The Walking Dead


> Than U
Can't say it was bad but much like last week I was more interested in other things than I was the show while it was on.
I am glad all the arcs are not caught up to present time finally and the groups are now down to two locations since we know next week picks up with Daryl back at the church.

50 feet van fall would have done more than fucked up a shoulder/ribs. Some serious spinal injuries I think would occur, but the lemming scene following was golden.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Ya, we laughed about the van that magically landed wheels-side down and resulted in barely any injuries. Wtf was up with that sleeping bag hallway, though? One of the sleeping bags looked like it maybe had some blood spots that may have been bullets, but it seemed odd they were all dead inside sleeping bags and tents ;p


Blackwing Lair Raider
Some wtf moments in this episode:

1 - Van falling off the bridge and then minimal injuries afterward (van itself didn't get too beat up either other than broken winshield)
2 - Previous episode the zombies basically disintegrate when getting doused with the fire hose but this episode stay intact after falling 50 ft on top of the van.
3 - Carol gets ran over without hearing any vehicle coming at her.

Overall thought it was an ok episode.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
TWD is still as great as ever! Real. Gritty. Drama. I mean, the smartest thing you can do while hiding in a city just a few blocks from people you're quietly tracking and trying to spy on so you can rescue someone they kidnapped because they're known kidnappers is to get on top of a tall building and build a zombie fire! Who cares, though, survival depends on maximum melodrama.

Finding Z-Nation easier to watch because when it's bad, it's at least in a charming, campy sort of way that is just funny, not face-palming-the-remote-to-pause-the-show-and-shout-wtf like TWD.


Millie's Staff Member
This show right now is the best its ever been. The van thing is plausible barely. I mean its not raping the laws of physics, maybe its dryhumping it a bit


This show right now is the best its ever been. The van thing is plausible barely. I mean its not raping the laws of physics, maybe its dryhumping it a bit
The van crash would have crushed their spines. If the van would have landed head first, like in a car accident, then it would have been plausible. They were more worried about setting up the shot for the zombie rain that happened after, so screw physics.


<Bronze Donator>
After the van crash there was a moment where I was wondering why the zombies didn't immediatly follow, but I"m glad they went through with that.

There are little details on this show now that I don't think they producers ever took the time to worry about in the past. Carol shaking the jar of pens to attract zombies in that office she broke into. The two of them checking and then covering that one door with the desk in the room they ended up sleeping in. Black guy cutting the tents to buy himself some time. There were a couple other moments where I was like, 'Hey, that's what you would really do in this situation. Cool.'

There is always going to be eyeroll moments in this show but at least the production value has jumped quite a bit. I'll say the show is legitimately good this season. It's not great, but it's far better than anything we've gotten previously and that includes these couple of slower episodes.


Trakanon Raider
Yea.. the only gripe I had about the van was the cut between the shots, the first one showed it falling and dipping headfirst, then it lands on its wheels. I don't have a problem with it 'conveniently' falling down on its wheels, I just have a problem with the transition between the shots. I'm sure it was due to them only being able to setup that stunt once for budget reasons, but still..

Anyway, I can forgive that because overall the show is the best it's ever been. Can't wait for the group to bring hell down on the hospital group.


Molten Core Raider
Someone who isn't as lazy as me should do the quick math on how fast that van would be traveling when it hit the ground after a 50' drop, with its acceleration due to gravity. I'm curious if that's like a 60mph collision or a 150mph collision

edit - According to Wolfram Alpha, a drop 50 feet would take 1.8 seconds and be traveling 39mph at impact. Seems reasonable that someone could walk away from that, seeing as how the tires absorbed some impact as well as the cushioning in the seats they are sitting in.


