The Zionists are whining thread


Unelected Mod
I'm not exaggerating anything, you literally are indoctrinated by biased media to hate Palestinians by portraying them as the only aggressors, it's not a guy in a bee suit telling you to kill a arab, but the end result is the same, tacit complicity allows for the killing of dehumanized people.
Even if I bought your premise that mainstream media outlets are biased against the palestinians, there is a huge difference between media bias and a "barnie" educating children that jews are the root of all evil and want to steal children and use their blood as makeup and in food. They aren't the same, by any degree. Are you really so blind that you can't see the difference?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
the end result is the same, it's just less blatant in a sophisticated mass media driven mil/indust complex, propaganda is a major proponent of modern warfare, ever since ww1.


Unelected Mod
No, the end results ARE NOT the same. As an adult, hearing news sources of some slight bias, you can either choose to dismiss them or use other sources. Indoctrination as a child though, removes all rational thought from the equation.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
No, the end results ARE NOT the same.
you're right the west can kill more arabs than vice versa, i'm talking about actual people killed, the west is easily > anything the arabs can muster, you want to say it corrupts their society by corrupting the youth to hate to the point that they'd lob rockets? how many arab countries invaded western ones, iraq, afghanistan, palestine, or some kind of aggression in libya, syria, yemen this is all enabled by massive propaganda campaigns to inspire whatever emotions that would allow the military to have the population support to commit war, hatred, complicity, apathy patriotism dehumanization of enemy is a big one. it's not crude like the arab example it's much more sophisticated but the end result is still war.

You want to argue a guy in a bee suit is a greater threat to civilized living to those regions? seriously I know you think it's only a couple "biased reports" in the west but it goes way beyond that way wayyyyyyyyyy beyond that.

seriously I can't believe the lefties who responded here don't realize that dehumanization of the enemy is a major proponent of propaganda.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Oh yeah Kahlid you're right, you have to check if it is a white people neighbourhood first. They are worth more.

Where the bombers living there? Yes. Therefore they were being harbored by the locals.
Seriously, are you the best representation the UK has to offer on these boards? There's a point where ignorance reaches such a profound level that trolling becomes an innate skill, and you have reached such a point. Bravo sir. My question is, with such a fundamental lack of understanding of what goes on outside your bubble (like thinking Cairo is safer than Tel-Aviv, rofl) aren't you embarrassed to post such ignorant shit? Boston Bomber comparison, really? Were the boston bombers firing missiles from their hiding place? No, they were HIDING you lackwit.

Curious, if the IRA was firing a steady stream of missiles from a residential building in Ireland at your kids' schoolyard, and the British army was planning on returning fire with an air-strike, you'd tell them to STOP right? You'd risk your kids lives, other kids lives, and British soldiers' lives as they organize to enter the area on foot, right? No, you'd be right there holding you finger over the big red "air-strike" button with your only desire being to make the incoming missles stop as quickly as possible, and you wouldn't give two shits about the other side.

Love these virtuous holier than thou types that have no idea of what type of enemy combatant you are dealing with here. They are happy to die, and the kids they are using as human shields are equally happy to die, because their version of Mr. Dress-Up piped over NATIONAL TV for all Pali children to watch wears a bomb vest too.


Unelected Mod
you're right the west can kill more arabs than vice versa, i'm talking about actual people killed, the west is easily > anything the arabs can muster, you want to say it corrupts their society? how many arab countries invaded western ones, iraq, afghanistan, syria, palestine, and you want to argue a guy in a bee suit is a greater threat to civilized living to those regions?
Wait, what? Holy shit bro, you just went way out of left field. The "West" is not Israel and Palestine is not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.

