The Walking Dead


Mr. Poopybutthole
Town assault: they have a fucking mounted gun that alone would overpower everyone in the prison with 1 guy. They roll in shooting grenades into the towers. Ok sweet. Prison people are fucked. Message accomplished. Then they go into a dark room all clumped up. OK, not a big deal. They aren't military so you can't expect perfection. Suddenly stun grenades or flashbangs or whatever the hell goes off and HELL YEA, EVERYONE'S ABOUT TO GET FUCKED UP. Oh wait we just have guys outside. We didn't want to use that great ambush except to force them outside where they were 4 minutes ago. But at least now they are caught off guard, and the prison people have far superior position and cover, aiming down with automatic weapons at a flood of people coming out of the door. Saweet, people are about to get fucked up. You could close your eyes and shoot and you would hit like 5 people. Somehow no one dies. No one dies. No one. Not a single person gets hit in any part of their body by a bullet. They then change back to physical form and run to the trucks, and I'm thinking "oh shit, this is about to get REAL YALL, HERE COMES THE MOUNTED GUN, GLENN AND MAGGIE ARE FUCKED, THOSE PLATES OF BULLSHIT METAL ARE GONNA GET SHREDDED. Instead the town folk run away. "I fight walkers, not people. I'm not going back there. Oh what's that, I knew we were going to the prison to kill a bunch of murderers when we went to the prison, ie the motherfucking reason we went? Oh yea, I just forgot that fact for this speech because I want the Guvna to have an excuse to massacre all of us."
This irritated me so much. It's like, "Yeah, let's go to war and fuck these guys up!" "Oh shit, I didn't think they were going to shoot back. Fuck this, I'm out!"

I also liked how Glenn and Maggie are wearing the riot gear. What purpose does that serve exactly? Just in case they kill you, so they have to deal with somewhat harder to kill zombies? Shit makes no sense.


Molten Core Raider
Shit was lol bad. The Gov. is waxing off his own people WHO ARE ALL FULLY ARMED and they don't think to shoot back.... wtf!


privileged excrementlord
"Gave up" after the first half of season 2. Still watch for the same reasons as Soy.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I like to think that all the AMC show writers hang out together, and the Breaking Bad writers constantly mock the Walking Dead writers like redheaded step children.

Lori sitting there babbling was retarded, entire time I'm like "Gonna wish you had those 30 seconds back". You'd figure stabbed nerd would at least tie himself to something with his jacket or wrap his head up in the jacket or drag himself over to get his head stomped on.

Governor going from "I do what I must to survive" and "I have an army!" to abandoning his city and killing all his soldiers in a bitch fit rage was completely lame. I'm not saying I was looking forward to another one of this shows terrible shootout scenes, but at least try to make sense.

Moving everyone into the prison makes no sense...they go from leaving hitchhikers on the side of the road because they might not be cool to taking in an entire town of grieving people with a vendetta against them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Not only is it an entire town, but it's the weakest of the bunch. Kids and old people. All the capable ones were mowed down by the Gov. So basically they have a bunch of extra people they have to take care of, as opposed to contributors.

But I guarantee next season there will be all kinds of fit military aged people in that group.


Millie's Staff Member
after watching that non ending of a season i immediately felt like the season 1 finale of The Killing. 13 episodes and we still didnt know who the killer was. TWD made us sit through 16 episodes and we never changed locations from the prison, didnt do anything to improve the prison, and didnt killl the bad guy of the season.

the funniest moment of the night is during this shitfest, they advertised the new season of The Killing. i was laughing my ass off.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I'm cool with next season if every time Carl opens his mouth Rick backhands the fuck out of him. Seriously this little fuck needs to die already!!!!
Are you kidding me? Carl is the only one that is taking the zombie apocalypse seriously, and he was right about not letting people go. Every time Dad took a chance, it backfired on them.


Lord Nagafen Raider
As far as stealing their guns and shit from the town, if you remember the humvee with the .50 cal mounted on it is still in the prison yard, where the tires went flat after the moron driving it ran over the spike trap.

They'll just leave it out there to be forgotten though, or it'll randomly vanish like the rims on the car Merle was driving.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Even the subreddit for The Walking Dead, which is usually a giant circlejerk for the show, is pretty much flooded with threads on how absolutely horrible this season finale was. I revealed to my fianc? about 3 weeks ago that I pretty much strongly disliked the show. It wasn't that I wanted to dislike it, but like most people here, the decisions of the writers and their glacial pacing of each episode pretty much make me facepalm through the whole show. Now even during this episode with the last five minutes she was like "Yup yup ok, ok she's dying, fuck it, switch to Game of Thrones."

Of all the ways to leave your finale open-ended to perhaps generate a buzz, this is most certainly not the way to do it. It's one thing to leave some mystery or a teaser. But to jerk everyone off saying "THERE'S GONNA BE A WAR GET READY" and then have about 5 minutes of nothing but people searching, getting scattered, and then everyone runs away? That's it? That's the war that this whole season has built up to? That's quite the "fuck you" to viewers.

I get what they were trying to do with the governer killing off all his own people. The writers clearly wanted that to be a huge, shocking moment. Problem is, the execution was done poorly, just like everything else on the show. No one really cares that he just murdered all his own people, because 1) we just ended up coming away from one of the most anti-climatic battles in a season finale ever, and 2) we don't know a single fucking character who he had killed. I still don't get how this show can have a huge fan base after that shit excuse of a season finale, but it will. What is hilarious though is that my Facebook feed, which is usually full of "omg walking dead best show evaaaaaar" had only one post about the show since last night, and all he said was "Really walking dead? Really?" I haven't given much of a shit about debating with anyone who likes the show, but I will say, you cannot defend that episode for being up to par on being a season finale.


privileged excrementlord
Why the fuck were you watching this before Game of Thrones anyway? Watch this shit on DVR and skip commercials.


Millie's Staff Member
Got was on all night. 3 times on hbo east then 3 times on hbo west. You literally had all night to catch it.

Some interesting remarks I read on the net was the gov saying, nah we wont need those torture tools anymore fucking over all the buildup. The somebody else said, tune in october for season 3 part 2.


<Prior Amod>
Every one of these guys saying they won't be back, will be back for sure.
Yup, I said that episodes ago. Same thing happened with Heroes. I have screen shots of everyones post who said they were done and will not come back no matter what.

After crapping up the thread several times with these posts, anyone who comes back for season 4 is getting shawed for 3 days.