The War Z


I have not tried it, but Reddit and other assessments have been, in order: 1) "Hey this looks like DayZ, what a ripoff" 2) "Wait why isn't there any ammo? Oh ... its all in the cash shop" and 3) "The devs have no idea what they are doing" and 4) "This game can be a lot of fun, but its pretty broken right now".

While I am(was) a DayZ fan, #1 and #4 don't really bother me all that much -- we've all played broken alphas (like, most every alpha out there). That being said, they seem to be in it for a quick money grab, porting an old game into a "survival" game (I've heard it described as an "arcade version" of DayZ) and charging money for ammo, which is apparently very very scare. Pay-to-win stuff makes me very antsy, especially in an alpha, especially from a dev that hasn't had a ton of successes before.


<Silver Donator>
Well what I've read isn't your #1-4 and mostly that there's a fuckton of cheaters. On reddit they posted the facebook post from the WarZ devs where they go like "go vote for our game as best mmo of 2012" or whatever, and then there's like 100posts about people saying fuck you fix the hacks.

So yeah.


Haven't played it because all my DayZ buds quit within a few days because of the ammo and unoriginal aspect of it all. As they put it to me: DayZ without Rocket is just wrong, doesn't play quite right, and oh yeah, you have to pay for ammunition in a game all about fighting and dying for mere scraps of shit. For christ sake, when I started DayZ I was killing people overbeans.

Only thing that ruined it really for me wasn't the bugs, it was the hacks. WarZ sounds like a half-assed rip-off where you pay for a half-assed hack.


I bought it while still in Alpha for 15$. I believe it's hitting beta or already has pretty soon. They've banned a ton of cheaters from when I first started playing. There was a fucking TON of cheaters, and from personal experience, they have been doing a very good job at dealing with them.

It's an incomplete game though, obviously since it's so early, but I've been enjoying my time playing when with a friend or two. Obviously I don't know their true intentions but what they have been adding and what they say they want to add has been pretty cool. It's still so early in the game to shit all over it, and I'll see a few months from now. But at the moment, if you have DayZ.. you may as well play DayZ. It's the same game currently. They have plenty of room to expand in this game, I'm hoping they do.


I was okay with it, and I feel like I've already gotten my moneys worth out of what I've played.. but when they launched it on steam like that was pretty fucking retarded. I don't expect it to stay on steam much longer..

Considering they just left alpha like 2 weeks ago, what the fuck were they thinking?
This is a pretty big black mark on Valve. I'm a Steam fan, but events like this show the platform and business to have some pretty big cracks. Valve really need to get more serious about customer service and their QA and submission teams.


This game had potential.. but I'm afraid the company just completely dug themselves a hole and they will not be releasing another game. (good for that)

Fucking retards.


Haha. Ouch.




wait wait

That is the same grass/mountain AND building textures in War Z

That shit came out 10 years ago