Millie's Staff Member
they had an accident here in nj earlier this year, a car with 2 inside skidded into an icy snowbank on a highway, it acted like a ramp and it sent the vehicle off the highway into the ground about 30-40 feet below. people walked away with no injuries. so yeah that van drop is plausible. maybe you would have more serious back injuries the way it landed, but it all depends on the softness of the ground and how each person landed. its very plausible in a show about zombies so i dunno why this is even being discussed.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
When I realized that the person following them was EBHC ( EveryBody Hate Chris )

I kind of made some guesses. Okay so they will have some hostile run in with EBHC , both parties will figure the other is trouble, but then there'll be some thing where one saves the other, a truce is called and then that they'll realize that they both are wanting to save Beth and then EBHC will tell them how to get a person inside the hospital. Which will cut to a shot of Carol waving down a patrolling car and collapsing saying she needs help.

We then see then shot of her being wheeled into the hospital where Beth recognizes her.

So then, for me it was a big surprise moment when she got hit by the car.

- - - - - -

Also Van should have landed square on its nose, then perhaps could have toppled onto its side. Impacts of falling walkers onto the side + side window. Carol and Darryl get out through the van's back doors.

Ah not that its too big an issue. It was fine


The only part of the episode I didn't like was the Carol flashbacks. I didn't feel like they were really needed at all since they didn't really add anything. If there was some big plot point we didn't know about while she was gone it would be one thing but it was just random shots of her moping and wandering around and shit which is what we could have already inferred.


> Than U
Someone who isn't as lazy as me should do the quick math on how fast that van would be traveling when it hit the ground after a 50' drop, with its acceleration due to gravity. I'm curious if that's like a 60mph collision or a 150mph collision

edit - According to Wolfram Alpha, a drop 50 feet would take 1.8 seconds and be traveling 39mph at impact. Seems reasonable that someone could walk away from that, seeing as how the tires absorbed some impact as well as the cushioning in the seats they are sitting in.
It isn't velocity as much as it is G impact.
Before steel barriers with foam backing, a NASCAR car hitting the wall would often result in broken bones, if not a internal decapitation like killed Dale Sr. Since then they are going faster than before usually over 200 mphs and get out and say how much it sucks they wrecked.
The Van had no safe barrier, it was a sudden G stop and as someone who has stepped off scaffolding only 15 feet high and landed on hard tile, I can tell you from sitting they woulda been fucked all up.

Had they landed in grass, water, Astros bathtub or whatever not so much bad.


Millie's Staff Member
The only part of the episode I didn't like was the Carol flashbacks. I didn't feel like they were really needed at all since they didn't really add anything. If there was some big plot point we didn't know about while she was gone it would be one thing but it was just random shots of her moping and wandering around and shit which is what we could have already inferred.
it felt like they were tying up all of carole's past because they are wrapping up her character. im guessing she will be martyring herself to save beth or save everyone she can. its a pretty shitty tradeoff since beth is typical damsel in distress character and carole has been badass for 2 seasons.

and wtf olebass? i thought you liked my bathtub???


> Than U
I don't think Carol is in the position to sacrifice herself right now.
She was fucked up prior to be mowed down by the only fucking car in Georgia let alone after, and a injury like that ONLY gets worse for a few days/weeks before it gets better.

Gamma Rays

Large sized member
it felt like they were tying up all of carole's past because they are wrapping up her character. im guessing she will be martyring herself to save beth or save everyone she can. its a pretty shitty tradeoff since beth is typical damsel in distress character and carole has been badass for 2 seasons.
I got that feeling too. I know that reality TV show fans will talk of a person having a 'Loser edit' where we get a bit more insight into the person's life and motivation for being on the show etc, so that it can have more of an emotional impact when that person is eliminated. A loser edit makes it easier to pick who's likely to go this week.

With Carol we got that and also got a strong reminder of her violent marriage. So again we will feel moreifshe is the next main character to go.

Re: the domestic abuse center - Here's stupid me watching having virtually forgotten about the asshole husband from back in season1, so when she says she knows of a place and Darryl sees the signage and asks her about the place, I'm thinking that she must have been a support worker before society went bad. It took until she actually said out loud specifically about it that I finally got it.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Felt like that entire episode was very throw away

I've noticed this season they are focusing only on a single storyline per episode for the most part. It is a welcome change. Previously they'd try to address all storylines all in the same episode so you'd get two steps forward on each storyline but it took forever to actually get somewhere. With the new format they can actually advance storylines at a decent pace since they only get addressed once every few weeks.