The Walking Dead


Millie's Staff Member
that road didnt look too bad, abraham should have gone for it. its not like these things have some kind of hivemind where they would all bunch together to stop the truck. they would just get knocked the fuck down as the fire truck drove by.


A nice asshole.
that road didnt look too bad, abraham should have gone for it. its not like these things have some kind of hivemind where they would all bunch together to stop the truck. they would just get knocked the fuck down as the fire truck drove by.
Or they could get that tractor running, huge tires don't care about zombies.


> Than U
that road didnt look too bad, abraham should have gone for it. its not like these things have some kind of hivemind where they would all bunch together to stop the truck. they would just get knocked the fuck down as the fire truck drove by.
I would agree except it has been years since anything had oil changes or up kept worth a shit. Stale gas, rusting spark plugs, old oils. I wouldn't personally risk a break down right in the middle of a few thousand brain eaters myself.
Even the firetruck tank was stopped by running over walkers by clogging the air intake. That alone was the good hint why mowing down walkers is a bad idea.


Trakanon Raider
Yea.. I found it a bit unlikely that the intake on the ROOF got clogged up by walker parts. When you run them over, they don't really explode upwards. They get run up and smashed. A large piece or two, occasionally, sure, but that wouldn't clog the damn thing.


<Gold Donor>
It was nice that the guts clogging that roof intake were nice and fresh still too, even though they probably had been there for weeks if not months/years.


<Bronze Donator>
I would agree except it has been years since anything had oil changes or up kept worth a shit. Stale gas, rusting spark plugs, old oils. I wouldn't personally risk a break down right in the middle of a few thousand brain eaters myself.
Even the firetruck tank was stopped by running over walkers by clogging the air intake. That alone was the good hint why mowing down walkers is a bad idea.
Yeah. Definitely this. If you break down in the middle of that swarm, you die. That's not a situation you ever want to put yourself in.


Millie's Staff Member
Fire trucks typically are built to last for decades, thats why they are so expensive. That fire truck with a little work other than the none it received should have been fine to mow those squishy zombies down robocop style


> Than U
Ok all you Abrahams may take that risk, me I would be back in the self help section watching Johnny49 bone skinny chick.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They should know by now that if you really need to travel you do it in a Hyundai. They never get a scratch, dirty or break down. Bad shit happens when they get in any other type of vehicle.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
please explain why this was the worst episode of the season? the eugene reveal was bad, but otherwise i was enjoying it and the flashbacks.
Eugene reveal was actually the one good thing about the episode and the only thing that moved it forward. It also made all the bullshit of "It's classified" make sense.

Firetruck zombie death ray was absurd. Yet another car crash for no reason was absurd, when we realized why the car broke down. He didn't blow a tire, the engine just died. Since that bus probably was ancient enough that assisted steering or anything was not even an engineers wet dream when it was built, there is no reason to lose control over the bus like this. Abraham backstory was very meh. Eugene still being fat is absurd, if the actor isn't even willing to shed some weight to make his character more believable, he deserves not a single penny more than those 90k.

ok, "sick inside, let them die" was also pretty good.

And the episode sure wasn't fast. There was so, so, so much time spent on two characters just talking to each other.

They may be getting more and more boxed in and don't realize it. The pockets of relative safety are shrinking as the zombie population rises. It'd be interesting if they ever bothered making a map and discovered that they are inside of a shrinking circle, with no choice but to pick a direction and bust through before they get overrun.
Why is the zombie pop on the rise? I'd expect in case of a global outbreak, which seems to be the situation here, you'd have the peak population reached within a few days or weeks while no one knows what's going on. After that all the stupid people that just get killed and add to the herd have died already. Zombies don't recreate on their own, so any zombie killed without anyone turning means pop -1. Survivors kill zombies by the dozen every month on average at least. The zombie population is on the decline at this point, the main problem is that modern technology breaks down much faster than it takes for the zombies to disappear. As Olebass said, any vehicle you find abandoned on the road has been sitting there for two years (is it two years now?) at this point. Tires are going flat, gas goes stale, the whole thing starts to rust. Anything out in the open is basically scrap metal at this point, and even cars kept in garages have the gas and the tires problem. There's no power, most food is probably rotten at this point.


> Than U
Rick makes 90k, rest make much less. I would guess Eugene makes 10-20k per episode.
Glass in fuel line caused the line to rupture which started a fire which blew out the tire, causing loss of control and crash.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I didn't see a fire during the crash and a small fire should definitely not make a tire just blow out like this. I don't like the crash, not one bit. It was yet another action scene that could have been solved a lot better. Like this: Engine dies, just as they're passing a 50+ zombie herd. They're all alive and healthy, but surrounded by zombies. Doesn't have the bam! wow! Action sequence, but instead it builds up tension as the bus slowly comes to a stop in the middle of zombiestan.


Avatar of War Slayer
the glass in the fuel line was very bad, pretty sure buses have 2 fuel filters.

think the whole more zombie thing is just better/cheaper cgi.

read someone theorizing that like how vinegar makes a bone soft the same must be happening to walkers, but instead of turning rubbery they are turning pudding, so don't know how that works.

this show had a lot of what seems to be "effects team has this, lets build a silly scenario around it" that was so annoying in earlier seasons.


privileged excrementlord
Did downy Bill Hicks' nose get jammed into his brain or something? That crunch sound was ridiculous.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Why is the zombie pop on the rise? I'd expect in case of a global outbreak, which seems to be the situation here, you'd have the peak population reached within a few days or weeks while no one knows what's going on. After that all the stupid people that just get killed and add to the herd have died already. Zombies don't recreate on their own, so any zombie killed without anyone turning means pop -1. Survivors kill zombies by the dozen every month on average at least. The zombie population is on the decline at this point, the main problem is that modern technology breaks down much faster than it takes for the zombies to disappear. As Olebass said, any vehicle you find abandoned on the road has been sitting there for two years (is it two years now?) at this point. Tires are going flat, gas goes stale, the whole thing starts to rust. Anything out in the open is basically scrap metal at this point, and even cars kept in garages have the gas and the tires problem. There's no power, most food is probably rotten at this point.
I thought about this a lot when they were at the prison. It seems like you could basically clear out the prison, and then do a sweep of about a mile around the prison over a few weeks and you'd almost never see another one again. Really, it shouldn't take very long to clear out these rural areas.

It's why I liked WWZ. The people in it were smart enough to just do a patrol line and kill them all and then...problem solved. There was still a small threat for ones they missed, but it became no more dangerous than minor diseases.


I thought about this a lot when they were at the prison. It seems like you could basically clear out the prison, and then do a sweep of about a mile around the prison over a few weeks and you'd almost never see another one again. Really, it shouldn't take very long to clear out these rural areas.
That drove me nuts too. Them every once in a while going up to the gates with very short stuff poking zombies. They would go out like 2 ppl at a time for like 30 minutes kill a few and give up. How about once a day EVERY PERSON goes out with a long sharp stick and kills all zombies a long the wall. do that for a week or two and there can't be that many to deal with.