Thief (2014)


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Expectations based on what though?

Deus Ex: Human Revolution? Comparing each game to the rest of its series, Thief is easily superior to everything in DXHR except for the Missing Link DLC.

The last Thief game? Deadly Shadows got shit on just as much as this game when it was new. Part of it was justified, part of it was due to it being somewhat unfairly associated with Deus Ex: Invisible War.

Dishonored? Kind of a stretch there, and besides Dishonored failed miserably as a stealth game because Corvo was godmode from practically the beginning.

I expected pretty much exactly what was delivered, so I guess maybe that's why I'm fine with it.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I will say one thing though - as a "semi negative" and that is I'm finding the game a ton more enjoyable on the SECOND playthrough because I turned on all the custom stuff to make it force me to play it "right" (i.e. Ghost under its terminology) - when you remove the modernized stuff with the custom options forcing you to be super stealthy and not having focus anymore it's a far funner experience, almost Dark Soulsy in a way because you're going to fail A TON until you get it precise.

Playing on Rogue the first time just to get the grasp on everything as a whole without any restrictions on how I played or consequences wasn't nearly as enjoyable.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, I started with all the difficulty switches except for ironman, chapter saves, and slow movement. Well, restarted... took me a while to realize that leaving upgrades on but focus off was just dumb, and slow movement is just WAY too fucking tedious.


My 'expectations' comment was more to the fact that two games at the same rating could get so different comments as 'shit' and 'amazing'. I'm personally waiting for the steam sales for my Thief 2014 purchase. Loved the old thief games, looking forward to this one.

Edit: plural


Golden Squire
Thief 1 and 2 are my all time favorite games, and so far I think this kind of sucks.

I'm only a little way in - do you follow this shitty female NPC the entire game?


God damn this is one of the most uninspired games I've played in quite some time. I honestly can't think of a single positive quality.


Ok I didn't think I would rant about this game, nor do most people care about this anymore, but I have to let it e-out after hesitantly buying it at full price.

TL;DR? Canadians are assholes.

Storywise the game is just a big bore. I see major parallel's between Thief and Bioshock Infinite. Both have a revolution. Both put you against both regimes even though you helped one for awhile, they turn against you later. I got so bored with the story I quit bothering to follow it. Oh a tower is exploding, how nice, don't really care why anymore.

The freedom to jump everywhere was very disappointing. The lack of freedom with rope arrows was equally disappointing. I feel like designers have way too big of an ego these days that they demand players follow only approved courses of action. No matter what, they cannot possibly allow a player to fail so for every situation there is a pretty damn simple way to bypass any obstacle. I mean those stupid grates that he uses with that hook thing are just retarded and it's silly how they magically appear everywhere there isn't another way in. I might have lost my focus for this point but the lack of freedom in the game is very disappointing considering that this was one of Thief 1 and 2's great if underestimated appeal.

Didn't really care for the AI but I didn't really hate it either. It wasn't as dumb as T
S but still pretty predictable and after playing T1 and 2 so much not much challenges me in that department as i'm sure it was the same for most of you.

The cutscenes were pretty dry. Also if you're not going to do them at an LA:Noire level dont even bother and just animate them like Thief 1 and 2 did. The random banter was a bit improved over T
S though.

That brings me to another thing. They completely threw out the language of Thief 1 and 2 and went with COD/BF modern vernacular instead. WTF. I wasn't expecting much and maybe it's better that they didn't actually try because T
S's use of the word Taffer was an abortion in and of itself. Still, the banter and cutscene language was uninspired and completely bland.

Levels that force you forward without the possibility of going back are beyond retarded. Whatever asshole designed that should quit their day job and go find a craft closer to their real talents, I recommend trying a circus.

The grab/interact animations, what the bleep were those about? They force your body to be perpendicular to everything and slow you down. A speedrun of this game would be a complete bore.

Moira's asylum level has a very similar start when compared to the Shalebridge Cradle from T
S. Also I knew as soon as I would go throuhg the doors that they would slam shut on me. I called that cliche from a mile away.

The City is a complete disaster. They used T
S as their inspiration for what the city should be. Sure you can move around the rooftops more but the loading windows that force you to hold E are just a disaster. Next Thief game needs to stop trying to use this concept because these assholes as Eidos have no clue what they are doing. Just put in big missions, a few of them in a big open city streets like Thief 1/2 had and absolutely no in-level loading. I can't fathom what kind of imbred assholes work at Eidos to be this retardedly stupid. Idiotic morons to a man.

There isn't enough variation between light and dark in the game. Sure you can drop your brightness but artistically the developers didn't use enough variation which is why they had to include loot glint, otherwise a shiny gold coin blends right into the lightly lit stone block. They don't have to go all cartoony, just balance the light/black a lot more intelligently.

The storyline is just simply uninspired. I saw paralells with other games all along the way. I bet a guy could find an exact copy of every major story element in another game of the last 10 years. There just isn't a lot of originality here, just an attempt at a franchise money grab.

The only good thing I can really say about the game is the level designers did a decent job aside from the previously mentioned issues. Architecture was very neat and I wanted to be able to explore things more but the dumb ass canuck designers never let you.

Honestly, I wish Eidos would stop letting canadians make games in this series. They might be good developers but they are completely clueless when it comes to a Thief game.