The Walking Dead


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Cannibalism in this world seems pretty dumb to me. Especially in the south, less than 2 years since the world went to shit. There's no way that in a world where 99% of humans don't exist anymore these people ran out of food that quickly. I get it's a trope for anything post-apocalyptic, but come on.

I know, I know. Worthless thinking to that level with this show, but will season 5 have Thunderdome?
Food will be harder to come by once people run through canned goods. The Terminus setup is actually kind of brilliant in a fucked up sort of way. People come to you with supplies, then rather than just murdering them, they can be used as a protein food source. I'm sure they do supply runs also, but it's a good way to ensure steady resource supply beyond that.


Millie's Staff Member
you really dont need to become a cannibal though when you have lush vegetation growing literally everywhere. you have plants and the critters that feed on those plants. did these guys go from top grade Kobe Beef to cannibalism or something in a matter 2 years? come on. even the starving people in demolition man ate taco bell and ratburgers.


Toe Sucker
you really dont need to become a cannibal though when you have lush vegetation growing literally everywhere. you have plants and the critters that feed on those plants. did these guys go from top grade Kobe Beef to cannibalism or something in a matter 2 years? come on. even the starving people in demolition man ate taco bell and ratburgers.
Two years of watching zombies eat humans might have piqued their interest in doing so themselves. Who knows lol


<Bronze Donator>
It's just a stretch this soon and given there hasn't been an event that has killed off natural resources. There would literally be zero problems sustaining yourself in this world. In the more realistic apocalyptic fiction people resort to this out of necessity. I understand we'll find out the Terminus people are just crazy and I also know this show isn't really all that concerned with being original, it's just lazy and cliche.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Couple theories:

1) Zombies eat animals. Hershel had been losing cows to them. Wild game also has limits. Don't forget that people didn't just get're talking months or more going by after all of society has collapsed. That's plenty of time for dipshits who can't ration to burn through supplies or over hunt before they die themselves. That being said, it is a big stretch, but not when we consider...

2) It's religious/cult based. The room with candles suggests this heavily. Eating people is easier
when Zombie Jeebus wants you to do it


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If you get bitten by someone who just turned into a zombie is the bite still lethal or is some decomposition need before it is deadly?

Given the way zombies work in this show's universe, aren't you automatically eating zombie flesh if you're cannibalizing people? I was under the impression that even microbes don't fuck with eating zombie meat.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It's more like a Komodo dragon...nasty ass mouth giving you septic death. Plus stabbing the brain prevents the change, so they could just do that as part of their prep work.


Millie's Staff Member
I love eating steaks and burgers but im still going to pick eating wild onions and beetles before i resort to devouring another human's ass. Im going with this is a cult that are canibals by rite instead of necessity.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Starvation near a population center is not really that far fetched in an end of the world scenario. I recall reading one time that most cities could only support 7-8 days without new food shipments coming in. Outside of large cities even small towns will quickly deplete the local population of wild game. But since TWD is a zombie apocalypse that throws off all the math with many/most humans turned into zombies.


Molten Core Raider
There was a foreshadowing with Rick telling Michonne that its all they talk about


Millie's Staff Member
Starvation near a population center is not really that far fetched in an end of the world scenario. I recall reading one time that most cities could only support 7-8 days without new food shipments coming in. Outside of large cities even small towns will quickly deplete the local population of wild game. But since TWD is a zombie apocalypse that throws off all the math with many/most humans turned into zombies.
i really dont know much about georgia, but i assume they grow citrus there and there must be many acres of ripe fruit for the picking and many squirrels and rabbits having the feast of their lives on it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Maybe (although surviving off oranges alone would be problematic), but keep in mind most farms require human maintenance and upkeep.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Has this been discussed but what the heck was the point of the whole "How I learned to farm" flashbacks the entire episode since it seemed to have zero meaning on the story?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Has this been discussed but what the heck was the point of the whole "How I learned to farm" flashbacks the entire episode since it seemed to have zero meaning on the story?
It was supposed to paint a parallel between Rick's concerns regarding Carl and how he was growing, which in a way was a dichotomy between the pre-ZA world (non-violent/constructive) and post-ZA world (violence). Rick basically comes to accept that the only way they are going to survive is if they accept all the bad shit they are going to have to do.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It was supposed to paint a parallel between Rick's concerns regarding Carl and how he was growing, which in a way was a dichotomy between the pre-ZA world (non-violent/constructive) and post-ZA world (violence). Rick basically comes to accept that the only way they are going to survive is if they accept all the bad shit they are going to have to do.
I know this show has shit tier writing but that is absolutely refucktarded. Rick had already accepted that he has to live in a fucked up world. He did it when he had to kill his best friend pre-apocolypse after the world's longest farm visit. Just because they threw in some plot shit that he became farmer Rick for three episodes doesn't mean he completely forgot everything that happened in seasons 1 and 2. Rick has already accepted his fate and the farmer Rick stuff was retarded as shit anyways.


Hey now that we have successfully disarmed you guys lets give you your weapons back before we try to do bad things to you!