
Tanoomba of course has been threatened with death. He just obviously laughed it off because the threat wasn't serious.

Some 12 year old sends a message to a normal person saying "I'm going to fucking kill you", pretty much everyone laughs that shit off. Unless you are Anita, Brienne or one of these SJW grievanceforhire fuckwads. In which case you cry and report it to the media and win acclaim for your bravery.


what Suineg set it to
I almost see Tardnoombas core argument mired in all his inane ramblings. He's basically equivocating Geller vs Muslims with A Time To Kill. Where Geller is the rapist and the Muslims are Samuel L Jackson, only the bailiff killed Sammy.

He still hasn't addressed the good doctor's question which was that since drawing is clearly not equivalent to murder, exactly where is the line in the sand to Moon Bat? Would speaking poorly about Muhammad also be unacceptable in Moon Bat's dystopian United Kingdom? What about baking cookies in his name without consulting the Koran as a non-Muslim? What about failing to disclose Haram recycled polymers were the material in carpeting sold to a Muslim who later found out three of five of his daily prayers were in sin because of the salesman?


There is no "line in the sand", Palum. Going out of your way to piss someone off is legal, it's protected by the constitution, AND it's stupid.

It's not the "drawing Mohammed" that's the problem, it's the "I know you fuckers hate this so I'm gonna do it because FUCK YOU hahahahaha" attitude. Any actions carried out with that intent will only exacerbate existing tensions and promote further conflict. It doesn't help solve anything, and it does make the problem worse.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
that is of course unless the problem is your tolerance of intolerant hate


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
no, it's a real thing you have to deal with, because religion has in the past and present used legal and social pressure to shield their own intolerance. religion is the thing that most often calls for censorship for a reason.

and no you're wrong btw, by saying never in the absolute sense that offending people can never lead to a positive outcome, the trick lays in what people think they have a right to be offended over, since it's a two way street and not a one way street.


Unelected Mod
It is straight up absurd to claim that pushing freedom of speech in offensive ways never has a positive outcome. Tanoomba may have a degree in english, but outside of that he is amazingly ignorant. He clearly knows even less about history than he does about science.

What did Quaid say a bit ago about one of Tanoomba's posts, something about being so painfully naive that it wasn't even worthy of a high school student? Yup.


Fana: "no, it's a real thing you have to deal with, because religion has in the past and present used legal and social pressure to shield their own intolerance. religion is the thing that most often calls for censorship for a reason."

You don't have to convince me that organized religion sucks, bro.

Fana: "and no you're wrong btw, by saying never in the absolute sense that offending people can never lead to a positive outcome, the trick lays in what people think they have a right to be offended over, since it's a two way street and not a one way street."

I didn't saying "offending someone", I said "going out of one's way to piss someone off". The former can be done unintentionally, the latter is an antagonistic and hostile act. If you can find me a case where intentionally pissing people off had a positive outcome, I'd genuinely like to hear it.


Vorph: "Same weepy asshole who reviewed Bayonetta 2 with a river of tears about sexism and soggy knees, so you can probably guess how his Witcher review will turn out. Hand-wringing about the treatment of women isn't enough this time though, so there's also some nice outrage over the game's lack of "diversity" as well."

Ah, this stupidity again.

That was an excellent, well-written and very effective review.

Gies goes into explicit detail about several aspects of the game proper. He compares it to the previous Witcher games, explains what he likes about it and why, and also points out what he considers to be the game's flaws. Overall he heaps a generous amount of praise on the game and it's clear he enjoyed it a lot. Having read his review, I was given a very good idea of what type of experience I will have playing the game, which is what a good review does. In fact, I had very little interest in The Witcher 3 until I read Gies' review.

Yes, he didn't like how women in the game were portrayed and he wasn't impressed with the lack of racial diversity. To HIM, those aspects affected the overall enjoyment HE was able to get from the game and he is entirely justified in mentioning them in his review (which is literally his opinion of the game). If you don't care about either of those things, it takes exactly zero effort to dismiss that part of the review altogether. You're still left with an extremely in-depth review that covers everything it should.

What's the point of hand-wringing and complaining every time someone doesn't look at a video game through YOUR eyes? How is that any different from what you criticize SJWs for?

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
There is no "line in the sand", Palum.
OK so nothing is worth fighting for if it makes someone mad. Got it. Thanks for finally answering my question.

"If you can find me a case where intentionally pissing people off had a positive outcome, I'd genuinely like to hear it."

Boston Tea party. CHECKMATE.


Pay to play forum
That black lady in the bus pissed off a lot of people. Why is she so mean and offends all the poor racists?
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