Again, you have stated that it is Israel and the US that are the problem in stopping peace here. That is bullshit and if you can't see how indoctrinating kids since birth that they should never want peace, that the jews are the devil and the blood libel, then I really don't know what to tell you.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
So my family is jewish (The Soviet Union definition where jew is an ethnicity and not just a religion). My family has friends and family that live in Israel. What I am about to tell you is anecdotal so take it for what it is. Some years ago, my mother's friend and her son came over here to the US for a pre military vacation for the son. We got to talking as I was curious about the military there. One of the things he told me is that the soldiers there have contest to see how many Palestinians they can shoot and keep a tally of these things to compare and brag about. I dont know how true this guys statements were but I see no reason for him to make up things like that to a total stranger. The feeling that I got from him is one of a seething hate towards the muslims.

So while Khalid is correct that the Palestinians teach their kids hate, the fact is that the Israeli's do the same. Fuck all of them, abandon the middle east and let them all slaughter each other is what I say.


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
Wait, what? Holy shit bro, you just went way out of left field. The "West" is not Israel and Palestine is not Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, etc.
it's not out of left field at all, if you understood the history of Israel at all you'd realize they wouldn't exist without the west. it's part of their history since the beginning and throughout every major event in their history it's had heavy help to enable them to exist.

also starting since the 1960's israel has become a major military outpost of the united states by this point.

Also what countries did the israelis who live there now come from? they all came from europe, to the arabs it's a western colony.


Unelected Mod
Oh the irony of you acting like I am the one that doesn't understand history. You conflate all these wars together and blame Israel for all of them, meanwhile ignoring all the violence the other way.

So my family is jewish (The Soviet Union definition where jew is an ethnicity and not just a religion). My family has friends and family that live in Israel. What I am about to tell you is anecdotal so take it for what it is. Some years ago, my mother's friend and her son came over here to the US for a pre military vacation for the son. We got to talking as I was curious about the military there. One of the things he told me is that the soldiers there have contest to see how many Palestinians they can shoot and keep a tally of these things to compare and brag about. I dont know how true this guys statements were but I see no reason for him to make up things like that to a total stranger. The feeling that I got from him is one of a seething hate towards the muslims.

So while Khalid is correct that the Palestinians teach their kids hate, the fact is that the Israeli's do the same. Fuck all of them, abandon the middle east and let them all slaughter each other is what I say.
Yep. We should stop helping to drag it out.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So my family is jewish (The Soviet Union definition where jew is an ethnicity and not just a religion). My family has friends and family that lives in Israel. What I am about to tell you is anecdotal so take it for what it is. Some years ago, my mother's friend and her son came over here to the US for a pre military vacation for the son. We got to talking as I was curious about the military there. One of the things he told me is that the soldiers there have contest to see how many Palestinians they can shoot and keep a tally of these things to compare and brag about. I dont know how true this guys statements were but I see no reason for him to make up things like that to a total stranger. The feeling that I got from him is one of a seething hate towards the muslims.

So while Khalid is correct that the Palestinians teach their kids hate, the fact is that the Israeli's do the same. Fuck all of them, abandon the middle east and let them all slaughter each other is what I say.
Cool story bro. Weird shit is, if I google "Palestinian children TV" you get a shit ton of fucking twisted, evil, Sesame Street for Suicide Bombers type shit. If I Google Israeli children's TV, I find dubbed My Little Pony. The Israelis must keep this indoctrination in the basement classroom I guess, rather than shamelessly piping it over state sponsored national TV to millions.

I have not doubt some soldiers do this. Just like Americans would keep track of "Kraut/Faulty Armor" kills. I don't think there's been a war where one side hasn't kept track of "kill count". There's a big fucking difference between a soldier learning to hate his enemy, and indoctrinating CHILDREN using corrupted evil versions of popular children TV characters.

The REALITY is that if you travel SE Asia, India, or Africa, you will find a TON of young Israelis, usually camped out on a beach somewhere smoking pot. Why? Because after their two year stint in the Army most need to seriously decompress over the disturbing shit they saw. There came a point in my travels where I'd actually seek them out, because for whatever reason the Israelis ALWAYS knew where to get good pot.. I don't know why, but they did. Anyways, I digress.. The Israelis I spoke with didn't hate the Palis because they wanted their land, nor did they hate them for their religion, they hated them for the fact that they had zero respect for human life, including their own. They hated the fact that they HAD to fire into civilian areas, because that's where they were being fired upon from. They hated the fact that parents would send their kids to throw rocks at them after school, and hated to have to make that decision as to when a rock hurts so much that you have to fire back, at children. One ex- soldier said he would never know if it was his bullet that killed a Pali teen when his squad was forced to return fire on a residential building they were being shot at from.

