The Trayvon Trial

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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I live in Montreal and I see black people every day, in my neighborhood and everywhere else. Every class I've taught has had black students in it. There's a black family living directly 2 floors above me, as well as in several houses on my street and in my neighborhood. Fuck your assumptions.
So how many black families have you lived with?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Why do you live in the ghetto? Is it because of white guilt?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
i have a number of gorillas in my facebook friendlist and attend a church full of American Inventors.

i am not racist!


I live in Montreal and I see black people every day, in my neighborhood and everywhere else. Every class I've taught has had black students in it. There's a black family living directly 2 floors above me, as well as in several houses on my street and in my neighborhood. Fuck your assumptions.
You rape little niglets?


This is one of the most racist things I've read in years.
I understand you're using exaggeration to make a point, but there's no way that's more racist than hundreds of things that have been said in this very thread, never mind things you've read "in years".
To be fair, what I'm suggesting is hardly a new idea. There are forms of criminal rehabilitation that involve the criminal interacting with the victims of his crimes, and apparently it works really well. Not that Zimmerman is a criminal, but people are calling for blood here. Win or lose, his reputation has gone through the shredder and he stands to live a very difficult rest of his life. Do you have a better suggestion that would both save him his reputation and reassure the public that he isn't a racist? I'd like to hear it.


I understand you're using exaggeration to make a point, but there's no way that's more racist than hundreds of things that have been said in this very thread, never mind things you've read "in years".
To be fair, what I'm suggesting is hardly a new idea. There are forms of criminal rehabilitation that involve the criminal interacting with the victims of his crimes, and apparently it works really well. Not that Zimmerman is a criminal, but people are calling for blood here. Win or lose, his reputation has gone through the shredder and he stands to live a very difficult rest of his life. Do you have a better suggestion that would both save him his reputation and reassure the public that he isn't a racist? I'd like to hear it.
You should hang out with some guys, maybe you'll grow a pair. Can rehabilitation work like that?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Great idea. Make a racist live for 6 months with a bunch of ghetto blacks. What could possibly go wrong!

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I think I saw an episode of The Real World that started out kinda like that but all these blacks ended up gangbanging this white dudes gf


why you gotta label them black, they are just people - dont look at skin color bro

super racist post
Ha ha. Troll harder.

So how many black families have you lived with?
I don't have a reputation to save, nor is anyone calling for my blood.

Why do you live in the ghetto? Is it because of white guilt?
It's not a ghetto, it's a very nice neighborhood. The neighborhood I grew up in, in fact. Parks for kids to play in, bike paths, nice houses, schools, the whole shebang.


Molten Core Raider
Anyone explain why the Media REALLY wants to see Zimmerman fry?

They're all very much ready to throw away the testimonies of police because the police "are getting payback" for being thrown under the bus with the AG filed after they had said it was self-defense. They've made up their minds and are just trying to find the tiniest thing to go "AHA! See! Zimmerman MUST have done it with malice, because Trayvon would never say "you got me". That fucker's Guilty.

I often have HLN on (cuz I <3 me some Meade), but when I turn the TV on in the afternoon Nancy Grace is on - How this woman got a job I have no idea.


You rape little niglets?
You should hang out with some guys, maybe you'll grow a pair. Can rehabilitation work like that?
I've been humoring you because I think everyone can get something out of this conversation, but until you say something less stupid than either of these statements, you'll get no more reaction from me. Your ticket has expired, you fucking moron.

Great idea. Make a racist live for 6 months with a bunch of ghetto blacks. What could possibly go wrong!
Well, obviously the family would have to agree to the idea. I honestly don't think it would be that hard to find a family willing to contribute towards positive race relations. Besides, I thought you guys were saying Zimmerman wasn't racist? If he's not racist, it really shouldn't be that much of a challenge.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I've been humoring you because I think everyone can get something out of this conversation, but until you say something less stupid than either of these statements, you'll get no more reaction from me. Your ticket has expired, you fucking moron.

Well, obviously the family would have to agree to the idea. I honestly don't think it would be that hard to find a family willing to contribute towards positive race relations. Besides, I thought you guys were saying Zimmerman wasn't racist? If he's not racist, it really shouldn't be that much of a challenge.
I'm not a racist and you couldnt pay me to live 6 months with a bunch of ghetto blacks


There is a war going on over control of your mind
For every one tolerable, normal, functional black dude I meet enlisted in the military I am reminded of the hundreds of criminal, racist, violent as fuck black "crowds" that roamed around the neighborhoods where I group up in Mid-Michigan

I don't care about opinions or stories, the reality is simply of all the blacks I have interacted with I would put about 80% on extremely obnoxious, confrontational, and disrespectful status. Just a few days ago a group of 6 black people (male/female) were harassing myself and other white customers at a local Walmart here near Baltimore by demanding people's change at the checkout tills and had to be removed by police officers after assaulting the manager when he told them they had to leave.

Only reason this story gets attention is because it's a white looking dude blowing away a black teen, in Flint (MI) a few years ago a story where a black dude blew off a U of M students (18 y/o white female) head off inside a car at a stop sign just to take her iphone didn't even make it past local news it's so common.

ITT: dealt with a lot of black people in both professional and personal living environments and fuck about 80% of them for being just terrible people by universal behavioral standards


So Tanoomba is French Canadian. That explains the defeatist attitude.
Shows what you know! French Canadians have the most backbone out of everyone in Canada. It's why we have our own unique laws and ways of doing things (although that's often a pain in the ass) and why we protest so much.

(ProTip: Drawing stereotypical parallels between French Canadians and the French from France is a big faux-pas. Our cultures, mannerisms and yes, even languages are very distinct. The more you know!)
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