The Tanoubliette: Pussy Hurt and Delusions or TTPHAD for short.

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Unelected Mod
Yeah, good luck getting Tanoomba to admit to being wrong here. Every example you will bring up he will say was for something other than simply "intentionally pissing them off".

What he misses, of course, is that Geller wasn't doing this simply to "intentionally piss them off". However, since she was doing it to stand up for free speech and did so by intentionally going about to piss them off, that shit is just too complicated for Tanoomba to grasp.


Potato del Grande
Lumie ascended but then he meddled in affairs with Humans on Earth to combat Anubis and was later found laying naked on the ground in the form which is now known as Tanoomba.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Lumie got shawed for three months like two months or so ago, he'll be back at some point to shit up the cancer thread and get shawed for another 3 + months.


Shit Lord Supreme
If you eat raw garlic and onions all of your PHs will be alkaline metals and cancer can't touch you bros, immortality, take it! Its yours!


Dr. Mario: "Boston Tea party."

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest.


Trump's Staff
Jesus I butchered that spelling. Correction, 'Muhammad'.

Any jihadis lurking plz don't behead me.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The spelling is arbitrary anyway because it's translated from a non-roman alphabet language.


Quaid: "So was the 'Draw Mohammed' competition."

How do you figure?


Trump's Staff
Quaid: "So was the 'Draw Mohammed' competition."

How do you figure?
ISIS, and those who hold similar values, are a violent pressure group who hold influence over the rights of others. They are using violent coercion to subvert these rights (freedom of expression), in the name of their own ideaology (Islam).

Gathering together and defying the core values the pressure group is using to oppress said rights is the very definition of political protest. While it could be argued that Islamic extremists hold little power over the American regime, they. Certainly hold power over the American populace.

Don't tread on me.


Quaid: "ISIS, and those who hold similar values, are a violent pressure group who hold influence over the rights of others. They are using violent coercion to subvert these rights (freedom of expression), in the name of their own ideaology (Islam).

Gathering together and defying the core values the pressure group is using to oppress said rights is the very definition of political protest. While it could be argued that Islamic extremists hold little power over the American regime, they. Certainly hold power over the American populace.

Don't tread on me."

Gonna have to disagree with you there. A political protest is an action taken against a dominant elite. Muslim extremists are not a "dominant elite". They are ALREADY the "bad guys" and trying to hold a "protest" against them is like pissing in the ocean. The constitutionally-protected right to free speech can not and will not change to appease Mulsim extremists.

What's being "protested"? The use of violence to pressure other people to conform to your beliefs? That's already illegal, and anybody who attempts to do so is punished to the full extent of the law (or outright killed, as was the case here).

The "Draw Mohammed" contest was no protest. It was a "fuck you" to Muslims (which, again, is entirely legal). Nothing good came of it, it led to further violence and increased tensions in an already tense conflict, and it possibly provided the extremists with more recruitment material. The contest made things worse, not better.

I agree that several beliefs held by Muslim extremists pretty much guarantee they can't peacefully co-exist with others. I also understand that since they are notoriously unwilling to have their beliefs challenged in any way, we appear to be frustratingly at a loss as to how to address this issue. But it could not be more clear that we can not change their attitudes by going out of our way to antagonize and piss them off. Seriously, even if you could use mental gymnastics to try to qualify the contest as a "political protest", it would still be a complete failure as far as protests are concerned since it only made things worse, which is what being an asshole inevitably does.


Trump's Staff
Muslim extremists are indeed a group dominant over the North American populace. Violence, and the willingness to wield it in pursuit of your goals, is the ultimate instrument of political power. In this case, Muslims are not the oppressed group; they are the oppressors. They are using tools others don't have to further their own agenda, at the expense of another's.


Quaid: "Muslim extremists are indeed a group dominant over the North American populace. Violence, and the willingness to wield it in pursuit of your goals, is the ultimate instrument of political power. In this case, Muslims are not the oppressed group; they are the oppressors. They are using tools others don't have to further their own agenda, at the expense of another's."

Are you suggesting the Muslim extremists have the power to change the constitution? How are they going to do that?


Trump's Staff
I'm actually not suggesting that. The constitution doesn't have to be 'changed' for an American's rights to be infringed upon. If the American populace curtails their freedom under fear of violent reprisal, then yes, they are being subjected to oppressive force. A group peacefully protesting this infringement is entirely reasonable, especially if by its mere existence it incites the very thing they are protesting.


Poet Warrior
Oombie bro you gotta think like your enemy. If the goal is to expose and eliminate this meme, then I would almost be inclined to award this lady a medal. What medal do you give a general who invents a new way to attack? Like, a whole new doctrine? Who sent the first Legion into battle? Who created enfold and envelope? The blitzkrieg? What medal did these people get? Give this lady one of those.

That is, if you take the side that these people are unfortunate puppets to a pants-on-head retarded religion that gives zero fucks about western culture. If you think they are a peaceful lot who intend to go on disobeying Allah forever, by all means, I would certainly consider what Geller did as rude. Rude crude and uncalled for. She must think she's hot shit antagonizing people like that, eh? Uppity bitch. She'll get what's coming to her. I mean, I'm not gonna do anything. I'm just sayin'...
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