None of these guys I met came off as bloodthirsty murderers. None wanted to kill or martyr themselves. They just wanted to smoke weed, listen to Israeli Goa Trance, and go home to their the little strip of land the size of New Jersey after a year.

You people seriously need to travel to the region for yourself and see things for your own EYES. That's why I try and post video of live environments rather than some retarded study from nutty underground newsmag a la Fanaskin.


Potato del Grande
Curious, if the IRA was firing a steady stream of missiles from a residential building in Ireland at your kids' schoolyard, and the British army was planning on returning fire with an air-strike, you'd tell them to STOP right? You'd risk your kids lives, other kids lives, and British soldiers' lives as they organize to enter the area on foot, right? No, you'd be right there holding you finger over the big red "air-strike" button with your only desire being to make the incoming missles stop as quickly as possible, and you wouldn't give two shits about the other side.
In the heat of the moment, evacuate the school if any damage is actually being done, assess the intelligence on the launch site and send in my highly trained elite troops if civillians are in the area. Because Irish people are worth no less than British People, what is the point of saving British children if I kill a bunch of Irish children instead?

I would then ask for a ceasefire, listen to their grievances and fix the legitimate ones, I would then find some kind of third way compromise over the territory issue. Because the entire decade long conflict wasn't in the heat of the moment stopping misiles like an action film, there was time to make peace.

You are picking the wrong goddam nationality to make analogies with. I was taught the Northern Ireland situation in history lessons at school and it was open about the failings of the British state during the troubles with things like overzealous soldiers and manipulating boundaries for political benefit. In the end it was the British state's responsibilty to sort it out as the ruling power.

Is any of this sounding familiar? Best thing is that everything I posted above actually happened and now Northern Ireland is pretty much solved.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Cool story bro. Weird shit is, if I google "Palestinian children TV" you get a shit ton of fucking twisted, evil, Sesame Street for Suicide Bombers type shit. If I Google Israeli children's TV, I find dubbed My Little Pony. The Israelis must keep this indoctrination in the basement classroom I guess, rather than shamelessly piping it over state sponsored national TV to millions.

I have not doubt some soldiers do this. Just like Americans would keep track of "Kraut/Faulty Armor" kills. I don't think there's been a war where one side hasn't kept track of "kill count". There's a big fucking difference between a soldier learning to hate his enemy, and indoctrinating CHILDREN using corrupted evil versions of popular children TV characters.

The REALITY is that if you travel SE Asia, India, or Africa, you will find a TON of young Israelis, usually camped out on a beach somewhere smoking pot. Why? Because after their two year stint in the Army most need to seriously decompress over the disturbing shit they saw. There came a point in my travels where I'd actually seek them out, because for whatever reason the Israelis ALWAYS knew where to get good pot.. I don't know why, but they did. Anyways, I digress.. The Israelis I spoke with didn't hate the Palis because they wanted their land, nor did they hate them for their religion, they hated them for the fact that they had zero respect for human life, including their own. They hated the fact that they HAD to fire into civilian areas, because that's where they were being fired upon from. They hated the fact that parents would send their kids to throw rocks at them after school, and hated to have to make that decision as to when a rock hurts so much that you have to fire back, at children. One ex- soldier said he would never know if it was his bullet that killed a Pali teen when his squad was forced to return fire on a residential building they were being shot at from.

None of these guys I met came off as bloodthirsty murderers. None wanted to kill or martyr themselves. They just wanted to smoke weed, listen to Israeli Goa Trance, and go home to their the little strip of land the size of New Jersey after a year.

You people seriously need to travel to the region for yourself and see things for your own EYES. That's why I try and post video of live environments rather than some retarded study from nutty underground newsmag a la Fanaskin.
There are more ways than just TV to brain wash kids. Every person from Israel, and ones that identify themselves as related to Israel in one way or another (usually just being a "jew" is enough for them) that I know hates muslims and arabs in general.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
In the heat of the moment, evacuate the school if any damage is actually being done, assess the intelligence on the launch site and send in my highly trained elite troops if civillians are in the area. Because Irish people are worth no less than British People, what is the point of saving British children if I kill a bunch of Irish children instead?

I would then ask for a ceasefire, listen to their grievances and fix the legitimate ones, I would then find some kind of third way compromise over the territory issue. Because the entire decade long conflict wasn't in the heat of the moment stopping misiles like an action film, there was time to make peace.

You are picking the wrong goddam nationality to make analogies with. I was taught the Northern Ireland situation in history lessons at school and it was open about the failings of the British state during the troubles with things like overzealous soldiers and manipulating boundaries for political benefit. In the end it was the British state's responsibilty to sort it out as the ruling power.

Is any of this sounding familiar? Best thing is that everything I posted above actually happened and now Northern Ireland is pretty much solved.
Yeah duh, I chose the IRA because considering your ignorance of everything else in the world, I knew it would at least be a topic you'd understand coming from the UK. Derp.

Glad to know you'd risk your kids life while you "assess" the launch site and gather the "elite troops" while missiles rain down for the next two hours. Then you can explain to the mom/dad of the little British kid that got his head blown off by an errant homemade rocket that you were "assessing" things.

And peace worked for the Irish/British because neither Roman Catholics or Protestants believe they get 72 virgins in heaven when they blow themselves up, and neither embodies a culture leftover from the Dark Ages (sharia law)


Unelected Mod
and neither embodies a culture leftover from the Dark Ages.
Well, thats debatable.

However, yeah, neither side was preaching for the extermination of the other side.


Potato del Grande
I think that I've rustled some of those jimmies with my razor sharp analogy.

Glad to know you'd risk your kids life while you "assess" the launch site and gather the "elite troops" while missiles rain down for the next two hours. Then you can explain to the mom/dad of the little British kid that got his head blown off by an errant homemade rocket that you were "assessing" things.
Why are they still in the school?

And peace worked for the Irish/British because neither Roman Catholics or Protestants believe they get 72 virgins in heaven when they blow themselves up, and neither embodies a culture leftover from the Dark Ages.
Yeah they don't have a monopoly on that.

Israelis sound chill on vacation, just leisurely relieving stress and being free. Must be great for their quality of life.

Freedom of movement. Such enjoyment, much bros.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I think that I've rustled some of those jimmies with my razor sharp analogy.

Why are they still in the school?
Well, the irony and reality is that if the IRA was shooting missiles, they would probably be modernized and semi-accurate. The school probably would have been flattened by the first volley and any response would be purely retributive in nature. The missiles the Palis fire can only be roughly aimed, and rarely hit their intended target. That fact is both a blessing and a curse, because while the school most likely won't get hit, everything else within a square kilometer is fair game. You can evacuate the school, but ironically it's just as likely they get hit while crossing the street. The "randomness" and frequency (they can fire a lot of them quickly) is what makes it so terrifying, and is what forces such an immediate response.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Israelis sound chill on vacation, just leisurely relieving stress and being free. Must be great for their quality of life.

Freedom of movement. Such enjoyment, much bros.
Yup, and when the Palis stop trying to blow up school busses maybe there won't be a need for security checkpoints anymore. Kinda like when they stop hijacking planes and crashing them into buildings, I won't have to spend an hour in line at the airport having my body bombarded by a "millimeter wave scanner". Fucking muslim terrorists, restricting my movement.


Pay to play forum
Maybe Israel should politely ask the Arabs to leave and migrate to Africa? It never hurts to politely ask. Problem solved. German diplomacy, best diplomacy.